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The Hunt for the Exile

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 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 11:02 PM
(( Ok Owl is fighting for her freedom...and she is fighting dark-lightsaber weilding kidnappers. Not you two! ...For heavens sake -.- Read correctly ))
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 11:04 PM
((still... I was attempting to make her lose her anger... not that I thought that....))
01-03-2007, 11:05 PM
(( Ok Owl is fighting for her freedom...and she is fighting dark-lightsaber weilding kidnappers. Not you two! ...For heavens sake -.- Read correctly ))

((Actually since this is Necri, who himself has no lightsaber, his servants dont have lightsabers either, just ancient sith weapons, swords, spears, ect. Oh, and they're not cortosis weave, but they have resistance to pure energy none the less, even better than cortosis weave even [he is an all evil horror of a being after all].))

The figures laughed, their laughs were like hearing hundreds of corrupt evil beings screaming, they were...horrors, to say the least.

"Little girl, hatred feeds us, when hatred feeds us, only those that were forged may strike us!" Said one of them, his voice alone like many evil things speaking at once.

When Owl struck at the men with her saber, they grew deformed underneath their armor, though this was to their advantage, for where a deformity was, there they had extra strength. Three of them grabbed at Owl at once.

Yvo was at the edge of the trees, and fighting them tooth and nail.

"Owl! Don't get angry, hatred feeds them!" He said, striking one down, his scream piercing the air.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 11:08 PM
Owl continued to fight until they grabbed her and began to drag her away. After her burst of anger, she was exausted. She fell limp, unable to fight back and not to mention hurt from being knocked down by Jalin. Though it brought her down she got right back up. She looked at Yvo helplessly, her glow fading from her eyes. She tried struggling, but it was too late unless someone helped her. They had her, and now as they moved away they were binding her into restraints.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 11:10 PM
Jalin Force Jumped behind them and cut off all three of their heads in one graceful move...

"Perhaps, you'd like me to help you?" Jalin asked, freeing Owl..
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 11:15 PM
Owl looked to him and fell against a tree as they fell. "Look out!" Five more of them jumped out at Jalin with lightsabers drawn. They had no moral as they fought, outnumbering him. Owl looked around, shocked, frightened, confused. Nothing seemed real anymore to her. As Jalin had to fight them off another group grabbed Owl and began dragging her off. More swarms came, attacking Jalin and Yvo. She was bound and gagged as they dragged her off, her muffled screams overcome by the sound of battle. The hum of lightsaber.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 11:15 PM
"You go V, I've got a Republic Cruiser... right now... these people need my help more than Diego and Sera do." Jalin said, stabbing two assassins, with both ends of his blades.
01-03-2007, 11:17 PM
"I will. Contact me if you need anymore assisstance." V said as he soared off into the crystal blue sky.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 11:20 PM
(( Ok...Jalin you can't just fight off swarms of Sith Assasins like that...You're God Modding...Maybe I should leave... ))
01-03-2007, 11:21 PM
"You fool!" Shouted Yvo to Jalin, "lightsabers only make them stronger, they've fed off mine and Owl's hate long enough that even someone not using hate can't strike them down!" He explained, cutting ones arm off, then back stbbing one coming at him from behind.

"Grab one of their weapons, it's physical, and embued with ancient sith arts, it should do the trick," said Yvo as he pushed through the trees, striking foes down, and trying to keep sight of Owl as best he could.
01-03-2007, 11:22 PM
((Well he had help from V of course so he wouldn't be doing it all by himself.))

V now was making a little stop on Nar Shadda to see an old friend for some tips.

"V" said Mira as he walked up to her.

"What are you doing here I thought you had signed up with the Sith." said Mira

"That was a long time ago I have changed since then and how did you know it was me when I walked up to you. You were only a kid when we first met and I was out of this attire completely" V said.

"Oh I have my ways of finding out, I am a Jedi now so I am sure you can see how I would know these things." Mira said.

"Well I guess we have both changed then. Now to the reason I came here..." V said.

"All business with you huh. Well I guess if figuresyou are probley on some quest of great importance." Mira said.

"As a matter of a fact I am and that is why I came here. To ask you if you have heard anything lately on the streets about Revan and his whereabouts." V said questioningly.

