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Posted in:  My Robe Release
03-15-2005, 4:02 PM
Originally posted by Harker Any chance you will release your PSD for this, or at least explain how you got the alphas not to cut through everything? I'm hear to learn! Uhh, you dont need the psd files, just open up tga in photoshop and check those...  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL] Fuel Quest Bug Help
03-13-2005, 5:33 AM
No it is bugged, the security guy on Telos says that when you get the fuel, you should talk with him, but when you do get Vogga to supply fuel he never acknowledges that (the dialog is not there) and always at the end of the game he mentions that the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests Thread (#3)
02-25-2005, 1:48 AM
Originally posted by Nodakrattler I don't have access to my computer, gotta love night check, but if you open the apperance.2da file and look for her apperance then look along that line it should list their name in the modleb column. Hope this helps...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod Requests Thread (#3)
02-24-2005, 9:11 PM
Could someone point out the file names for Atris? I'm trying to make her robes wearable and I seem to be unable to locate the model for them, I found textures, but they are for a different model then any robes in the game so simple retexturing would...  [Read More]
Posted in: Gmax Help!
04-07-2005, 5:13 PM
Check where you installed gmax, in that directory there will be gmax.exe <-- thats the file you want to run. Now if you have NWMax installed and you want to work with kotor, you will want to start nwmax.exe in the same gmax directory (if you do no...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kotor Tool - v1.0.2210.16738 (2006-1-19 12:38)
03-12-2005, 5:03 PM
I have the same exact problem as MacLeodCorp, this happens when using GFF editor, to replicate take any uti file in the game, open it from within KT by doubleclicking, edit something, then save the file, now when I use the edited file in the game it...  [Read More]
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