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Nancy Allen``

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Sold Vader out? The only way I think the Emperor may have done that is by trying to kill Luke, which Vader didn't want. Is that what you are referring to?...  [Read More]
This has probably been asked before, but why did Vader stop Luke from slaying the Emperor and proceeding to fight him? Was he simply defending Palpatine? Or what he preventing Luke from going over to the Dark Side by slaying Sidious?...  [Read More]
Well, there's been plenty of christians who bomb abortion clinics and gay bars... but not typically in suicide attacks. Certainly Christians do not escape criticism, with some militant against homosexuals and abortions far and above the fear that th...  [Read More]
Oh God, that what? I thought the Beetles saying they were bigger than Jesus was bad. But you are right in what you say, as much of a serve as this may be to Muslims, could you tell me the last time a devout Christian, Jew or Buddist blew up a bus or...  [Read More]
Uh-huh. One need not murder people directly to be an extremist. Of course not. You look at people such as the Klu Klux Klan. Even if they do not murder black people their view of white supremacy is extremist. Kind of like the idea that Aboriginals a...  [Read More]
A lot of people can take blasphemy seriously and not not strap bombs to their bodies to seek some great reward by killing infidels in a suicide attack. Yes, that is critical of Islamic extremists, but that is certainly...with the possible exception o...  [Read More]
What do you mean, Nancy? This isnґt finished? Oh I don't think so, not by a long shot. ( Although I believe in the freedom of speech, I donґt think that the "free provocation" is good. W...  [Read More]
Hell no!  [Read More]
Certainly in countries where militant Islam is the rule clerics and supporters of the Muslim faith would not want to speak out, and I urge them to get out of those places no matter how much they love it, if they can. But even in civillised societies...  [Read More]
Either people agree explicitly or implicitly with the behavior, don't care enough to oppose it, or are scared to oppose it. And that's one of the big problems, how people fear reprisals for supporting or opposing a point of view. It may sound over t...  [Read More]
I don't get the muslim press or al jazeria (?), and i don't attend mosques or muslim schools, but i'd be willing to be that they have said offensive things about other countries, leaders, religions at one point or another. They do. "American bl...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vengence of the Republic
 Nancy Allen``
03-15-2006, 3:04 AM
"Yup," Jessie replied, "and we had a rather animated discussion as well. Uh, me and Juhani, that is." She leaned back, looking over at something in the distance. "It helped, take my mind off what happened." Trying to war...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vengence of the Republic
 Nancy Allen``
02-25-2006, 7:35 AM
Jessie waited outside to see what Juhani made of what had occured. The Council might have had a better idea, but she was a soldier, not a Jedi. She respected them enough to not barge in demanding answers from them or the Jedi Knight she understood wa...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vengence of the Republic
 Nancy Allen``
02-18-2006, 5:10 AM
As Jessie searched for Juhani she came across a group of Younglings training with Vibroswords. Trying to push the images she had aside she wondered where there master was and decided to head over to them. "Hi there," she said by way of gree...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vengence of the Republic
 Nancy Allen``
02-16-2006, 6:47 AM
Juhani considered following Kaedra, but she didn't know where she might have gone and thought it would be better to allow her to clear her head like Jessie. She looked over the fallen soldier, trying to decide whether or not the way she twitched in h...  [Read More]
Posted in: Vengence of the Republic
 Nancy Allen``
02-15-2006, 4:23 PM
Juhani was sensing the same dark feeling as Kaedra was, although she was not a master yet and wasn't able to tell what exactly they were, or even if they were from the visions Kaedra were having or the dark thoughts projected onto Jessie. She certain...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hitler is coming.... I mean Bush.
 Nancy Allen``
02-16-2006, 3:46 PM
You'll get no arguement from me that there is an overreaction to pedophiles. The people who fight against it, who propose not being allowed to take photos of your children, to play with your children, are nutters. I know, I've seen them in action. I...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hitler is coming.... I mean Bush.
 Nancy Allen``
02-15-2006, 4:31 PM
I think the Bush hate is overblown as well, but the simple fact is Presidents Truman and Grant are not attacked, criticised and people wish death on half as much as Bush. Lincoln is considered a hero by many, something you could probably not say abou...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hitler is coming.... I mean Bush.
 Nancy Allen``
02-15-2006, 8:53 AM
Infact the bits of the PT films where the characters got all preachy "The day we stop believing democracy can work, is the day we lose it." "If you're not with me... then you're my enemy! " (direct bush quote) etc.. were some of...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hitler is coming.... I mean Bush.
 Nancy Allen``
02-15-2006, 3:04 AM
Yes, I did pick up on the British accents and thought maybe it was Britain vs America, or Allies vs Axis. It's interesting to hear that Nixon was the original model for Palpatine, although I would not be surprised at the comparisons to him and Bush s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Screenshot Tools
 Nancy Allen``
03-15-2006, 4:38 AM
I would love to use the screenshot mod for KOTOR but am unsure how to get it to work. Can someone tell me how to get it to run, and how to take screenshots when it is? I'd love to take some good screenies of th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Who is the best Sith Lords?
 Nancy Allen``
02-18-2006, 6:45 AM
Yeah, keeping them out of the hands of the Sith sounds like that would be a very good idea. Same applies for Force powers....  [Read More]
Posted in: Who is the best Sith Lords?
 Nancy Allen``
02-17-2006, 8:27 PM
As is all of them. The swordplay seen in the prequals make Luke and Vader look about as threatening as Han Solo trying to wield a lightsaber. What Aayla, Annakin, Mace, Obi Wan, ect are capeable of is crap, it's just crap that they should be able to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Who is the best Sith Lords?
 Nancy Allen``
02-16-2006, 4:32 PM
I'd have to go with Palpatine because of how evil he is....  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi you would most like to be?
 Nancy Allen``
02-16-2006, 4:30 PM
Revan because she was the coolest I've seen. A smart alec who didn't have to follow the Jedi ways yet still stood up for her friends even though she was a dark lord....  [Read More]
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