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The Hunt for the Exile

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 Diego Varen
01-02-2007, 4:52 AM
This is set after my Fic The Lord of Pain ( This will contain spoilers to that Fic, so be aware.

Star Wars
The Hunt for the Exile

On behalf of the dark lord of the SITH, EMPEROR DEVON, the LORD OF PAIN, DARTH SION has been sent to find his enemy. The JEDI EXILE, SERA TANA. Where she is now is a mystery and Sion has to find her.

However, where there is darkness, there is light. On the restored planet of TELOS, the REPUBLIC ADMIRAL, CARTH ONASI has requested the help of one of his most trusted REPUBLIC SOLDIER's, JETHRO MAKEPEACE to help to find Sera and to bring her back to Telos.

Sion has decided to go to the once location of the JEDI TEMPLE on the planet, CORUSCANT to find clues to Sera’s whereabouts in the galaxy. But before going there, Sion is on TRAMOND XXV, the home of the new SITH ORDER, led by Devon, is where the hunt will begin. The hunt for the Exile, has begun…


1. No Godmodding.

2. Only two characters allowed per Role-Player.

3. No Knights of the Old Republic characters like Revan or the Exile.

4. This is both the Discussion, the Recruitment and the RP Thread itself.

5. There will be temporary characters in this RP, like Carth Onasi and Nauk Grelan. They will be controlled by me, so you can't control them. All your characters will be created characters.

6. Please join in and have fun!


Characters needed

A Republic Soldier (Maybe two)
Another dark lord of the Sith as an enemy for Sion

Here is the character profile template:

Eye Colour:
Hair Colour:
Favourite Weapon(s):
* Lightsaber Colour(s):
* Favourite Ship(s):
* Favourite Force Power(s):
Political Affiliation:

* = For Force Users only.

This is my character and the other characters in the RP:

Player: Pottsie (
Name: Darth Sion
Nickname: None
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Eye Colour: One white, one blue
Hair Colour: None
Favourite Weapon(s): Lightsaber
Lightsaber Colour(s): Red
Favourite Ship(s): None
Favourite Force Power(s): Master Heal/Force Storm/Advanced Lightsaber Throw/Force Wave
Master(s): Darth Traya/Darth Nihilus/Emperor Devon
Apprentice(s): None
Homeworld: Unknown
Political Affiliation: Emperor Devon
Occupation: Sith Lord
Allies: Emperor Devon
Enemies: The Jedi Exile
Bio: Here (


Player: Anakin Skywalker (
Name: Jalin Skywalker
Nickname: none
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Brown
Favourite Weapon(s): Lightsaber
Lightsaber Colour(s): Blue
Favourite Ship(s): none
Favourite Force Power(s): Force Wave and Advanced Lightsaber throw
Master(s): None
Apprentice(s): none
Homeworld: Unknown, possibly Nar Shaddaa
Political Affiliation: the Republic
Occupation: Jedi Knight
Allies: The Jedi Exile
Enemies: Emperor Devon
Bio: Jalin Skywalker was once a promising Jedi Padawan.... during the Mandalorian Wars, he achieved the rank of Knight.


Player: steven (
Name: Jethro Makepeace
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Brown
Favourite Weapon(s): Republic Standard Issue Assasult Rifle
Homeworld: Coruscant
Political Affiliation: Republic
Occupation: Soldier
Allies: Republic
Enemies: Sith/Mandalorians
Bio: Jethro has served the Republic for over 20 years (he is know 45). He has recently been chosen for an important mission by Carth Onasi.


