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The Hunt for the Exile

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 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 4:42 PM
(( Sorry. XD I was feeling left out. LOL I can't wait to see his reaction to the loose Gizka in his ship :P ))

::Edit for post::

Owl ignores the man behind her for a moment as she made the purchase of a warm cloak and some other gadets. However, when she turned around her eyes went wide. "Oh no you won't!" She stepped harshly on his foot and ran off past him. She might not have been too strong, just her dexterity was far to high to nab her easily without the force. She dropped the gadets in her rush and put on her new cloak as she ran. 'How did that goon find me!?'
01-03-2007, 4:54 PM
Quin only flinched as the girl stepped on his foot, but he did not pursue with speed just yet. He walked after her, picking up the gadgets she dropped in her haste.

He wasn't a force user, but he was a former Ubese assassin, he knew how to deal with arrogant little whelps like her. He started trotting after her, and after time, he went into a full run. He was catching up quick, two meters away, one meter away, then he was on her heels, ready to grab her.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 4:58 PM
She suddenly used a force jump onto the roof of the cantina. She ran past and spoted her master. "Oh...great..." She looked behind her once and then looked forward running across the roofs, jumping when she ran into a gap. She then came to a halt when she came to a jump she could not make. No buildings...and if she jumped down Quin could get her. "...I hate my life..." She looked behind her and then jumped to the ground running off again.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 5:00 PM
((No problem Pottsie))

"V, we should go to the Outer Rims... where the Exile's last known coordinates were... she was on Malachor V, I know that it is destroyed now.... but perhaps there is a clue to where she and Diego are." Jalin said.
01-03-2007, 5:06 PM
"Yes a very good place to start looking. I will punch in our flight coordinates and we can be off within the next fifteen minutes or so." said V.
01-03-2007, 5:08 PM
Quin was getting tired of this, she could be so stuborn! He'd have to request his master bind the whelp...again.

He looked around, finding his master in the distance, he stopped; Yvo stopped, then turned around to find his other servant off towards the cantina waiting. Yvo knew before he got to Quin what had happened, Yvo just knodded at Quin for a job well done. Yvo averted his attention to Ginjin, "you know what to do."

Ginjin knodded energetically and ran off, for such a small weak looking fellow, he was very fast, and quite strong too.

Ginjin didn't go far before he went around a corner to find the girl running off. Ginjin used his speed and the fact that the girl didn't know he was after her now, to circle around and get in front of her. He waited till she got closer before launching out of his hiding place to grab the girl.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 5:12 PM
"Ginjin!" she yelled as she fell to the ground with the rat on top of her. She knew exactly why because he was the only servant who could get her as easy. "...I hate you..." she layed back in defeat and closed her eyes. Now she would get at least a two hour lecture with Quin trying to get her tied up. "...I'm going to feed you to a Malaras on Duxn! I bet they would love a stinky rat like you! Now get off me!" She tried kicking him off.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 5:15 PM
"Admiral Onasi..." Jalin said activating his comlink once more. "Does, Jethro Makepeace have any transport? Tell him he has one last chance, before the Jedi step in and find Diego and Sera.... for no pay.... so I have transportation... as long as he's willing to work with me...."
01-03-2007, 5:17 PM
V patched back into Jalin's Com agian... "Jalin on second thought I have thought about it and maybe we should reconsider going to Courscant. It is very doubtful that Revan or the Exile would be at Malachore after all of this time. They may have gone into hiding." said V.
01-03-2007, 5:19 PM
Name: Kraahkan
Nickname: "The Shadowed One"
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Species: Unknown. The possibility of being human once, but his bio-mechanical body gives no sign of it.
Homeworld: Unknown
Picture: Kraahkan (
Weapons: A long Cortosis Weave staff with two heavy Cortosis Weave blades attached at the end. Also Blaster Turret which he can pick up and use like a rifle due to his size.
Political Affiliation: Anyone that can be corrupted.
Enemies: Anyone that attempts to stop him.
Master(s): Unknown
Apprentice(s): None
Political Affiliation: Sith
Occupation: Jedi Hunter
Allies: Sith or corruptable people
Enemies: Jedi
Bio: Born in the Unknown Regions, he's family moved to the Republic when he was young, where he got picked up by the Jedi for a short time. Then his true nature was revealed. Then he left the Jedi and became a senator for a planet, though the one he was of is unknown. Then when the Sith arrived, he joined them. When he made his entire body bio-mechanical is unknown.

