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Posted in: Face Customization?
10-07-2005, 6:08 PM
face customization: good and bad. i've played a few wwe wrestling games. some of them have had face templates (more than kotor though, they had something like 70 something faces), and the player could then choose from hair templates and facial hair t...  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR III: What You Crave! :)
10-09-2005, 2:03 AM
the one master and one apprentice rule didn't come till later at one point there's a brotherhood of evil shmoes. that led to infighting and the near self-destruction of the evil shmoes so they decided there'd only be two shmoes at a time...  [Read More]
Posted in: Enemies in KOTOR III
10-07-2005, 7:25 PM
exar kun IS still alive. according to the star wars expanded universe stuff. his spirit is discovered still alive in the massassi temples on yavin 4 in the post-movie era. sith high council might not exactly work out either. the jedi have a jedi high...  [Read More]
Posted in: What do you NOT want in KOTOR III?
10-17-2005, 7:51 PM
hey for the stuff about wanting to see yavin 4... was yavin 4 even discovered yet back then? besides by exar kun... the sith lord who brought the massassi there. his name is on the tip of my tongue... damnit. but you know who i'm talking about. i don...  [Read More]
Posted in: Developer for KOTOR 3
10-07-2005, 7:21 PM
i'd say obsidian as well. lucasarts pushed them to get the game out before they were ready, so the end was pretty crap. but look at the rest of the game! act 1 (peragus to telos) was good. act 2 (dantooine, nar shaddaa, onderon/dxun, korriban)... wai...  [Read More]
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