Player: steven (
Name: Darth Caos
Nickname: Lord of Chaos
Gender: Male
Species: Trandoshan
Eye Colour: Red
Favourite Weapon(s): Lightsaber
Lightsaber Colour(s): Depends on which Lightsaber he uses
Favourite Ship(s): His Levithan class Interdictor (The Usher)
Favourite Force Power(s): Sith Mind Control
Master(s): Emperor Devon
Apprentice(s): None
Homeworld: Trandoshan
Political Affiliation: The Sith
Occupation: Sith Lord
Allies: None
Enemies: Anything that gets in his way
Bio: Caos's existants was been kept secret by Devon, even from Sion, Traya and Nilihus. When Caos kills an enemy he likes to take a trophy from his, this can take the place of a body part, a weapon or heirloom.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-02-2007, 5:00 AM
Name: Jalin Skywalker
Nickname: none
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Brown
Favourite Weapon(s): Lightsaber
* Lightsaber Colour(s): Blue
* Favourite Ship(s): none
* Favourite Force Power(s): Force Wave and Advanced Lightsaber throw
Master(s): None
Apprentice(s): none
Homeworld: Unknown, possibly Nar Shaddaa
Political Affiliation: the Republic
Occupation: Jedi Knight
Allies: The Jedi Exile
Enemies: Emperor Devon
Bio: Jalin Skywalker was once a promising Jedi Padawan.... during the Mandalorian Wars, he achieved the rank of Knight.
01-02-2007, 6:19 AM
Name:Jethro Makepeace
Eye Colour:Blue
Hair Colour:Brown
Favourite Weapon(s):Republic Standard Issue Assassult Riffle
Political Affiliation:Republic
Bio: Jethro has served the Republic for over 20 years (he is know 45). He has recently been chosen for an important mission by Carth Onasi.


Name:Darth Caos
Nickname:Lord of Chaos
Eye Colour:Red
Favourite Weapon(s)Lightsaber
* Lightsaber Colour(s):depends on which lightsaber he uses
* Favourite Ship(s):His Levithan class Interdictor( The Usher )
* Favourite Force Power(s):Sith Mind Controll
Master(s):Emperor Devon
Political Affiliation:The Sith
Occupation:Sith Lord
Enemies:Anything that gets in his way
Bio:Caos's existants was been kept secrete by Devon, even from Sion, Traya and Nilihus. When Caos kills an enemy he likes to take a trophy from his, this can take the place of a body part, a weapon or heirloom.
 Diego Varen
01-02-2007, 7:01 AM
Nice characters all. Should we start now, or wait for one or two more people to join?
 Anakin Skywalker
01-02-2007, 2:42 PM
Wait for a few more people Pottsie
01-02-2007, 5:09 PM
Sorry, I think I'd better quit this RP because I feel I'm being left out of the loop...So you guys have fun.
 Light of the Fey
01-02-2007, 10:52 PM
Name: Unknown
Nickname: "The Owl"
Gender: Female
Species: Believed to be Human
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: Black
Skin Colour: Almost a white-pale
Favourite Weapon(s): Lightsaber, Force Powers, Feminine Beauty
* Lightsaber Colour(s): Teal
* Favourite Ship(s): ...hates flying
* Favourite Force Power(s): Force Speed, Force Wave
Master(s): Unknown
Apprentice(s): None
Homeworld: Believed to be Korriban, otherwise Unknown
Political Affiliation: Alone, none
Occupation: Problem Maker
Class: Neutral Jedi, Another unknown Exile
Talents: Can Sing, Dance, and perform. *These have an effect on her powers*
Allies: None
Enemies: Republic, Sith, Jedi
Bio: Unknown to many she fought in the Mandalorian wars along side the exile. She was captured and then brought to the jedi. She was exiled and now she causes problems for both the leftover Jedi and the Sith. Pretty but deadly. Is known by "The Owl". There are a number of bounties for her, most by the Republic. They are very high. She could be called a Jedi Watchman but she could also be called a Sith Assasin. Most could call her a lonely soul for she welcomes the company of children and sometimes a kind face. Many people, mostly citizens, like her. She tends to be a robin hood for she does steal to help the poor. However, in her heart she fears the Jedi and the Exile. She is scared she could be hurt. She will not admit this willingly. If he happened to order her to do something, she would follow like a scared puppy.
01-03-2007, 12:54 AM
Well, I think I'll join, the RP's quite intriguing!

Name: Yvo Eoghan
Nickname: 'Yew'
Gender: Male
Species: Human by appearance
Physique: Appearance (
Eye Colour: All Red, No Pupils
Hair Colour: Bald/Shaven
Favourite Weapon(s): Ancient Sith Blade, Lightwhip, His Servants, Bare Hands
* Lightwhip Colour(s): Crimson
* Favourite Ship(s): None
* Favourite Force Power(s): Force Bind, Force Shard, Other Basic Force Abilities
Master(s): Necri
Homeworld: Unknown
Political Affiliation: None
Occupation: Wanderor
Allies: His Servants, Those That Earn His Trust
Enemies: His Old Master, Anyone Seeking To Oppose Him
Bio: Yvo was born an unknown time ago on an unknown world. He didn't grow up to the age of two before a mysterious force wielding man took him from his home, where he was taken even farther out beyond the outer rim territories. There he grew up, and trained in a way unlike the jedi, but not quite the same evil as the sith.

