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Posted in: AIDS
06-28-2001, 8:35 PM
This is drifting a bit, but do you know crocodiles are almost immune to any viral attack? They have a special protein in their blood which kills everything. They developed it over time because, crocs bite each others limbs off quite regularly and the...  [Read More]
Posted in: AIDS
06-28-2001, 4:55 PM
There is always the ever increasing risk of superbugs, that are resistant to medication. Apart from war, that is what we need to be careful of. wardz...  [Read More]
Posted in: Site design
06-25-2001, 4:53 PM
I didn't really think that this was suitable for a new thread, but does anyone have the problem that when you click on a page it goes blank? I have tried clearing temp internet files and refreshed the page, but nothing happens. This only ccurs on som...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Forum Name Contest / Vote
06-28-2001, 4:12 PM
How about "obi-wankenobis net"? geddit? Nah, dont worry, that one isn't serious :D I quite like "Watto's Workshop", but perhaps that could be used for the editing forum or something. To be honest, I think we have had the best...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Forum Name Contest / Vote
06-28-2001, 7:39 AM
I think we should forget any names to do with jedi for this forum, this is supposed to be non JK related stuff and it would make things easier if it were called something like Yoda's Swamp. Aristotle, why don't you try my name out for size? Just for...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Forum Name Contest / Vote
06-27-2001, 5:50 PM
sort of. assonance is where you make two different words half rhyme, like swan and stone. alliteration is like the Slippery Snake Slid on the Ice. Repeating the same sound S's and C's. That kind of thing, anyway this detracts from the point. ward...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Forum Name Contest / Vote
06-27-2001, 4:20 PM
Aristotle, You may take my forum name, but you shall not take my FREEDOM!!! Its a consipiracy, it would have won hands down. :D So I presume that means I shall have to vote for another more politically correct name then doesn't it? :mad: ok, i...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Forum Name Contest / Vote
06-26-2001, 8:18 PM
How are we going to fit all these on the poll? Or is THIS the poll? wardz...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Forum Name Contest / Vote
06-26-2001, 9:56 AM
Letalis, That is a very good point, I am beginning to like the aussies! (until the ashes start, but lets not go there.) If it can be put on the poll and then people can decide what they want. To be slightly more serious, The Theed Hangar "noti...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Forum Name Contest / Vote
06-25-2001, 9:21 PM
Thankyou Aragorn, I'll think you'll find people that this name is more popular than people are giving it credit for... Vote "Vaders Asthma Clinic" for a more interesting forum! The wardz :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rated "Teen"
07-01-2001, 9:49 PM
I think that LEC are going for the star warsy feel as well as trying to get the TEEN rating.. Having blood and gore is a definite no no wardz...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hello!!!
07-01-2001, 9:59 PM
*Welcome to the place where membership's a smiling face, and rub shoulders with the stars, where strangers take you by the hand and welcome you to wonderland!... from beneath their panama's... Club Tro...* ok ok ok. I'll stop. :D welcome to our hu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Don't mind the new name.
06-29-2001, 4:53 PM
Thankyou people! It seems a little unfair, that by popular opinion, mine was going to win and its not going to be on the main page. But never mind C'est la vie! I am not complaining and the people upstairs have their reasons... but I hope we find...  [Read More]
Posted in: Reloading Weapons
06-27-2001, 5:20 PM
I can't see it being TOO realistic, that takes the fun out of it. wardz...  [Read More]
Posted in: Multiplayer Alien Skins
06-28-2001, 3:40 PM
hey V, which one is a Jawa? Aer they the ones who sell the droids in ANH? As long as there is a good mix of people\skins I will be happy, so that us Jedi can have all the trimmings as far as saber battles are concerned and other classes that pick th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Multiplayer Alien Skins
06-26-2001, 3:46 PM
I don't actually recognise any of those names some of you have mentioned. Are they EU territory? I wouldn't be that bothered as long as they have continuity with each skin. So if a rodian gets hit he makes a rodian noise, not some Kyle Katarn noise...  [Read More]
Posted in: JKII Endings
06-27-2001, 5:18 PM
lol, yeah, I suppose, but still it would be nice for old beardy to bite the bullet, wardz...  [Read More]
Posted in: JKII Endings
06-27-2001, 4:47 PM
I spent ages on that Rancor! Anyway, it would be nice if Kyle dies, by helping someone, you never want things to drag on for too long and if he sacrificed himself for Luke or someone, that would be a nice twist at the end... wardz...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kyle & Jan
06-29-2001, 5:38 PM
going to some sort of Sanctuary where Force sensitives go to "hide out" for awhile Like a jedi rehab type place? I like that idea... It would be nice to see kyle become some sort of recluse, drunk and on the edge. Then he has some sort o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kyle & Jan
06-29-2001, 4:58 PM
There there kurgs, have you taken your medication today? *someone get the horse tranquilisers!* :) wardz...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kyle & Jan
06-28-2001, 6:23 PM
Yeah, V Yhat would be interesting if someone else did the biz with Jan and he got royally pissed off, but he couldn't do anything as it would jepordise their close friendship. wardz...  [Read More]
Posted in: Kyle & Jan
06-28-2001, 5:28 PM
If Jan needs some help child bearing, I'll gladly step in. :D I don't really want another bro and sis thing going though, thats just too much of a coincidence.. wardz...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why are we doing this???
06-24-2001, 7:55 PM
Thats the one Bill Bryson did! That book is great, from what he said its very very tough, not only on the body, but it tests your mental ability as well, good that your back guv, the posts have been a little...short in your absence. ;) Now you can...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why are we doing this???
06-24-2001, 7:14 PM
A bit of creeping never did anyone any harm did it? Hey Kurgan, its nice to see you again after this extended absence! How was your break? You should tell us all about it... :D j/k wardz...  [Read More]
Posted in: System Requirements
06-28-2001, 4:44 PM
Any prediction you make now is worthless. Just wait till November time when we have some more info, then we can guage what sort of spec they are aiming for. Patience. wardz...  [Read More]
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