He is intelligent, cunning, deceptive, and knows every trick in the book when it comes to corruption and other things. He is currently a hunter scouering the galaxy for Jedi to hunt and kill, the shadows being his primary ally. He uses the force to reduce his size at most time since he is about thirteen ft. tall. He also has his own plans as to about the fate of the galaxy.

Name: Shadow Gravemind
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Description: 7ft. tall with a meduim build.
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Black with silver streaks
Favourite Weapon(s): Double Vibrosword and Sith Sniper Rifle
Master(s): None
Apprentice(s): None
Homeworld: Tatooine
Political Affiliation: None
Occupation: Assassin
Allies: Friends or employers
Enemies: Targets
Bio: Born on Tatooine as a slave, Shadow was actually named by his "owner" instead of his parents. Not that he can complain, since his name alone has gotten him a few jobs for some reason. He killed his owner and escaped Tatoonie to end up at Nar Shadda. He actually became fond of it for some reason, despite its obvious flaws. It certainly taught him how to survive. He took up bounty hunting there when he became old enough and knew how to use a blaster, then moved on to assassinating after a while, which took him off world quite a bit.

He loves to joke around and talk, although he can get pretty lonely at times with no one around to talk to on jobs.

((I'll post a bit later as I cannot right now.))
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 5:21 PM
(( Are pictures as big as that allowed? O.o Oh lookie! I got the top of this page! *Dance dance dance* :cowdance :P ))
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 5:23 PM
"V, if you didn't know...... I'm still on Courscant.... see?" He moved out of the way and showed the Jedi Temple. "I will see you in a few minutes..."
01-03-2007, 5:24 PM
(( Are pictures as big as that allowed? O.o Oh lookie! I got the top of this page! *Dance dance dance* :cowdance :P ))
((They are I think but it would be better if Rexraptor2000 could maybe link to it as it does take up space.))

"I am on a comlink right now on Korriban so I wasn't aware of the fact you were on Courscant. I will be there soon though I am planning on taking off right now." said V.
01-03-2007, 5:24 PM
Ginjin frowned, he thought Owl liked him, and in his mind this was all a game, until she started saying mean things to him.

Ginjin had been a real servant, not one bound through the force like Quin was, before Owl had, 'come along'. Ginjin's species enjoy eating four things, ducks, toes, eggs, and tender meat, often tender meat meant children. He would always eye her greedily, until he went too far and Yvo had to bind Ginjin for the first time, so as to keep him from eating her, or attempting it. But after awhile Ginjin grew to like Owl, not for her meat, or toes, but because, he had the mind of a twelve year old and thought of Owl as a friend and playmate.

But all she was doing now was making him feel bad. His eyes grew sad, as he couldn't frown, and he losened his grip. But Yvo and Quin had already approached, so even if Owl got up, it would be pointless.

Yvo nodded at Ginjin who got off Owl and skulked over to Yvo's side.

"Me no going to eat her toes," he stated saddly to Yvo.

"I know," said Yvo softly to Ginjin, then he turned his attention back to Owl. "Well, hello my little miscreant," he said, his voice holding neither anger nor sarcasm.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 5:29 PM
"Hello Master..." she looked to Ginjin and offered him a little egg from her bag. It was hard boiled since they would have cracked on the way there.. She then let him go and attempted standing up if allowed. She knew she would be in some trouble if only a little. 'Maybe the information about the Exile will lighten up my punishment...I mean...I got into the Sith Lord's base!' She knew there was little chance of that but at least he would be somewhat pleased with more informatuon to use...just she would never know it. His emotionless ways often confounded her. Yet she knew he must care at least a bit for hunting her down...unless he wanted his credits back. 'Oh no...'
01-03-2007, 5:37 PM
Yvo held his hand out, "my credits."

Ginjin took the egg and put it in his mouth, shell and all, and started munching on it. Quin just whispered something to Yvo and walked off, dissapearing into the shadows.

