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Posted in: Hex editing
11-25-2005, 11:57 AM
As many of you I had the game the moment it was available and am in no mood to wait around for the tools to come out... I've done extensive modding on BF1942/Vietnam but never touched on hex editors. What I need is some sort of tutorial for hex editi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mystery of the MYTH (Will there be a KOTOR 3 ?)
08-09-2005, 1:48 PM
I'm sure they will bring out another, the story was just not completed at the close of KotOR II....  [Read More]
Posted in: A new way to look at Stealth
08-08-2005, 9:18 AM
Sweet idea... Although I would agree with Achilles that I would hate to see it turn into Hitman. But then you always have the option not to play that way at all....  [Read More]
Posted in: What you'd like in KOTOR III..
08-08-2005, 9:27 AM
Lmao, agreed! I think that instead of having your guys being sliced and diced over and over again in a fight, there could be a fluid and continuing duel. Each character not wounding each other, but trying to find a break in the other's defences, but...  [Read More]
Posted in: What you'd like in KOTOR III..
08-06-2005, 11:39 AM
Well personally I would be content to wait while my character spoke, but if you click mouse 1 then it skips it anyway right? I forgot to mention as most of you have that I also would like to see less restrictive environments and bigger maps....  [Read More]
Posted in: What you'd like in KOTOR III..
08-06-2005, 10:02 AM
Ok, I've been wanting to say this FOREVER!!! Gimme VOICOVERS!!!!!!!! I would sacrifice almost anything in the game to see voiceovers for the main character in the game! I don't know why they didn't put them in the first two games and I doubt we'll s...  [Read More]
Posted in: More Kotor III Rumour News!
08-06-2005, 12:49 PM
Yah, I would loooove for the story to take off from the moment the Ebon Hawk and crew leave Malachor V. PS, I've never played the game on the D/S so I don't know how the game ends that way lol....  [Read More]
Posted in: Graphics engine for KOTOR 3
08-08-2005, 9:32 AM
I would just like to see something that would permit the use of my GeForce ti 4200! :roleyess: And I do think the current engine is way outdated even for K2....  [Read More]
Posted in: POST Your Bugs Here! (2nd Demo)
08-17-2005, 4:01 PM
Thanks! I have been! Uhhh, any rough estimate on when the final mod will be complete, or should I be asking this somwhere else?...  [Read More]
Posted in: POST Your Bugs Here! (2nd Demo)
08-17-2005, 7:10 AM
Thank you sooo much!!! I just removed the other mods from the directory and it works great now!!! Great mod guys! I downloaded a 199MB one on File Planet I think. Thanks again!...  [Read More]
Posted in: POST Your Bugs Here! (2nd Demo)
08-05-2005, 7:45 AM
Ok, just downloaded the mod(with dial-up!), started it and everything was red... Bright bright red! Except the floor which was deep black... When I moved the player closer to the walls and such the detail would appear and the bright color would only...  [Read More]
Posted in: Install problems? Official fix here
08-08-2005, 9:08 PM
I get the EXACT SAME ERROR!!!! The exact same message... I'm hoping it's a technical issue, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see....  [Read More]
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