Eventually Yvo left his master, and traveled to the known galaxy, where a war had just started. He joined, not for the any side though, he fought for whoever perked his interests more, in this he fought many battles, more than most. When the war ended he just wanted to rest, but because of his unknown nature in the force, Sith and Jedi alike kept hounding at him.

After awhile he went in search of someone who he felt had called out to him. This was the last time he contacted his master. He met this person, and learned of them for awhile, but now he seeks that person again.

He is rather emotionless, but tries to keep a false sense of emotion about him, though poor at it, he can normally shield that falt from others minds. He is around 7' tall and wears old, old armor. He has two servants, which he bound to his will through Force Bind. One is a short, three foot tall rat-like ( humanoid, rare to the galaxy, he often sticks by Yvo's side. The second is a hooded figure of a man wielding a staff (, often he isn't anywhere to be seen.

Name: Necri
Nickname: None
Gender: Male
Species: Unknown
Physique: Appearance (
Eye Colour: Unknown
Hair Colour: Unknown
Favourite Weapon(s): Sickled Staff, Bare Hands
* Lightsaber Colour(s): N/A
* Favourite Ship(s): None
* Favourite Force Power(s): Force Crush, Force Insinerate, Other Force Abilities
Master(s): None
Apprentice(s): Yvo Eoghan
Homeworld: Unknown
Political Affiliation: None
Occupation: Ancient Force Master
Allies: Any Deemed Worthy Of His Respect
Enemies: Those Who Confront Him
Bio: "Long have I slept here." "Long have I wondered in lands of uphorrish dreams." "I am neither Jedi, nor Sith, and my ways are my own." "Now I seek my minion, my student...he has gone far, and left me to rot!" "He proclaimed of a lost soul that he must touch, but he has left my teachings, and wonders this accursed galaxy without cause!" "I am come, narry, at the door!" "Where my feet touch, death comes, but when they leave, life is more abundant, this is my way." "Now I seek him, who seeks another he says he knows...I am coming."
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 1:14 AM
Welcome all, Pottsie...... IMO we have enough to start...... but we can allow more people to join
 Diego Varen
01-03-2007, 2:00 AM
Well, I thought I'd have to quit the RP. Anyway, CSI, Sion will be afraid that Nihilus is back, but Sion will be able to stop him. Welcome to the Forums, Love_of_the_owl and I haven't seen you in a while, Master_Archon. Anyway, we'll start now and yes people can still join. I'll edit this post soon.

Star Wars
The Hunt for the Exile

On behalf of the dark lord of the SITH, EMPEROR DEVON, the LORD OF PAIN, DARTH SION has been sent to find his enemy. The JEDI EXILE, SERA TANA. Where she is now is a mystery and Sion has to find her.

However, where there is darkness, there is light. On the restored planet of TELOS, the REPUBLIC ADMIRAL, CARTH ONASI has requested the help of one of his most trusted REPUBLIC SOLDIER's, JETHRO MAKEPEACE to help to find Sera and to bring her back to Telos.

Sion has decided to go to the once location of the JEDI TEMPLE on the planet, CORUSCANT to find clues to Sera’s whereabouts in the galaxy. But before going there, Sion is on TRAMOND XXV, the home of the new SITH ORDER, led by Devon, is where the hunt will begin. The hunt for the Exile, has begun…

Darth Sion, one of the only surviving Sith Lords of the Sith Triumvirate, walked towards his new master, Emperor Devon. In the Sith Triumvirate, it consisted of him, his master, Darth Traya and his arch rival, Nihilus. Both of them had died in battle against the Jedi Exile, Sera Tana.

"Kneel," Emperor Devon told Sion.

Sion knelt down onto his knees, ready to do his "new" master's bidding.

"This Jedi Exile," He began, "I've sensed her throughout the galaxy. She is a threat, Lord Sion. You know this."

"I do," Sion told Devon, "What should I do master?"

"Leave this planet," Devon told Sion, "I recommend you go to Coruscant. Perhaps there is a Jedi there who might give a clue to the Exile's whereabouts."