"As a matter of a fact I have, they were as most rumors say in the Unknown regions last but recently I heard a shlummy in the cantina say that he spotted Revan and a female Jedi on Deralia Revan's homeworld. It is just a bar rumor though so take it for what it is." said Mira.

"Well thank you Mira you have helped me greatly and have broadened my search and for that I owe you my upmost gratitude." V said slyley.

"Just make sure you come back alive and see me agian. This time I don't want to loose you lie I did so long ago." Mira said.

"I will" V said.

V went and got into his Ship and blasted out of Nar Shadda's atmosphere and his way to deralia.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 11:22 PM
((I'm not god modding, saber staff's can not be thrown, plus people die faster with those... regardless, and he is Anakin's ancestor, so he has power behind the swings....))

"V, just go... besides maybe I can convince Carth Onasi to come with me...." Jalin said, cutting down an assassin. "I will be there shortly..."
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 11:27 PM
(( Its still god modding...I will ignore his post for the sake of my sanity. Oh!? So that just means 'Oh lookie like god I sentence you to death in a split second. At least T2 and describe how you fight. T2 - Fighting rule in Roleplay that says you must first put at least 12 words for the attack and 8 for the connect. Aka 20 words in the whole post at the least Then I will allow it. Plus, Owl is my character. I have say in what happens to her, more than you. ))

Owl continued to struggle in their grasp as they drug her off towards a ship. She screamed again, or attempted, as they brought her furthur in. They took her into the ship and placed her bound body onto one of the beds staying with her. As soon as the word was spread she was captured one by one they began to leave. A suddenly screach could be heard. "Master Master!" Ginjin was in one's gasp as soon as they were in the ship it took off. Leaving the ones left over behind. Owl's face came to a window. "YVO!" she screamed before she was taken away from sight. She was a captive...all of Yvo's companions. Gone...
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 11:35 PM
((Very well as you wish... I'll delete that other post))

Jalin looked helpless as more Assassins came rushing up to him....... he saw the ship with Owl in it leaving....
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 11:36 PM
(( Thank you...I am very serious about role play being a writer myself. ))
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 11:38 PM
((Quite frankly I am more of a Fic writter and it is a little more than RPing... most RPers would consider our work... God modding.. so I will not do that anymore....))
01-03-2007, 11:39 PM
V quickly after he left Nar Shadda got on the com and called Jalin...

"I have found a lead on Revan and The Exile's whereabouts. They have been spotted by a spacer on Deralia. I am going to check out the lead as I may be able to get some more info on this." V said.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-03-2007, 11:41 PM
"Very well, but right now... I'm a bit tied up... I'll meet you on Taris..." Jalin said...
01-03-2007, 11:42 PM
((Okay, if none of you have figured it out by now, these guys do not wield lightsabers, as I said in a post above. Second, lightsabers cant kill them at the moment, only physical weaopons, like swords, or daggers, ect.

and third: YOU'RE ALL FIRED!!!! - JK :D))

Yvo cut two more down before he slumped to the ground, he had lost sight of Owl, and beyond that she was in a ship he could not track.

"No...." he mumbled, "NOOO!!!" Came his shout. He got up, the foes, the assassins, if you could call them that, were cut down but still in great number. He charged at them, hacking and hewing, blood spraying and squirting.

Onboard the ship a dark figure stood, hooded, and cloaked, holding an enormous sickle. One of the minions approached, "we have her...and the other servant," came the retched voice of the minion. The dark and tall spectre's head swivelled, he didn't say anything, but the minion bowed and walked off to do an unknown bidding.

Ginjin got up, and walked over to Owl ((assuming they were put together)) , he had recovered from his past injuries, only to be tired from fighting minions. Even though he was small, his claws and teeth were deadly, and he was stronger than he looked, he had killed a few before they had taken him.