Yvo smiled at Owl, though it was forced, "you've been gone too long, I was wondering if I had really lost my first and only apprentice." He stated his smile quickly straightening back to it's normal emotionless slit.

"Remember, there's someone out there, who can see my presence on you, so if he see's that...." he stopped, he shouldn't say any more, talking about that only got him frightened, the only emotion that had ever really surfaced in his life. Beyond a bit of anger, and some happiness he felt in short spurts of stress, whether good or bad.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 5:41 PM
She paused for a moment and dug through her bag getting them out. She put them in his hand. A lot of it was spent of food and travel. She looked to him noticing how he cut off. "...He would harm me. Yes I know..." She looked down and felt a bit bad since she could feel the strain his small ammount of emotion would go to. Her eyes scanned around and she could feel Quin was around. '...He's going to kick my ass later. He always gets back at me. Last time he locked me in one of the travel crates and I got sent to Tattooine!' She bit at her lip thinking about it. She was sick for a while afterwards since she had no food or water for the journey.
01-03-2007, 5:52 PM
Yvo looked at the credits, he counted them, then slipped his other hand into a pouch, he pulled out some more credits and started adding. He grabbed Owl's hand and put the credits in her hand, around 500. He smiled a genuine smile at her, one of his 'happy' moments.

Yvo cocked his head when she said that Quin would get back at her.

"No, I sense he actually enjoyed chasing you...gave him some much needed exercise he said," Yvo stated, pulling out the gadgets Owl had bought, and Quin had given to him. Yvo handed them to Owl.

"Come, me and Ginjin were going to the park, we can speak of your travels, and what you saw during those travels," he said turning in the direction of the nearest park, Ginjin following, still savoring his egg.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 5:59 PM
She smiled and seemed actually glad. She put them in her bag. 'When he reads my mind...' ( ' are thoughts " are what she said) She stopped and shook her head trying to clear it. She followed along and looked down at Ginjin. "...Savoring it? Oh why not..." She took the bag of eggs she had been snaking on earlier. She handed it to him and continued to follow.
01-03-2007, 6:09 PM
Ginjin practically feinted at the bag of eggs Owl handed him.

Yvo looked down at Owl and asked, "so what have you been doing, you've been gone longer than normal, you would normally have come back before now." He stated.

"Are you beginning to feel you don't wish for me to be your master? Do I have to bind you...again?" He asked, his brows wrinkled into a look of worry, though he really wasn't feeling worried, he wanted to convey that emotion.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 6:52 PM
She said nothing at the thought of binding. She shook her head. "They are...looking for the exile. The Sith Lord Devon, Lord Sion, and the Republic. I have seen it...I was on the Lord's ship when he came here. Then I ran into Quin..." She bit at her lip. "Are you going to bind me? For that was just recently...For the last two standard months I have just been...exploring." She at least was honest.
01-03-2007, 7:14 PM
Yvo chuckled, "no, I wont bind you, not again, I was still coming out of my old ways when I did it the first time. No, if you wish to leave me then leave," he said quietly.

"Besides, I can't keep expending my energy hunting you down when you want attention," he said. Yvo knew Owl was a bit of an attention grabber, sometimes a bit too drastic in her methods, but he didn't know everything about her he assumed.

"If you want attention from me, then seek for that attention, I don't want to keep having to hunt you down, constant travel actually makes it easier for...him, to follow me." He said, his brows wrinkled in thought.

Yvo sighed as they arrived at the park, he sat down under a tree. "Sion and Devon..." he mumbled to himself, thinking. He snapped out of his thoughts, and turned his head towards Owl. "Well, will you have me as a master? If you will, then I'll need you to quit running off." He said, his eyes stared into her eyes; the sun glinting off of their red surface.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 7:46 PM
"No one else would take me anyway...You have always been my Master ever since you found me. I do not want that to change..." She sat next to him, a bit close. She enjoyed his company but she hated it when she was either ignored or shrugged off. Though she would not admit it, she was jelous of Quin and Ginjin. They were always by his side even when she was sent on other duties. It made her angry sometimes, which would make her leave. It always made them look for her, and she knew that.

