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Page: 10 of 15
Posted in: Anger! Hard Drive! Bad!
12-08-2002, 6:14 PM
Ah well, at least ONE PERSON has an excuse for not showing up to the QUAKE GAME ( My condolences scabb-o....  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Knight 2
12-02-2002, 10:51 PM
How did the forums survive so long without those strikethrough tags? They are truly a wondrous invention. Also: not me. Sorry....  [Read More]
Posted in: favorite joke?
11-18-2002, 3:18 PM
You want sick jokes? I got sick jokes! Even the one Uncle Junior posted! If it's sick jokes you're after, you're probably on the right forum!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Old Radio Shows
11-14-2002, 2:29 PM
It might interest you all to know that the BBC plan to cough up a new radio station (cunningly called 'Radio Seven' or something) later this year, or perhaps early next year, dedicated to airing their vast collection of old radio plays and some new o...  [Read More]
Posted in: For those who are looking for GF soundtrack
11-14-2002, 2:32 PM
Cool. It went for $56 in the end. Ten out of ten to the seller for waiting until it became valuable before putting it up for sale, minus several million for only shipping to the US. (And making this sort of post is where thinking about HHGG gets you....  [Read More]
Posted in: For those who are looking for GF soundtrack
11-11-2002, 11:47 AM
El Seller's refusal to ship outside the US earns him the following free gifts: One (1) cussing, bad....  [Read More]
Posted in: Tierra de los Muertos CD release
10-30-2002, 6:24 PM
I like the sound of the answering machine message! :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Most Wanted: Scumm Utilities
10-16-2002, 1:55 PM
Leave it, bring it, I think I'll turn myself off....  [Read More]
Posted in: Most Wanted: Scumm Utilities
10-15-2002, 6:43 PM
I like the sound of that dialogue tree explorer, Murray. The other suggestions (apart from the SCUMM compiler) sound like something that would have a limited lifespan - but you could play around with a dialogue viewer, like, forever! Or until you go...  [Read More]
Posted in: ****! I love Grim Fandango!
09-12-2002, 12:03 PM
Dearest Grim, You bastard. You made such promises, and gave me six days of unparalled adventure joy, but then you left me. Oh, I tried playing you all over again from the beginning, but things have never been the same between us. I hate you. Love,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Tierra de los Muertos, complete
09-18-2002, 8:13 PM
Originally posted by 8 of 12 I liked the song. It worked well. :) Great song! I found myself singing it as I tried, unsuccessfully, to refurbish my old computer and make it half-decent. Appropriate lyrics - damn that computer....  [Read More]
Posted in: Saves??????
09-09-2002, 12:41 PM
The patch doesn't weigh in much bigger than a saved game anyway, so you'd better start cranking up that modem....  [Read More]
Posted in: first adventure
09-05-2002, 2:05 PM
Originally posted by Alien426 Dallas: The parser even reacted to rude words. I found that out when I got fed up by not knowing what to do next and typed "**** you". I got a dispraising reply. West on the Sinclair QL (a pure text adventure)...  [Read More]
Posted in: first adventure
09-04-2002, 8:34 PM
Originally posted by Hellbeard Did you get to shoot J.R.? Did the entire game all turn out to be a dream?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Guess who I saw!
09-05-2002, 2:11 PM
Originally posted by scabb Well, I am a celeberity, really famous one, because I was on TV for a few seconds :P When I was 11, I was on a show called '50/50', representing my school, Outwood Grange. I'm number 17Great! Just the sort of rubbish that...  [Read More]
Posted in: Guess who I saw!
09-03-2002, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Tall Guy heh, he's pretty win! :D:D:D But he was doing official celebrity stuff. Seeing celebrity types in Asda or something is far cooler!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Guess who I saw!
08-29-2002, 5:38 PM
No, you're not the only Brit here! I have the ultimate respect for Jonny Vegas after he went on Room 101 and admitted to the nation that he frequents a chat room called "Beauties Castle". Oh man! As for celebrity sightings, I saw that blok...  [Read More]
Posted in: Full Trailer
09-03-2002, 11:51 AM
I just watched it a few more times. Still didn't see Nick! Where is he?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Full Trailer
08-29-2002, 5:46 PM
Huh. I must've bought my Sam and Max and DoTT double pack too early to get the trailer included. I've just been watching my version of the trailer (I got it on a PC Format CD, or something), and I didn't see Nick at all. Nick?! Where does he show up...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hellbeards 3D Pong Challenge 2
08-20-2002, 3:07 PM
Originally posted by COJ got 821!! sucka!!! dunno how i did it, I think i didnt do that well Dude. Were you looking at the computer's score? ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Online Official Game Servers
08-24-2002, 5:40 PM
MIQC's matches were played at allotted times, particularly the more unusual ones (ie. anything that wasn't Quake or Counterstrike). It worked well, and since you'll undoubtedly be recruiting people from outside of #monkey-island, it's probably the on...  [Read More]
Posted in: Quote the Raven
08-24-2002, 5:36 PM
Hey, Gendo guessed scabb's. Not much detail, but then there's only so much detail you can give for a line of badly-translated text from a Sega Mega Drive (aka. Genesis) game. But what's this? I just added some more detail in a desperate attempt to g...  [Read More]
Posted in: Quote the Raven
08-16-2002, 11:44 AM
Sounds a lot like Gus from Drop the Dead Donkey, but I think it's far more likely to be... ...from DUNE, spoken by the Guild Navigator. I assume it's in the book, the movie, and the miniseries, but I know it's in the movie so I'll go with that. So,...  [Read More]
Posted in: Does Maximino's Office Really exist?
09-04-2002, 8:38 PM
Someone posted the answer to this on the forums a while back. I'd post a link, but they're down right now. Snarl. The gist of it is, there was originally a lot more dialogue than was included in the finished game. It was removed...  [Read More]
Posted in: My first attempt at PHP
09-05-2002, 2:16 PM
Blame the government....  [Read More]
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