"What we do now?" He asked Owl saddly. At this a minion approached and said, "my master wishes to see you, come easily, or be forced, then beaten afterwards," he said, his horrid voice or voices echoed through the room.
01-03-2007, 11:48 PM
"I will meet you on Taris then. V... out" V said.
 Light of the Fey
01-03-2007, 11:49 PM
[I GOT THE FIRST POST! Yah! Page 3 and now this page! Oh yea! *Dance, Moon Walk, Dance :P]

Owl looked to Ginjin and hugged him tight as he was placed next to him. She was scared and frightened. "Ginjin...I...just don't know..." She then noticed the minion and looked at him, her eyes hard but hurt at the same time. "Have you not beaten us enough?" She slowly got up and put Ginjin down. "Very well..." She followed him, she seemed almost as hard as Queen Amidala. Her voice emotionless...yet striking.
 Diego Varen
01-04-2007, 1:35 AM
(Man, you lot have been posting, since I've been offline. And I'm more of a Fic writer than an RP'er.)

Sion knew that there was nothing to be gained on Coruscant. He walked off back to his ship, noticing the Gizka. Sion was shocked to say the least as he ignited his Lightsaber, killing the Gizka. Someone is toying with me, Sion thought as he took off, I shall find that person.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 1:39 AM
((See I'm not the only person whom is a Fic writter at best... instead of RPer btw Pottsie, I'm workin on the Third Fic....))

Jalin stood out, the battle was finally over... he threw a blaster down.

"So uncivilized...." Jalin started. "Now, Yvo, tell me all you can about this enemy, I will help you get your ally back."
 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 1:58 AM
(( Lol Great, Owl is kidnapped, and now hunted by Sion! ))
 Diego Varen
01-04-2007, 2:00 AM
(Can someone please tell me where everyone is? Being off-line for so long, it is hard to catch up on the story.)
 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 2:01 AM
(( Owl: Trapped on Yvo's Former Master's ship.
Yvo: Corusant Park
Jalin: Corusant Park
Ginjin: Trapped with Owl
Quin: Trapped with Owl
Darth V: Corusant Park (I think) ))
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 2:05 AM
((Darth V: Nar Shaddaa, goin to Taris to meet up with Jalin laterz))
 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 2:05 AM
(( Ah Thanks ^^ ))
 Diego Varen
01-04-2007, 2:06 AM
Sion hooked the Gizka up into the terminal, hoping to get some information on its owner. The screen came up with, no information. Sion sighed and tried something else. The screen wiped off its previous information and it came up with, owner's location, Yvo's ship.

"I shall find this Yvo and kill him," Sion told himself.

(Where is Yvo's Master's ship?)
 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 2:08 AM
(( Yvo is her master and not affliated with his old master anymore. Owl is kidnapped. I don't know where the ship is, Archon would know and he isn't on right now. Yvo is trying to get Owl back and has no idea she put Gizka on Sion's ship. Owl is like...the damsel in distress now. Its not Vyo's ship. Its the unknown bad guy's ship LOL ))
01-04-2007, 2:34 AM
((Actually Darth V went to Deralia on a lead the he got from Mira on Nar Shadda.))
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 2:56 AM
((Mira's on Nar Shaddaa? Shouldn't she be with the other Jedi the Exile trained? On Telos))
01-04-2007, 3:17 AM
((No she has completed her training and when to go help the people of Nar Shadda and restore order and even open communications with the Refugee section people and the Jedi))
01-04-2007, 12:03 PM
[I GOT THE FIRST POST! Yah! Page 3 and now this page! Oh yea! *Dance, Moon Walk, Dance :P]

((Nope, I got first post on page three, and page two, go check! :p ))

Owl looked to Ginjin and hugged him tight as he was placed next to him. She was scared and frightened. "Ginjin...I...just don't know..." She then noticed the minion and looked at him, her eyes hard but hurt at the same time. "Have you not beaten us enough?" She slowly got up and put Ginjin down. "Very well..." She followed him, she seemed almost as hard as Queen Amidala. Her voice emotionless...yet striking.

The minion laughed, "our master would have preffered to keep your beauty intact, but you struggled too much. Besides, you'll be fine when we've...heheh, treated you," the minion snickered. They soon arrived where the cloaked and hooded figure stood with his sickled staff. The minion said nothing, but bowed and left. The dark spectre stood there, his back turned, in silence he stood, waiting for this small person to speak.

Jalin stood out, the battle was finally over... he threw a blaster down.

"So uncivilized...." Jalin started. "Now, Yvo, tell me all you can about this enemy, I will help you get your ally back."

