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The Hunt for the Exile

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 Diego Varen
01-04-2007, 4:23 PM
(Good. For a second I thought Sera Tana had become a Rancor :lol:.)

Sion decided not to find the ship and instead, he went to Korriban, to the old Sith Academy, where he was trained. Perhaps there, he would find out some information.
 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 4:23 PM
(( ...O.o Alright...I remember it was Serra...Oh well -.- I make mistakes too I am not perfection))

Owl said nothing and only watched the cloaked figure from where she stood. She wanted to leave, to run away from this creature, but her legs wouldn't move. She shook her head slightly and her legs gave way under her. She sat there on her legs, too shocked and terrified. "...Why do you do this? You kidnappe my hurt them and me...your minions threaten to beat us..." she said gently.
01-04-2007, 4:35 PM
The spectre perked up, and turned, "I am born of this galaxy's evil, of it's hate, malice, destruction, but for every amount of evil that created me, I have the opposite within me as well. The emotions you hear in my voice is the opposite, the exact equal of good within me. I tell you a riddle of who I am; I bring death where I walk, but when I step away, my touch is lifted, and life more abundant," he said, quietly.

He knelt down and faced this, Owl, she was bruised, her face was hurt, and he could see pain ebb off of her, the strange light in his eyes returned. "I had a child once," he said softly to her. "Twins actually," he corrected. "Do you believe that?" he asked.
 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 4:42 PM
She turned away from him looking to the floor left of her. "I don't know if I can believe anything anymore...Everything I hoped would never happen...has happened." A gentle tear left from her right eye and gently ran down her face. It shimmered alone in the dim light slowly becomming dirty from her blood and dirt on her cheek. Then it just poped like a little bubble sending the saline tear to trail slowly down. A beautiful, yet heartbreaking thing. She would do anything to be alone right now, to clear her mind. Many want dreams to come true, as did Owl, but all she got was her nightmare. Her voice was weak, dim. Her once so care-free, and almost arrogant ways, were gone with that single tear as it left her eye.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 4:48 PM
Jalin asked Yvo, where he kept the extra hydrospanner, and then found it.

"Never mind," Jalin yelled turning around. "Oh my...."

Jalin held his mouth open, and his rancor looked at him, she was standing behind Yvo. Jalin shook his head really fast. But it was too late, the Rancor was already swinging at Yvo, so Jalin Force Pushed Yvo out of the way.
01-04-2007, 4:49 PM
((sorry, didn't see your post above Anakin))
Yvo stared over at the beast that had tried to strike him, then to Jalin, "a friend of yours?"

The dark spectre stayed where he was, staring at her. He got up after some time and as if by shear coinsedence two minions dragged a cloaked and hooded figure in, it was Quin.

"I shall show you what my riddle means young child," he said in a normal toned voice. At this the minions lifted Quin so that he was standing, though weakly, he seemed drugged. The spectre approached Quin, and studied him. "He has no chance of living, even if healed," he stated darkly, "but through death I will aid him," he said his tone growing.

At this the spectre lifted his scithe and before any reaction could be made by anyone, he lopped Quins head off. It thudded to the ground, the minions let go of his body and it crumpled to the floor. The spectre stood still and studied the headless corpse.
01-04-2007, 4:53 PM
Do not be sad, child. This one may tell truth, but the only thing you truely need to live is yourself. The death of that one is heart-breaking. Do you want help? the voice in her mind whispered.


Who are you? What do you want? ...Where are you? the voice said in Shadow's mind, nearly scaring the hell out of him since he was begining to tense his body for the kill. This caused him to fall out of the tree he was on right on top of the senator, Shadow's blade impaling the senator by accident.

Job completed, Shadow thought as he got up then noticed himself encircled by body guards.

 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 4:55 PM
Owl looked terrified as Quin died there in front of her. "I hate you!" she said half in fear, half in hate and she ran from the room with the minions running after her. She didn't have a lot of energy left in her, she was exausted. Tears streamed down her face like rain as she ran, tiring her further. The minions did not have a hard time catching her but she would not go down without a fight. "No! Just let go of me! Leave me alone!" she cried in desperation. Her legs kicked out and she struggled. "I won't face that beast!"
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 4:56 PM
"Ehh... yeah... this is my pet rancor, Serra." Jalin said. "Sorry, I told her not to attack you, but it was too late. Oh and sorry about shoving you.."