Sion sensed Devon. Devon had already told him that both of them would die in the near future, but it was unknown how. Sion was pleased that he had a mission to kill the Exile. Sion stood up and left.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 1:39 PM
In the corner of the room was "The Owl" hidden from their sences. She was so quiet and in stealth. Though, she posed on threat to them anyway. Her black eyes watched in confusion. 'Why would they want the Exile? She is...far too strong to captyre or defeat. They are too foolish...' was all she could think.
She wore a dark t-shirt made of silken material. Her pants were a darker, pure black of more leather material. At her belt sat the single-hilt, jewled, teal lightsaber.
She then slowly began to sneak away, her step so silent not even the force would be disturbed. Or so she thought. She then boarded onto the ship Sion would eventually use to go to Corusant. Her hiding place would be the cargo hold hidden behind the mountains of crates full of supplies for any journey. 'As if "sleeps with vibroblades" would actually USE this stuff...I bet he couldn't swallow without getting a mouth-full of blood down his throat...if he even has any blood left. The guy is a zombie!'
01-03-2007, 1:42 PM
A shuttle embarked from the, Spire-class Cruiser, the 'Echo'. It made it's decently slowly towards the spacestation which was poistion over the dying planet. It adventually docked inside the spacestation and a group of Republic soldiers walked off. Most of them were replacements for guards or bodyguards for some VIP that ensures he'll help the resortation project is they help him. However one of them had been called here for an important mission for the Republic. Admiral Onasi, personally, had request for Jethro Makepace to join him at his office here on Telos station.

Jethro entered the office complex and walked straight to the reseptonist "Hello, I'm here to see Admiral Onasi, word on the street is he's looking for me. If it helps I'm Jethro Makepeace."

The reseptionist nodded and said "Head straight in, he's waiting for you."
 Diego Varen
01-03-2007, 1:46 PM
(I'll be controlling Carth for this part.)

"Ah, Jethro Makepeace," Carth Onasi, the middle aged Admiral began, pleased to see one of his best soldiers, "I wanted to see you."
01-03-2007, 1:54 PM
"So I gathered," Jethro said, "But you could of waited untill I was back on duty, I was enjoying that fishing trip. Anyway, I'm going with the obbesivious that you called me here for a reason. Whatcha need?"
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 2:00 PM
Jalin stood waiting for the other surviving Jedi Council members in the Jedi Temple... the Jedi Exile was supposedly returning to known space after trying to find Revan. Revan and the Exile should be returning soon... we could use their help....
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 2:00 PM
"The Owl" looked around and heard a gentle noise. The the coo of a dove. It was within a small container and her curiosity drove her to open that one box. 'What does he keep in here?' Her hands gently opened it to see...GIZKA! One had enough time to jump out before she closed the lid. She looked to the small thing. "Hmmmm..." She grined and took the small creature to the door and let the small thing out to annoy all in the Sith Lord's base. She went back to her hiding place trying not to giggle. Her stealth was very good on her way there. If Sion happened to come at that one time he would only see a loose Gizka.
 Diego Varen
01-03-2007, 2:05 PM
"So I gathered," Jethro said, "But you could of waited untill I was back on duty, I was enjoying that fishing trip. Anyway, I'm going with the obbesivious that you called me here for a reason. Whatcha need?"

Carth sighed, remembering Revan, or Diego Varen as he was now known as. He wondered where he had gone to. He must've been somewhere in the Unknown Regions and Carth hoped that the Jedi Exile, Sera Tana would find her. It was that minute that Carth realised that he was wasted Jethro's time, thinking, so Carth told Jethro what he had to sigh.