Yvo stared at Jalin, "this enemy is no one you want to get involved with, he seeks me, and he strikes at the thing that hold my touch just to spite me. This is my battle jedi, there is no need for you to join a fight that is not yours," at this Yvo turned and walked off to get everything of his and Owl's that were scattered around the tree they had been at.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 12:59 PM
"As you wish, Yvo, but I want to help." Jalin said. "If you will not allow me to help, then I'll go to Taris in search of my friend V, but if you would allow it, I would like to help."
01-04-2007, 1:56 PM
Yvo pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, "help if you wish, but remember, I warned you," he said as he continued to collect his belongings and such.

After collecting everything he started to leave, then halted. He looked around, where...where was Ginjin? Yvo knelt down and studied the ground, then got back up, and walked around until he found four dead bodies, he studied them. They were the same minions, and they seemed to have been mauled, torn up by claws and teeth. Yvo concluded that they came for Ginjin as well, and he didn't go without a fight.

Yvo's eyebrows arched in anger as he turned and started walking off towards the nearest docking area. He turned his head and called back to Jalin, "come if you truely wish to."
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 2:00 PM
Jalin smiled and ran over to where he had a ship waiting...

"Who is this enemy? If you don't mind my asking... oh by the way my name is Jalin.." Jalin said.
 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 2:40 PM
"Beauty?" she said. She was quite surprised that they would even care about that. She then got nervous when he mentioned treatment. 'They are going to do something to me...' She followed along quite nervous, but curious in many a way. She watched as the minion left and she looked to the cloaked figure. "...What do you want with me and my...allies." She did not say friends, for she was worried in doing so she would place them in greater danger.

She stood firm, in perfect posture trying to immitate being in power. Her voice was cold, striking as if she owned a whole planet. It took everything to keep herself able to do this. She worried about Ginjin and Quin. Just more so about Yvo. 'I can't say anything about him...Could this be that...' She shivered at the thought. She gathered her courage again and watched the figure.
01-04-2007, 3:02 PM
The cloaked figure laughed, it echoed through the ship, it was bone chilling to say the least.

"I am that which is unkown to you," he stated cryptically, his voice was almost the opposite of Yvo's, full of many emotions at once. Anger, joy, saddness, despair, happiness, and many more came through his voice, but this only made his voice seem cold, it was also very deep, and hollow.

"Who are you who bares the mark of my tratorous minion?" He asked.
 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 3:06 PM
" I don't trust you...I don't tell anyone my real name. I go by Owl, so that is all you are getting," she said it firmly trying to act not intimidated by his voice. Just she was. She could feel the shiver go up her spine and she took one step back.
01-04-2007, 3:19 PM
Jalin smiled and ran over to where he had a ship waiting...

"Who is this enemy? If you don't mind my asking... oh by the way my name is Jalin.." Jalin said.

Yvo stopped and sighed, "I can only warn you, I won't tell you who or what he is, only that he's worse than any sith you'll ever meet."

At this Yvo kept walking.

" I don't trust you...I don't tell anyone my real name. I go by Owl, so that is all you are getting," she said it firmly trying to act not intimidated by his voice. Just she was. She could feel the shiver go up her spine and she took one step back.

The figure straightened up, he was tall, very tall! Taller than Yvo and that was saying alot because Yvo was seven feet tall! He was nine feet tall at least. The scariest thing about it was, his sickled staff was taller.

He turned ever so slowly until he faced her completely. He wore a skull as a mask, but you could not see the face nor head which was behind it, only darkness. His eyes were black and hollow but held an unseen fire, a fire of hate, and love. His shoulders bore spikes, and his cloak was tattered about his neck and shoulders. The cloak was clasped together with a different kind of skull, it was longer than a human skull, but still resembled one.

His left hand which held his sickle, was gloved with a clawed metal gauntlet, and to say his hands were big was an understatement, he could easily hold Owl's head like a grapefruit, and crush it just as easily. The rest of him was covered with his dark insidious cloak.

