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[TSL] Fuel Quest Bug Help

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03-13-2005, 5:00 AM
I had it confirmed for me the other day that the fuel quest is indeed bugged. Something about the conversation with Vogga mis-sets a variable (to 5 instead of 4) so that the quest can never be finished.

Now, fixing it should be a fairly simple mod. Problem: I walked away from KotOR modding some time ago and I am now more of a lamer n00b than I used to be. I can't figure out how to fix the bug using KotOR Tool (though I did succeed in rendering Vogga mute by playing around with the Vogga.dlg file.) Also, I've been trying to figure out what variable is set in the savegame so I can fix it in existing saves with KSE.

it was this thread ( that set me down this path. I would appreciate if anyone can tell me how to do this right or if this guy even knows what he's talking about (I expect he does.)

Thanks. Sorry for being such a lamer n00b.
03-13-2005, 5:11 AM
Huh? I completed it just fine, I think...:confused:
03-13-2005, 5:33 AM
No it is bugged, the security guy on Telos says that when you get the fuel, you should talk with him, but when you do get Vogga to supply fuel he never acknowledges that (the dialog is not there) and always at the end of the game he mentions that they still have fuel problems.
03-13-2005, 5:59 AM
It moves into the "Completed" list but the quest is never resolved and Telos is always running short of fuel at the end of the game.
03-13-2005, 7:41 AM
Ah yes... I too was confused why the Grenn guy didn't achnowledge it - but since it moved into "completed quests", I figured that it was indeed completed properly...
03-13-2005, 8:15 AM
Okay...When I modded it with KotORTool I apparently mucked up the header info -- thus Vogga being silent. Tried with a GFFeditor this time. Works as advertised.

Now to find the variable.
03-13-2005, 8:40 AM
The variable in question is "200TEL_Fuel". Vogga's dialog first sets it to 4, and then a couple of nodes further down sets it to 5. Lt. Grenn's dialog on Citadel Station only triggers if the value is 4.

When he's rewarded you (wish some credits and Exp) for finding them a new fuel source, his dialog sets "200TEL_Fuel" to 5.

When Grenn gives you your reward his dialog sets another global, "351NAR_Fuel_Shipment", which is used near the end when Citadel Station comes under attack and you speak to Grenn and he speaks about the fuel situation.

There is, however, another problem if you just fix Vogga's dialog to set the variable properly. Grenn's reward dialog updates the journal with an invalid entry. To correct that (and make the quest stay in the Completed category), extract 202grenn.dlg from 202TEL_dlg.erf and open it with a GFF Editor.

EntryList --> 156 --> Quest
...and clear the value of that field. The value is "fuel" as standard.

Then find ...
EntryList --> 156 --> QuestEntry
...and clear the value of that field as well. The value if "40" as standard.

Save the modified file in the Override folder.
 Tupac Amaru
03-13-2005, 9:23 AM
I found two interesting lines in dialog.tlk:

Vogga the Hutt has asked you to speak with Lieutenant Grenn on his behalf in regards to establishing a trade agreement sending fuel to Citadel Station.

You have informed Lieutenant Dol Grenn of the Telos Security Force about Vogga the Hutt's proposal to establish trade of fuel between Sleyheron and Citadel Station.

Looks like these were supposed to be quest entries 30 and 40.
03-13-2005, 9:38 AM
Originally posted by Tupac Amaru
I found two interesting lines in dialog.tlk:

Vogga the Hutt has asked you to speak with Lieutenant Grenn on his behalf in regards to establishing a trade agreement sending fuel to Citadel Station.

You have informed Lieutenant Dol Grenn of the Telos Security Force about Vogga the Hutt's proposal to establish trade of fuel between Sleyheron and Citadel Station.

Looks like these were supposed to be quest entries 30 and 40.

Seems like it. Though entry 30 is currently set to strref 136026, so I guess they deliberately crippled the quest for some reason. Don't know why, aside from the blank journal entry everything seems to work fine.

Entry 40 currently doesn't exist. To "fix" this you'd have to edit global.jrl found in dialogs.bif. That file contains all journal information for the entire game. The "fuel" quest is found in Categories ---> 64. Check the EntryList sub-category for the different journal entries related to the quest.
03-13-2005, 9:54 AM
Yeah, I saw those too.

I think that this quest is totally messed up.
It probably should have looked like this:

1. talked to Grenn about fuel (recieved quest)
(JRL: 74638 = Lieutenant Dol Grenn of the Telos Security Force has told you about the precarious fuel situation for Citadel Station following the destruction of the Peragus Mining Facility. If a new source for fuel could be found, he would definitely be interested.)

2. talked to Vogga about fuel (learned of Goto problem)
(JRL: 115414 = Vogga the Hutt has informed you that he has a large fuel supply from Sleyheron that he would be willing to trade, but will not dispatch any of his freighters until they can be safe from Goto's hijacking.)

3. talked to Vogga after whacking G0t0 (Vogga agrees to ship, but needs to know if Grenn will accept)
(JRL: 115415 = Vogga the Hutt has asked you to speak with Lieutenant Grenn on his behalf in regards to establishing a trade agreement sending fuel to Citadel Station.)

4. talked to Grenn about Vogga's fuel (Grenn supposedly agrees)
(JRL: 115416 = You have informed Lieutenant Dol Grenn of the Telos Security Force about Vogga the Hutt's proposal to establish trade of fuel between Sleyheron and Citadel Station.)

5. Talked to Vogga AGAIN! (Everybody's happy)
(JRL: 136026 = Vogga the Hutt has set up a trade route between Sleyheron and Telos. Telos has a new source of fuel!)

This is JRL file, and it sadly only has 3 enties.