"It's the Jedi Exile, Sera Tana," Carth told Jethro, "The mission I sent her on to find my old companion Revan, or Diego Varen as he is now known as, hasn't returned. I fear that the Exile is in danger somewhere and I'm sending you, my best soldier to find her. Any questions?"
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 2:08 PM
// I will wait for you to post with Sion... <.< >.>
 Diego Varen
01-03-2007, 2:10 PM
With Devon's words running through his head, over and over again, Sion walked towards the hangar. He leapt into the ship, which was an old Republic ship from Malachor V and took off, on his way to Coruscant.
01-03-2007, 2:12 PM
"Just one, what?" Asked Jethro, not completely understanding "Your asking me to search for some guy, or girl, who is looking for Revan, the same Revan that led the Sith against the Republic?"
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 2:13 PM
"The Owl" held onto a crate as the ship lifted off into space and towards Coruscant. No longer could she mess around with the Gizka or she would be found. She then got onto her knees and relaxed (such as Visas did in front of her master if you can't see how) and began to meditate. A small, grey glow appeared around her hands as she cleared her mind and began to gaze upon the recent happenings. A gentle gasp cut the silent as she looked up. 'The exile...she is to return!' Her eyes went wide as she looked around. She began to sweat but she then calmed herself. 'She...will not harm me...she won't...'
 Diego Varen
01-03-2007, 2:16 PM
"I'm sorry, I tend to babble sometimes," Carth assurred Jethro, "Yes, this Revan is the same Revan you're talking about. I want *you* to find him and his general, the Jedi Exile, Sera Tana. They are somewhere in the Unknown Regions, but I have no idea where."
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 2:24 PM
Jalin felt a disturbance within the Force.... Perhaps I should contact Carth....

Jalin turned on his comlink...

"Carth, I have felt a disturbance in the Force, I am afraid the Exile and Diego Varen are in trouble...." Jalin said.
 Diego Varen
01-03-2007, 2:36 PM
"I'm sorry about this," Carth told Jethro as he listened to Jalin's message, in which he answered, "What? How?"
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 2:40 PM
"I do not know..... but I fear possibly the Sith have returned... and are hunting her..... we must tread carefully..." Jalin said. "The Force is with them... but.... I fear even the Force won't be enough to stop this one....... the future is clouded by the Darkside... it is impossible to see."
01-03-2007, 2:41 PM
Name: Darth V
Nickname: V
Gender: Unknown
Physique: Here (
Species: True Sith
Eye Colour: Unknown
Hair Colour: Black
Favourite Weapon(s): Gutter runners
Lightsaber Colour(s): Red, and Silver
Favourite Ship(s): Sith War Ship
Favourite Force Power(s): Crush, Force Storm, and Heal
Master(s): None
Apprentice(s): None
Homeworld: Unknown
Political Affiliation: Rouge
Occupation: Rogue
Allies: None
Enemies: The Governments
Bio: A humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.
01-03-2007, 2:41 PM
"Great, that makes my job the whole lot easier." Replied Jethro, reffering to the message about them being in danger.
 Diego Varen
01-03-2007, 2:45 PM
"After what Jalin has told me, I'm willing to pay you a lot more Credits," Carth told Jethro, "Say, fifty thousand Credits?"
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 2:49 PM
"Perhaps, I should go with him, the Sith weild lightsabers... and even a cortosis weave can only stand so much...." Jalin said. "I'll go over to the Senate chambers and talk with you more there..."

Jalin turned off his comlink and went to the Senate building.
01-03-2007, 2:51 PM
"I can..." Jalin's comlink turned off "...can handle a lightsaber. Sir do I really need to work with a Jedi? They bug me." Jethro asked Carth.
 Diego Varen
01-03-2007, 2:55 PM
"You call the shots, Jethro," Carth told Jethro, "If you don't want to work with Jalin, fine, but even though many Jedi fell to the dark side in the past, I still trust them. You're decision and you may leave when you wish."
01-03-2007, 2:57 PM
"Good, how exactly am I ment to be getting around? I have no ship and the Echo has more pressing matters than to search for a single person?'
 Diego Varen
01-03-2007, 3:00 PM
Carth smiled.

"Perhaps Jalin has a ship?" Carth asked, "If not, then you can borrow one of the shuttles from the TSF hangars."
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 3:04 PM
((Pottsie... Shuttles don't have Hyperdrives...))
01-03-2007, 3:06 PM
"I'll find another way thanks." Jethro "If you have any other details please com me." Jethro said leaving a business card on Carths desk "It's got my com-number and all. I should get going, wish me luck" Jethro left the office and headed for the hanger.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 3:12 PM
// I have no real reason I see to stay around...Sion is like...gone O.o Even after leaving for a while theres nothing to do. I might join another...
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 3:14 PM
"Is he gone?" Jalin asked activating his comlink once again. "I have a Republic Cruiser, and he can use it, but I'll stow away on it, and help Diego and Sera. They are my friends after all..."
01-03-2007, 3:20 PM
"Ahh, finally, I got into the comlink frequency. My name is Darth V and I was over hearing your discussion. I am a very good friend of Revan as he was my commanding officer aboard his flag ship until the... accident and therefore I was out of commission and unable to do my duties. I have also heard of the Exile. What is going on maybe I can be some sort of assisstance?"
 Diego Varen
01-03-2007, 4:02 PM
Sion's ship landed on Coruscant. The Jedi Temple lay in ruins after the big battle that had occurred there, prior to the attack on Katarr by Darth Nihilus. All the Jedi had died in that attack. The only regret Sion had was the fact of not being at the battle and to have those blood of Jedi on his hands. Sion walked around the rubble and wondered how this would help him find the Jedi Exile at all.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 4:05 PM
"Perhaps you would like to help get me..... to the Unknown Regions... Sera Tana and Diego Varen are in trouble...." Jalin said.
01-03-2007, 4:16 PM
// I have no real reason I see to stay around...Sion is like...gone O.o Even after leaving for a while theres nothing to do. I might join another...