He laughed once more, "why do you bare a mark so familiar to me?" he asked, cocking his head, "I smell fear in you! Now tell me!" He said his voice escalating, the darker emotions in his voice could be heard more clearly.
 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 3:58 PM
"I will tell you no such thing," she said, backing up once more as he turned. When his voice grew louder the fear was obvious on her face. "My name is personal to me...I do not tell anyone I do not know or trust. There is no trust between us at all, and unless you lower your tone I will tell you nothing." She said it firmly still, she found her name very private. Only Yvo knew and when he called her by her real name she would get very angry.

"As you keep your face hidden I keep my name hidden." No ammount of torture or persuasion would never make her tell him. He would have to prove himself to her. "Plus, you have less trust than a person I have never met. Between harming my allies and me you have gained nothing." She glared at him, one that could chill even Sion. Her eyes glowed a gentle red behind the pupils, showing her great dislike for him. If he had ever known her father, it was a trait he had as well.
01-04-2007, 4:00 PM
Do not be afriad, child. All will be alright, A fatherly version of a voice that was normally dark whispered at the back of Owl's mind.


Shadow had witnessed everything, and although he would have liked to help, as it was just plain unsettling to see a beautiful young girl get taken off the street by some evil looking creatures, he had a job to do. If he didn't do his job, then he was more likely to be dead than the girl. After all, if they had wanted her dead, wouldn't they have just killed her there?

His job was simple: Kill a senator who was going to take a walk through the park without any living witnesses to the death. That was going to be a bit difficult, since he had body guards, and body guards always ran away for some reason Shadow could never place. So he set a trap within the little park forest. Thankfully, the others were leaving so they wouldn't be witnesses. Now all he had to do was wait.
 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 4:02 PM
Owl put two fingers to her head as the voice entered. She shook her head and looked around for any sign of who had done it. "...Did you-" she shook her head.
01-04-2007, 4:08 PM
Your enemies grow from your fear and hatred, as I have observed. But you have no reason to fear anything you can see. And anger is a useless tool to use for yourself, the voice whispered again.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 4:10 PM
Jalin perked up... he was fully aware of his surroundings... a Dark being was coming closer, and then it stopped, as if nothing had been there. Jalin got back to work on the hyperdrive, to make sure it still worked. The Darkside crept closer, this time Jalin stopped and was curious as to what had made the darkside so strong. He dropped his hydrospanner and found that behind him was a creature... one that had been stalking him, ever since his fall to the Darkside... his pet rancor.

"Dang it, Serra... don't scare me like that." Jalin said.

The rancor just roared laughter.

"I'm serious... I was just in battle with a lot of assassins... I thought maybe they had come back." Jalin replied.

Serra grunted and went back to the shadows.
01-04-2007, 4:10 PM
"You are strong child, but you are foolish," he said. "I do not hide my face...this is my face," he said as he pulled the hood back, the evident truth was revealed, the skull was his, connected to a neck without skin, you could see the muscles, and tendons, and he had no jaw, but when his hood was up someone could swear he did.

He put the hood back on and laughed. He started approaching her, "I seek not your name, I seek who you are. Who are you?" He questioned cryptically.
 Light of the Fey
01-04-2007, 4:10 PM
Who are you? What do you want? ...Where are you? , a gentle voice entered Shadow's mind. It was soft, and somewhat weak since she was not to good at entering others' minds.

"...Stay away from me," she said backing up with her eyes wide. She continued to back up until a cable tripped her from her foothold making her fall onto her back, hitting her head on the hard metal flooring.

(( Jalin...ok first Serra was a pet Gizka! Now its a rancor? and is it a baby rancor because a full grown couldn't fit in a ship and dissappear into shadow! Goodness... ))
01-04-2007, 4:18 PM
The spectre stopped when she fell, he paused, his eyes flickered with a strange light. He moved to her side quicker than anyone would expect someone of his size to move. He bent down and grabbed hold of her shoulder, lifting her up with one arm and setting her down.

He let go of her, with a jerk, as if his hand had been burned. "You!" he said shocked it seemed. "You are a student...of my ways, taught to you by..." at this his voice trailed off. He turned his back to her and started mumbling to himself.
 Anakin Skywalker
01-04-2007, 4:18 PM
((No... the gizka's name was Silri... the Rancor's name is Serra, he has two pets... yes Serra is a baby Rancor... she is also the color of midnight))
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