64 [User-defined Struct: 64] = ...
Comment [CExoString] =
EntryList [List] = ...
0 [User-defined Struct: 0] = ...
End [WORD] = 0
ID [DWORD] = 10
Text [CExoLocString] = 0 strings //ResRef = 74638
XP_Percentage [FLOAT] = 0.000000000000
1 [User-defined Struct: 1] = ...
End [WORD] = 0
ID [DWORD] = 20
Text [CExoLocString] = 0 strings //ResRef = 115414
XP_Percentage [FLOAT] = 0.050000000745
2 [User-defined Struct: 2] = ...
End [WORD] = 1
ID [DWORD] = 30
Text [CExoLocString] = 0 strings //ResRef = 136026
XP_Percentage [FLOAT] = 1.000000000000
Name [CExoLocString] = 0 strings
PlanetID [INT] = 9
PlotIndex [INT] = 4
Priority [DWORD] = 3
Tag [CExoString] = fuel
03-13-2005, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by Xcom
Yeah, I saw those too.

I think that this quest is totally messed up.
It probably should have looked like this:


This is JRL file, and it sadly only has 3 enties.


Sounds like a likely setup for the quest. Though there is no dialog for Vogga to speak to him again after you've spoken to Grenn, and Grenn gives you your reward. Perhaps they ran out of time.

As for the global.jrl file, as far as I know there's nothing stopping you from adding a new entry to the EntryList for a quest. So in case someone wants to fix the journal for the quest that's entirely possible.

Just select one of the existing entries and choose "Copy node/subtree" in the Edit menu, then select the EntryList top-node and choose "Paste as child node" in the Edit menu. Select the new entry and change the FieldID to the next free number in the entrylist. (This is assuming you are using the Bioware GFF Editor.)
03-13-2005, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by stoffe -mkb-
Sounds like a likely setup for the quest. Though there is no dialog for Vogga to speak to him again after you've spoken to Grenn, and Grenn gives you your reward. Perhaps they ran out of time.

Since Vogga speaks in "alien" this isn't much of problem as far as sound goes. Maybe you can find some matching texts.

In current dialog, Vogga says this line:

[e31]: "I will open trade with the Telosians, however I believe they will be reluctant to listen to my offer, should it come from me."

And there are seem to be some texts in TLK which I think are not used:

[Failure] I have other resources that do not demand things, such as you. Still, if you will go to the Telosians on my behalf, I will pay you a sum to cover your expenses and services rendered.

114881:[Success] I suppose. But you will remember my graciousness, and you will bring my offer to the Telosians, or I will take every one of these credits back from you.

115130: You seem familiar with them, perhaps you would be my go-between?

115131: I will not forget this sum I have given to you. Should you not carry out your end of the deal, I will exact a... comparable price from your person.

I guess maybe you were supposed to Force Pesuade him. For that one could use 112116 Reply:
"[Force Persuade] You will do as you promised." or something. I do think that with some creativity it's possible to fully restore this quest.
03-13-2005, 9:41 PM
So...does anyone want to take on the project of making this into a more-complete "fix the broken quest" mod?
 Tupac Amaru
03-14-2005, 7:33 AM
There appear to be more unused lines in the vicinity of the ones Xcom mentioned. This is how I thought the dialog with Vogga might go. What do you say?

After Vogga says: "I will open trade with the Telosians, however...
-> 115130: You seem familiar with them, perhaps you would be my go-between?

Reply 1:
114904: I will speak to the Telosian authorities on your behalf.
114883: Now leave, I haven't grown so fond of you I'd like you around.
End dialog.

Reply 2:
114903: [Persuade] A token of appreciation would get you favor with a resourceful individual as myself.
if persuade > ??:
114881: [Success] I suppose. But you will remember my graciousness, and you will bring my offer to the Telosians, or I will take every one of these credits back from you.
114904: I will speak to the Telosian authorities on your behalf.
115131: I will not forget this sum I have given to you. Should you not carry out your end of the deal, I will exact a... comparable price from your person.
114883: Now leave, I haven't grown so fond of you I'd like you around.
End dialog.
114880: [Failure] I have other resources that do not demand things, such as you. Still, if you will go to the Telosians on my behalf, I will pay you a sum to cover your expenses and services rendered.

For Grenn, add a quest entry #40 with text 115416, XP_Percantage = 0.50, End = 0.
When you return from Telos, add a new starting node to Vogga's dialogue that is available if 200TEL_FUEL = 5:

129261: Was there something else? Otherwise, see yourself to the door.
114900: The fee for bringing the Telos contract to your attention.
114877: Oh, that? You think I did not know of the destruction of Peragus, and how that would effect the Outer Rim? Go away, you tire me. Find another to beg credits of. (The Hutt way of saying only written agreements count.)

Reply 1:
114896: I believe I am owed a share for my part.
114879: And what proof do I have of that? Oh, I suppose you had some part in it. Here, take this, but remember, do not try my patient or you will find yourself with an implacable adversary.

Reply 2:
114899: We had an agreement Vogga, I trust a businessman like yourself would not change the terms of our agreement?
114878: I tire of this. Take these credits and leave. And if you return to my door, do not expect a welcome reception.

Reply 3:
114901: You'll wish you only had Goto to deal with if I don't get some credits.
114876: Threats? Ah, that is most interesting. Perhaps you should direct that to my kath hounds.

In any case:
Receive 500 credits. Set 200TEL_FUEL to 6. Set quest entry 50 to 136026, XP_Percantage = 1.0, End = 1
03-14-2005, 8:05 AM
Originally posted by BobRichter
So...does anyone want to take on the project of making this into a more-complete "fix the broken quest" mod?

What about yourself? :p

You're the one who was asking for help. And some help you got I would say ;)
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