Jalin walked over to her, and whispered something in the rancor's ear and she went back to the ship.
01-04-2007, 5:00 PM
The spectre ignored the girl as she screamed and ran, it was pointless, and the minions could catch her easy enough. He bent down to the corpse and cut the stomach open, and then he did something that defied the laws of physics! He pulled a child from the stomach of Quin, literally impossible, yet there it was, proof in the pudding...or baby.

The spectre tickled the baby's stomach and it giggled. He approached the girl, struggling like a maddened animal. "Through the touch of destruction I bring life, sometime better than what it once was," he said holding the child out towards Owl.
 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 5:11 PM
She stared at the child and she took it, not because she neccesarily cared for it, just the fact that the spectre might kill it without a second thought like Quin. The minions could see the rage in her, the hate, that complete anger. She swore to herself she would kill that spectre, even if it ment blowing up the whole ship with her in it. He would die...

She looked away silent and the minions began to take her away before she tried something insane. They could all feel that root of hate it her, and it would florish after this. They put her in the room with Ginjin again and locked the door. She looked to her cloak on the floor, the one she had ran off with before she was attacked. She curled the child in it and gave Ginjin a glare that said 'Don't you touch it...' It was cold, not like her usual glare, it was pure hatred now.

She then lay down on one of the beds and put the child down next to her, away from Ginjin and towards the wall. There, she cried, silently mourning for the loss of everything she had once cherished so.
01-04-2007, 5:23 PM
The spectre felt the hate, the anger well in her; he hated force users for one reason, they didn't control the force, the force controled them, if they got too angry, they became a darkside user, if they became too serene, they became lightside users. They were stupid, they could so easily use the darkside and lightside of the force without letting emotions dictate their path, yet they didn't, they let emotion control them.

He sighed and walked back to where he usually stood, feeling the foolish girl slip into hatred, not even realizing that the child she held was Quin. Through his touch of death he had restored Quin, if Quin had died from his wounds, then Quin would truely be foolish this girl was indeed.

In the room with Owl, Ginjin sniffed the child from a distance, and even with the looks of hatred from Owl this did not stop him from laughing. "Why me eat Quin, me no eat him, hahaha!" He sat down and snickered. Obviously he knew more about this spectre of a person more than he let on.

Yvo prepped the ship he had highjacked and called back to Jalin, "get your butt in a seat or you're gonna be hurting when we get there." He said seriously.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 5:28 PM
Jalin made sure the rancor was hidden in the shadows and that Silri was in his pocket, before sitting down in the co-pilots seat.

"Ok, I'm ready to go." Jalin said.
 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 5:34 PM
:: I am going to skip a bit to the next day...Yvo and Jalin if you don't mind please go along and you can say you guys are on the ship now ::

She ignored Ginjin, the old Owl was gone, burried within the ruin of Quin's former body. Distrust became her guidance, and she would not allow Ginjin to even look at Quin. She was not the same...She was a hurt, lost, woman now. Taken by the darkside because of her fear and hatred. If she had a lightsaber then, Ginjin would be dead for his comment.

Foolish or not she did not heal, and she would not heal. The next morning when she woke up she fed the babe with the supplies she was given from the minions. Ginjin was given a couple eggs, small, but would keep him from getting sick. Despite what they gave her, she would not eat. She just slid the food to Ginjin after they left.

She would then lay down only with the child in its same spot. Every second that past more agony swept through her...She would ignore Quin pulling at her hair and playing in the cloak with his child games now that he was a babe. She just let him...he was the only thing keeping her in reality.
01-04-2007, 5:41 PM
It had been a rough and hard journey to track the ship, but surprisingly the jedi was helpful in the finding of the vessel. They knew nothing of there coming, and didn't suspect anything when their ship landed.