((Patience, Pottsie will make Sion come to Coruscant in time, if he just hurries up with this dialog seen we can ALL get posting more often!))

Yvo stepped off the public transport shuttle. He looked around at the towering buildings around him. Coruscant, main dwelling of the Jedi. Yvo just shivered slightly and started walking. Something tugged at his cloak, he turned and looked down.

"Yes? What is it Ginjin?" He asked his furry rat servant.

"Where is she, me no smell her, is she here?" He questioned in his funny high pitched voice.

"Hm, no, she isn't here yet, but I feel she is coming...come Ginjin, let us go and wait for her at the nearest cantina, you and I both will know when she sets foot on this planet." He said as he diverted his attention from his servant and walked down the street to the cantina. "Besides," he said to his short, furry companion, "if we don't know of her arrival, then Quin will, and he'll find her, and bring her hear." He said, a slight grin creeped onto his face as he seated himself at the bar and ordered a drink.
01-03-2007, 4:23 PM
"It would be my honor." Darth V said.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 4:27 PM
((You guys need to leave Pottsie alone.... he is busy... he has Fics to write and all that.... so he may not respond for a while))

"Thank you... V, if I may call you that..." Jalin said.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 4:28 PM
Owl watched from a far as Sion left the ship. A small smile creeped upon her lips as she slowly left the ship. "Perfect..." she said. "I wasn't detected and..." She grined as she looked at the crate of Gizka at her side. "I have the supplies for a prank." She let the Gizka loose in the ship, closed the door, and ran off into the streets of Corusant. Her first thought as to go to the ruins and see if they had a holocron or two...but that was probably where Sion was heading first. She sighed. 'He'll find the holocrons first...If there are any left.'

Her eyes scanned around at the ships that had been docked there. She sighed and headed off towards one of the smaller shops. She walked to the shop keeper and smiled a bit. Her soft voice, perfectly tuned, and perfecly beautiful. "Do you have anything good to sell to me?" Her thoughts went to the credits she had stolen from her master's chamber.
01-03-2007, 4:34 PM
"You may. Now where do we need to go from here?" V said.
01-03-2007, 4:34 PM
((Question: why would a sith work with the Jedi? They're mortal enemys.))
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 4:35 PM
(( Because Revan and the Exile are missing and even the Sith would want to know where they are... ))
01-03-2007, 4:36 PM
((Answer: I am not a Sith, I am somewhat a rouge that has kept his former Dark Lord title.))
 Diego Varen
01-03-2007, 4:38 PM
(Thanks for the support Anakin. I'm not always on-line.)

"I sense something," Sion told himself, "Or someone."

Sion decided not to think about it as he looked around the rubble. There was nothing to be found. Sion sighed, but decided to stay, just in case someone else was after something.
01-03-2007, 4:41 PM
It hadn't been long before Yvo opened his eyes and straightened up. "Well my furry friend, do you smell her now?" He asked with false emotion.

"Yes! She here! Heehee, me go get her!" He said excitedly.

"That won't be necessary, Quin...has seen her....he'll bring here, but not here, not to a cantina, no, that would be inapropriate...let's head outside, to a park maybe." He said getting up and leaving the cantina, Ginjin following.

Quin moved noislessly through the streets of Coruscant. His master's whim was to find her, and he would, he had already spotted her. He approached a shop, where a girl stood talking to the keeper. He walked up behind the girl and waited, he cleared his throut but on purpose.
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