"Who is he? ...Why are you so..." she cut off and looked down. She thought for a moment. "Scared of him?" She said the last phrase weaker, for she knew he would not want her to call him scared. She shivered a bit and brought her cloak closer around her. Her eyes scanned for Quin. She was always wary of him, for the two constantly argued. It would be a rare occasion when the two would actually be peaceful. For it wasn't long after they started speaking something would happen.

Her hand went out to Ginjin's head and she began to pet him. She always thought him as a pet. Though sometimes he could be frustrating, she liked having him around.
01-03-2007, 8:17 PM
Yvo was lost in thought when Owl sat next to him, he jerked, surprised, but calmed quickly. "Glad you would have me as your master," he said.

Yvo just frowned when she asked about...'him'. "He one to worry about for now," he said, his voice distant.

"I need to...meditate, please, leave me to my thoughts...something's troubling me....some....thing....something, here..." he said as he folded his legs into a medative stance and closed his eyes. "I'll speak to you in awhile, I promise," he mumbled as he sat there.

At least an hour later he snapped out of his meditation. His eyes were wide with fear, he tryed to get up quickly, but stumbled and fell forward, hitting his jaw hard on the ground. When he got up he had a stream of blood running from his lip to his chin, but he ignored it.

"Owl, where are you, it's urgent," he said, a sense of fear and haste in his voice. Yvo kicked at Ginjin, who was asleep nearby, it wasn't hard enought to hurt him though.

"Wake up, I need you to slip away and keep and eye out, me and Owl need to search for Quin, I've lost all contanct, or sense of him," he said urgently to his servant, who quickly felt the tension in Yvo and ran off into the shadows to keep watch.

Yvo turned in search of Owl, "Owl, where are you it's an emergency."
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 9:46 PM
There was so sign of Owl, only her cloak was there where she sat. Around that tree stood signs of a struggle. Not only was Quin gone, but so was she. There was also something else left, something she would never leave behind willingly. The locket she kept a picture of her father in. One that she never opened in front of people, not even Yvo, her master. There was a finger-print lock in it, you would need her print to open it.

Her bag lay scattered a few feet away from her cloak and locket, and next to it was her lightsaber. Too many things of her's around, but no Owl. Just up ahead was a body, still and seemingly lifeless from a distance. If he was to get closer he would see Owl, bleeding from her mouth and numerous bruises on her. Something seemed to have happened while he was out of reality. The sign of life in her was the gentle tremble of her body and her chest rising up and down, faintly.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 9:48 PM
((Has this become an RP just between you two?))

Jalin was sitting at the temple waiting for his new ally... Darth V to get there, when he stumbled across the Archives...

"Can I help you Master Jalin?" Asked the historian Atris.

"No..... I'm just searching..." Jalin replied.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 9:49 PM
(( Well no one else has been replying...I'm just going with the flow. Feel free to join! I mean Owl is in trouble now. Also, Atris is a -SITH- librian if you didn't relise from the KOTOR II. She wouldn't be on Corusant with the Exile comming back unless she was extremely brain dead now. Not to mention the Archives are in RUIN and ABBANONDED. Pottsie said it himself ))
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 9:53 PM
((But the Exile was LS, and the Exile isn't returning.... we're going to search for her... the Exile redeemed Atris in my eyes and allowed her to follow the teachings of the Jedi........ whose to say the Jedi didn't rebuild the Temple.... and the Archive room :p))
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 9:55 PM
(( Alrighty, but still. The temple is in ruins. Anyway, come join in with Archon and me. Come on ^^ Pottsie with the Sion character said it was ruins Mr. :P))
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 10:02 PM
((Yes, but the Sith don't know that we have rebuilt the Jedi Temple on Courscant.... :p :D ;)))
01-03-2007, 10:04 PM
((Hey, not my fault, no one posts, personally I like an active RP.))
Edit: - ((Nevermind, but please do join us! :D))

Yvo stood there, he didn't understand, who would do this, who, it couldn't be, could it? "No..." he said, fear, sorrow, anger, and more welled within him, he ran to Owl, and kneeled next to her stricken body. "Why? Why would he do this when I'm right here, why not just strike at me?" He questioned the air.

