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Aash Li

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Posted in: What's your Wallpaper? (56k ouchies)
 Aash Li
09-30-2005, 11:57 AM
Revan, dude, why don't you just do the most logical thing possible and make a NekoBastila mod ;) Seriously:D PS, you'd probably like kittykitty's sig over at holowan;) OMG!! That would be so kawaii(really cute)!! Yes, someone should attempt to do it...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's your Wallpaper? (56k ouchies)
 Aash Li
09-29-2005, 8:09 PM
Thankyou all for not <img src>'ing your pics in your posts I appreciate it. ^_^ Heres my latest wallpaper... and yes, I run around on iichan getting my wallpapers from there. <3 Angelic Wallpaper (  [Read More]
Posted in: What's your Wallpaper? (56k ouchies)
 Aash Li
09-19-2005, 9:43 PM
Or rather, post a link to the pic, I dont like left-right scrolling to read posts....  [Read More]
Posted in: What's your Wallpaper? (56k ouchies)
 Aash Li
09-18-2005, 6:28 PM
Ashley's Most Favourite WP ( Always loved this wallpaper, its been up more times than any other one. hehe. Note that its not nudity, or nipples, or bare butts this time. :) But you probly shouldnt ope...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's your Wallpaper? (56k ouchies)
 Aash Li
09-12-2005, 10:53 PM
Im a fooling-around addict (foreplay minus the sex). lol Ok, here's the link, I hope I dont get banned for this... its *not* porn... I dont believe (one) nipple and butt cheeks constitute pr0n... but thats just me, I dont believe it should be consid...  [Read More]
Posted in: What's your Wallpaper? (56k ouchies)
 Aash Li
09-11-2005, 5:26 PM
mine is an anime girl with red hair and pretty fairy wings... it sounds sorta dull, but the pic is quite pretty. Cant show it on here though because she has a nipple showing (and is nude). ^_^;;...  [Read More]
Posted in: Love: is it a decision
 Aash Li
09-28-2005, 7:13 PM
Love is a chemical reaction (I hate saying it like that) and a bit more, its a mysterious force, and I dont care what some people say, it doesnt care who, or what you are. But let me explain a bit more... Love and attraction are linked but also diff...  [Read More]
Posted in: Banning gay marrages should it be allowed
 Aash Li
08-31-2005, 11:43 PM
*yawns* When did this thread turn into such a flame war? Point: the bible says man should not lay with man... and while that is a pretty sexist view point, we could go along with that to the other extreme and say that it says nothing about women lay...  [Read More]
Posted in: Banning gay marrages should it be allowed
 Aash Li
08-27-2005, 1:52 AM
Darth Andrew thats a *very* weak excuse for wanting to not allow gay marriage. If youre reasoning is based on religious views then fine, its your right to be misguided, but dont use some lame excuse to try and back it up. Lumping gay marriage/unions...  [Read More]
Posted in: Banning gay marrages should it be allowed
 Aash Li
08-27-2005, 12:29 AM
lol. I didnt say I liked the idea, but its technically legal... and theyre both adults... so... heh If I had a woman wanting to marry me that was twice my age (ew), Id be grossed out....  [Read More]
Posted in: Banning gay marrages should it be allowed
 Aash Li
08-26-2005, 11:49 PM
I have no problem with polygamy, as long as a woman is allowed to marry multiple men (though I cant see a woman torturing herself like that). But the 40 year old marrying a teenager... if the teen is 18 then they are adults so go for it (but its stil...  [Read More]
Posted in: Banning gay marrages should it be allowed
 Aash Li
08-26-2005, 10:11 PM
being les myself, Im for some type of legal joining of two partners, I dont care what its called as long as everyone is allowed to have the same rights. We went through the same thing with black people being treated like subhumans, and this isnt any...  [Read More]
lols @ Primes screenie. Damn, thats what the TSL graphics look like? They look better than kotor1s judging by that screenie alone. ^_^...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests Thread (#5)
 Aash Li
07-08-2005, 11:35 PM
While you can't remodel the head to have those silly super-long ears, you can recolour textures so that he has blonde hair and whatever colour eyes he has. --- I was reading that I hate d20 thread over on Obsidian, and I had an idea: A mod that rem...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Padawan Robe Templates are available for download
 Aash Li
07-09-2005, 3:19 PM
That would be cool. They had cds a million years ago? ^_^; I just noticed your forum title... will work for guano... >_<...  [Read More]
Posted in:  Padawan Robe Templates are available for download
 Aash Li
07-09-2005, 10:24 AM
It would be nice if these robe-templates were for Kotor as well as TSL.. >_>...  [Read More]
Posted in: [ART] Non-Anime Kotor fanart!
 Aash Li
08-19-2005, 3:15 PM
Must be nice to be able to afford Copic markers... I looked them up and they are 6$ a pen, with sets ranging from 50$ to 400$ (on the site). At that price they can keep them and Ill continue using Photoshop....  [Read More]
Posted in: [ART] Non-Anime Kotor fanart!
 Aash Li
08-18-2005, 11:38 PM
So Kyla... what I want to know is, how did you get your art to look so nice? I mean what did you use to draw them with, and colour with? :) Me being an artist, I like seeing other peoples art and knowing what they use... even though sometimes I feel...  [Read More]
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