"Alright Jalin, take this," he held out a spear for Jalin. "I don't know how many times I told you before, but I tell you again, lightsabers don't work on these fools, so use this spear."

At that he decended the loading ramp and drew his sword, no one was around, but he knew it wouldn't be long before they found some minions. He expanded his mind outwards, searching the ship for Owl with the force. He started moving as he felt the incling will of Ginjin in the ship, but he could not find Owl, not the Owl he knew at least.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 5:42 PM
((Didn't see the above post))

Jalin hated hyperspace travel... if he wasn't driving that is... he was bored out of his mind. Perhaps, I should go see where Serra is, and make sure she's alright. Jalin thought. He stood up and started walking to the back of the ship. Sooner than expected they landed.

"Alright," Jalin said taking the spear, but leaving his lightsaber on his belt just in case....
 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 5:47 PM
Owl just lay there with Quin pulling and tugging at her hair, often giggling in laughter as it tickled his face and hands. She just gave a sigh and held him a bit closer, somewhat like motherly affection to the child. It was mostly protection...she treated him as if he was her own.

Owl just lay there and listened to Ginjin hop up and down in joy as Yvo boarded the ship. 'He's too late...just too late to save any of us...' All hope she had, was in disarray. Broken beyond repair for her. She held Quin a bit closer and the child squealed again in her ear as it tugged harder at her hair.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 5:49 PM
((If you don't mind my asking... what in the world does this have to do with the Exile?))
01-04-2007, 5:51 PM
((eventually we'll head off with your character to find the Exile, for now we need to rescue Owl, can't do one thing without the other.))

Edit: - Yvo knodded at Jalin to follow, then headed off at a run down corridors and halls. He encountered some minions but with stealth and precision they all died unknowingly.

He kept following the ever growing will of Ginjin. He slowed down, he saw a group minions coming his way, he knew that the time for stealth was over. He charged them hacking and slashing parrying and blocking. He was held against the wall by one as their swords locked. He used force push and he flew back, then leaped towards him, lopping his right arm off, he fell to the ground screaming.

"You...can join...any...time," he said to Jalin blocking some strikes directed at him
 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 5:58 PM
(( Yes, Aventually we shall go find the exile with owl trying to destory their plans with her darkside issues! ))

Owl heard the growing sounds of combat outside in the halls. She took the cloak from Quin and put it around herself and then took Quin in her arms wrapping him in some of the spare cloak. She put on her hood. She knew Yvo was soon as he had Ginjin she would kill that spectre. Quin yawned gently and cuddled into her arms, falling sleep.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 6:08 PM
Jalin, having experienced the Darkside of the Force at one time, began to choke one of the minion.

"Please let me go..." The minion said.

Jalin acted as if he didn't hear him and crushed his throat and it caved in, blood went splattering everywhere. Jalin moved to get another, but the rest near him, seeing what happened ran off screaming their heads off.
 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 6:10 PM
// I doubt they would really run off like that but the image is so funny I am cracking up. xD Baby Cry to Spectre! LOL I will deal with it cause thats just funny
01-04-2007, 6:20 PM
Yvo cut down a few more before stopping, the others were either dead or running. Yvo hurried down the hall where he halted next to a door, he felt Ginjin on the other side, and Quin even, though faint. But he felt...another, could it be Owl?

He opened the door to find Owl was indeed there, along with Ginjin, but where was Quin?

"Owl!" He said, happy to see her alright, at least he thought. Knelt down and asked her, "are you alright, have they done anything to you?"
 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 6:58 PM
She stared at him for a moment, her eyes grim. She moved her cloak a bit and she showed the child. " dead..." she said gently. She looked to the door, and there stood the Spectre. "He killed him..." She looked down and covered the child once more. He could tell in her voice she was not the same. It was so Something was wrong. He could sense how weak she was, as if she had not eaten for the two days she had been captured. She made no move to fight the Spectre, or even get up.
01-04-2007, 7:20 PM
V had finally made it to Deralia he could see the planets surface in sight when he spotted a Sith patrol orbiting the planet. He knew this was a Sith patrol becuase he was the one who used to dispatch them when he was aboard Revan's Flagship. He quickly navigated away from the ship as to not be spotted and fortunatly it worked he fell below the planets clouds and decended to the ground...