He bent low, and checked her face, he saw bruises, and a beaten face. He checked her pulse, faint, but there. He knew force heal, but it might not be enough, but he tryed. Holding his hands above her he concentrated, his face etched in worry, pain, and anxiety. He finished and picked the girl up, taking her to her cloak, he set her down.

"Girl," he called to her, he often did this when he was stressed and couldn't concentrate hard enough to remember her name, or nickname. "Wake up, please, come out of the land of uphorrant dreams which he has sent you to," he whispered into her ear urgently, his pupiless eyes searching her body for any signs of stirring.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 10:06 PM
Sion's ship landed on Coruscant. The Jedi Temple lay in ruins after the big battle that had occurred there, prior to the attack on Katarr by Darth Nihilus. All the Jedi had died in that attack. The only regret Sion had was the fact of not being at the battle and to have those blood of Jedi on his hands. Sion walked around the rubble and wondered how this would help him find the Jedi Exile at all.

Look. Its in ruins. Unless they have been rebuilt then you need to fix it. So don't forget to mention most of the Jedi are gone.


Owl lay there on her cloak, healed but unconshious. His whispering in her ear seemed to have effect since she moved a bit. At first it was just a twitch but her eyes suddenly opened wide, her hand moving up. Accidently, she her strike hit Yvo leaving a red mark on his cheek. "No! Stop it!" She paniced for a moment before she realised it was her own master. She looked around, and then lay back down onto her cloak. "Quin...he's gone...they all swarmed him and I tried to help..." She could barley get the words out.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 10:10 PM
((Fair enough... but the Exile has been gone for a while... we could have rebuilt it.... :p

If you want someone to join you, then ask the Gray One to join... he is also known as Grey Master (here on LF) The Gray One is a nickname I have given him and it has stuck with him ever since, everyone calls him the Gray One now... even though that was supposed to be something only I called him))
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 10:12 PM
(( A new temple somewhere else. You can't forget Sion came across a ruined jedi temple. ))
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 10:17 PM
Jalin was tired of waiting in the Jedi Temple he decided to go to the nearest park and take in some fresh air.

He started walking down a path, when he saw a woman injured and a man standing over her... he ran over there.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Jalin asked, a Gizka hopped up behind him. "Silri, I told you to stay at the Temple..."

Jalin turned back to the man, and asked if there was anything he could do to help.
01-03-2007, 10:22 PM
((Is Grey Master here?))
((Edit: - sorry Anakin, didn't see your post above, I'll change some things.))

Yvo was so relieved, he hadn't felt such a thing in all his life, well, he didn't feel much of anything in his life, so this was a new experience. He could care less about being hit, he was just glad Owl wasn't dead.

"Girl, I'm so relieved...wait...who took Quin?" He said, his senses quickly returning to him.

At this Ginjin came back, cut marks all over him, he collapsed on the spot. "Many, they come....they....want, someone," he said before passing out. Yvo's face grew worried.

"Hurry, please tell me what happened, as quickly, and as best you can!" He requested softly but urgently. Yvo turned to see a man, who could be immediately classified as a jedi. "Yes you can keep an eye out for any people coming, or if you have any healing capabilities then use them," he said urgently.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 10:23 PM
Owl looked up at Jalin, just as shocked. She tried to scoot away but she was sore. She didn't move much, with no adrenalin helping her move as much as she had when she hit Yvo. She lay her head back down and closed her eyes. "I was sitting down next to you and then Quin called out for help...I jumped up and looked around before I got hit by someone and my locket was broken off...They were taking Quin away and he was struggling. I tried to get over there...just they disarmed me and hurt me. They were going to take me with them too and...I sent them flying off with force wave...I tried to grab Quin but he was already gone!" She shook more, she was going through a huge shock. "There were so very many..."

Read this:
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 10:31 PM
"It is all right.... I can help... I am a Jedi Healer... just give me one minute." Jalin said.

He bent down, and placed his hand on her stomach.

"Now...... can you tell me exactly what happened her?" Jalin asked still healing the woman.
01-03-2007, 10:35 PM
"Well, I was I didn't see, or even hear anything...but she saw it all." He said saddly.

"But...I believe I know who it's, 'HIM'" he said, his words filled with fear, and hatred.