V had been walking around for hours trying to get a good lead on where Revan and the Exile were then a strange man said something... not in words but a strong surge of emotion; one like V had never felt before in his life. This man knew something and that he wanted to stay hidden. V then proceeded to follow this man. The man never knew V was right behind him until the time was right then in a sudden quick motion they were alone in what appeared to be an abandon building.

"Don't worry my friend... I am not here to kill you or to harm you in any way. I am just here to find out what you know." V said.

The man stopped stuggling V slowly took his hand away from the man's mouth...

"I cannot tell you what I know the cost is much too great." the man said.

"I need to know what you know. Revan and the Exile my be in great danger if you do not tell me." V said.

"No, no, I cannot tell you. You would be putting them in far too much danger by knowing!" the man exclaimed.

"There are more ways to get the knowledge I seek from you other then questioning. If you do not tell me I will be forced to use those options." V said coldly.

"I cannot tell you... I won't." the man said.

"Then you have forced my hand on this. I must do what I have to so I can find Revan and the Exile." V said.

V the proceeded to use a information extraction technique that Revan once showed him. The man dropped to the floor dead in all sense of the word. V then left to go to Taris upset with himself over what had to be done.
01-04-2007, 7:27 PM
Do you want my help? the same voice in her mind repeated the question it had asked a day before, only a bit louder this time than.
01-04-2007, 9:27 PM
Yvo glanced at the child, then back up to Owl. "No Owl, I know...him, he killed Quin, but Quin is...alive, you hold him now as we speak," Yvo stated softly.

"My lost puppy has come back to me," said the spectre still standing at the door.

Yvo turned hate filled his eyes, "look what your ways have done to her, you've brought horror upon her, and now she walks in a nightmare....your lands, the 'land of uphorrish dreams' as you once called them."

"Have I? Or has she let her feelings and emotions take her into the darkness?" asked the spectre. Yvo turned to Owl, "Owl, tell me what's happened, why are you so...changed?" He asked saddly and weakly.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 9:57 PM
Jalin started walking down the hall, he was looking for Yvo... but he was ambushed. Jalin nodded, and Serra and Silri came out of the shadows and attacked Jalin's attackers.

"So uncivilized," Jalin said walking back down the hall, leaving Serra and Silri to fight the attackers... he finally caught up with Yvo.
 Light of the Fey
01-07-2007, 5:46 PM
"I died..." was her only reply as she looked down. She wouldn't meet eye contact and her voice sounded grave and sad. She shook her head and covered Quin with her cloak.

// I'm sorry I had to go for the weekend. I'm back
01-07-2007, 9:22 PM
Shadow's corvette hung in orbit, Shadow debating whether to land and find the girl or not.

Who are you? What do you want? ...Where are you?

Shadow shook his head to clear it but the voice had been echoing in his head all this time and had been driving him insane. At first he had thought it was guilt, but it wouldn't stop. It had echoed through his mind when he fought the body guards, hunted down the cowards, chased by a rancor (Don't ask), and had to convince his employer to actually pay Shadow for his troubles the hard way. It was the voice and guilt that convinced him to start looking for the girl, although it was tough as hell. But three threats and 3 thousand credits later, he was at least in orbit over the planet that probably had the girl on it. He entered the atmosphere and began the landing sequence.

There was a screeching sound and the sound of one of the minions shouting before it was abruptly cut off, followed by the sound of multiple foot steps coming towards their position. Then around the corner came three creatures that were just as hideous as the minions in their own way. They were biomechanical bipeds; whose backs were hunched over and still had the height of six ft. They had multiple spikes coming from their backs that were not hardened, since they swayed with the creatures’ movement and their face looked like cone with lines that showed it could open. They wielded staffs with ends that differed among the three and they were also all different colors. The lead one was was gold, the one of the right silver, and the one on the left pink. They stopped at the intersection and looked at eveyone curiously.
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