Yvo calmed down and stared at the jedi, then turned to Owl, "nothing else you can think of?" He asked quietly.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 10:37 PM
"Jeid!?" She suddenly smacked Jalin away and jumped up, adrenalin rushing through her. She grabbed her lightsaber and locket without even a second thought. She used force-speed and then she was off. Nothing was going to stop her. She hid a about 10 meters away within a group of trees. "...This isn't happening...It just isn't..." Owl had never lost it like this before. Just one of the people she cared about, though did not neccessairly get along with was gone and a Jedi had touched her!
01-03-2007, 10:40 PM
V walks up to the Jedi temple on Courscant and isn't surprised to see two very high level Jedi Guardians Guarding the door. "I need to speak with Master Jalin please let me through" V said.

The guards stand there with faces like statues glaring at the Sith-ly dressed V and don't move a muscle. V then goes back into his ship to contact Master Jalin...

"Jalin it is V the guards would not let me through the front doors as I think they thought I was a Sith. Meet me a my ship I am on docking bay 3." said V.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 10:42 PM
Jalin was shocked...

"What, what was that for?" Jalin asked.

He had his silver double-bladed lightsaber drawn in case there was any blaster fire.
01-03-2007, 10:46 PM
V heard what seemed to be a struggle outside of the Ship and went out to go see what was going on and saw Jalin standing there with his lightsaber drawn ready for battle. Naturally V joined in the fight standing next to Jalin ready to fight.

"I have got your back" said V.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 10:47 PM
(( Waiting for Archon to post... Sorry guys ))
01-03-2007, 10:47 PM
Yvo frowned, "you'll have to forgive her, she has a strange affinitive nature for disliking jedi," he said to the jedi healer. "Not that I have a liking for them either," he mumbled as he started walking towards the trees to talk to Owl.

"Heal my servant over there, he's in a bad way," Yvo called back to the jedi.

From the shadows of the trees, it seemed like people, masked, cloaked, and armored in a strange, evil fashion, grew from the darkness. They were behind Owl, one reached out and grabbed her shoulder with an vice-like grip.

Yvo called out to Owl to run, as he drew his blade with great speed, and ran at the figures, hatred in his eyes. Two appeared in front of him, and though Owl had sparred with Yvo quite a few times, she had probably never seen this side of her master, the side willing to kill. He lopped one man's arm off, and got into a blade lock with the other, he pushed him back, and with a swift windmill motion over his head, he decapatated the second.

Yvo began his charge yet again.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 10:48 PM
"Don't attack V... I'm here protecting this man... his ally slapped me across the face and ran over to those bushes... see if you can get her to come out..." Jalin said.

Jalin kept one end of his lightsaber lit and walked over to a man laying on the ground, and put a hand over his stomach... the man slowly began to breathe again.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 10:53 PM
Owl screamed as she was grabbed, struggling and squirming in their gasp. "Let me go you..." Her eyes suddenly glowed a grey, which was not a good sign. A huge force wave sent all of them flying, including her master. No one had ever seen this side of her, where she completely lost it. She jumped into the air, directly into a tree looking over them, her teal lightsaber drawn. Her eyes then glowed a black, even worse as her rage grew. Though neutral, because of her father, she had these strange bursts of darkside power. They never went away for long...

She jumped down and began fighting them, furiously and angrily. "Give...Quin... Back!" She said the words inbetween blows. "...Now!..."
01-03-2007, 10:59 PM
"Miss... Miss... please come out Master Jalin was only trying to help your friend. He will be alright" said V.

The woman walked out of the bushes she had fear in her eyes. The kind that you could see from a mile away.

"What's wrong miss maybe I or Master Jalin can be of some assisstance?" said V.

After Jalin was done healing the wounded man he made sure he was alright and came over to see what was going on.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 11:00 PM
(( The woman is can't control her and she is fighting ))
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 11:00 PM
Jalin's eyes widened, he did not want to hurt her... but he must protect himself, if she tried to hurt him. He activated the second end of his lightsaber, and sent a Force Wave, pushing her down and held her down with the Force. He disarmed her, and spoke silently to her....

"Let go of your anger, or it will consume you... do not allow it, otherwise you will be forever controlled by the Darkside." Jalin said. "Now, I don't want to harm you... but I will protect myself." He said allowing her to get back up.
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