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Holowan Laboratories - News @ RPGDot

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07-21-2004, 11:03 AM
For those of you who have, on occasion, spotted me cruising the Holowan - and/or for those of you who wonder where this old-time KotOR semi-modder went to...

I've been doing some little RPG/MMORPG/Adventure game reporting over here:

I use the German version of my real first name..."Kristophe" as my editorial handle...and I mainly report on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday mornings (for right now).

You may also want to catch a few more of my "Holowan Modnewsbits" by checking out my reports on the 6th, 7th, and 15th of July (I won't bother going back further than that:-)

Should I miss something important that you all feel is worth a report - then feel free to contact me at

May the Force be with you all!!
07-21-2004, 5:50 PM
Interesting site you got there, I didn't know that the things we did here get reported on by other people at other websites, it's very interesting.
07-23-2004, 10:10 AM
To be quite honest, maverick187 - I am not sure whether any other gaming website posts news about the ongoing events here at the Holowan Laboratories or not...

Having contributed my own modest bit to the multitude of mods you all have done here...I just felt that greater recognition/appreciation/and exposure to your hard efforts should be given...and, seeing as I am an editor/reporter for RPGDot...well:-)

So all of you can continue to drop by RPGDot from time to time and check to see if I've put your mod/name in the news *chuckles* Of course - I'll always try to add a comment to the applicable thread for your mods to let the author know that I've done a newsbit!!

BTW - when I do any newsbit re KotOR - it automatically posts on our hosted KotOR website as can check it out here:

Also - if anyone happens to see "deathdisco" - please let him know I included a section of today's report on the latest six mods he submitted to PCGameMods!!
07-23-2004, 3:20 PM
Thanks for the blurb:)
07-23-2004, 4:05 PM

It's always nice to be recognized and I'm sure that we get more people using our mods because of your news blurbs, so thanks a bunch and for future reference, no need type out maverick187 you can just type mav, think of it as interent
07-24-2004, 10:13 AM
You're welcomed, deathdisco.

Roger that, mav :-)
07-24-2004, 3:02 PM
BTW Fred Tetra - even though it's not my "normal" reporting time - did a quick RPGDot post re your latest KotOR Mod Tool:-)
07-24-2004, 3:06 PM
And actually, mav - it would be an interesting idea...meaning a poll at some time and point to see just how people have come to hear about, and visit, the Holowan Laboratories...

My own, personal theology behind my various reports about the events and mods here is to (1) hopefully encourage more people to try their hand at modding, and (2) to spread the word around about the terrific work modders do - not just for KotOR - but for many games (I also do reports for BGI/BGII modders, NWN modders, Freelancer modders, Morrowind modders, etc).
07-24-2004, 5:23 PM
A poll to find out about how people found out about this forum.....sounds interesting, the first time I found out about this forum was at someone on the KotOR message board reference me to it, every now and then I go back there and tell people about Holowan. Personally I really don't know much about modding at all, I mean the only thing I can do is re-texture and use Fred's easy to use tool to make item's armor, and place simple things into the game, I can't script or anything....yet, but what yoyu are doing sounds pretty cool.
07-24-2004, 5:31 PM
Thanks :)
 Fred Tetra
07-24-2004, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by CDRSeadog
BTW Fred Tetra - even though it's not my "normal" reporting time - did a quick RPGDot post re your latest KotOR Mod Tool:-)

Thanks! Always good to get the word out to more people!
 Darth Khasei
07-25-2004, 3:22 AM
Thanks for the pub. That was very nice of you sir. :D
07-25-2004, 10:46 AM
You are all welcomed...Darth333, Darth Khasei, and Fred Tetra.

And...Thank You, mav:-)
07-26-2004, 2:03 AM
It's nice to see you around here agin seadog. And before I ramble to much you should talk to the modderaters about being the unofficeal spokesperson!

(sorry bad spelling)

Now thats one "missing person" found but as anyone seen or heard from kittykitty?

:cyb3: :cyb3: :cyb3: :cyb3: :fire2: :fire3: :cyb3: :cyb3: :cyb3: :cyb3:
07-26-2004, 3:09 AM
Please mention the KotOR Fund Raiser in your next installment. More details can be found here:

 Colma Adawin
07-26-2004, 3:51 AM
Originally posted by Achillies
Please mention the KotOR Fund Raiser in your next installment. More details can be found here:


its only going to last EIGHT ( 8 ) days is there any point? i have no problem with your idea, i like it, i would give some money, if i had any, and i've got to worry about changing it up, Posting it and im in england so it would cost me 10 x as much to post it, but hey, it can get him rich if ppl send him too much money :p either improve his life or do a complete upgrade on his computer :p

EDIT* i mean no insult / offence by this, im doing this becoz i've just re-read it and it did seem aggressive

07-26-2004, 10:22 AM
My thanks,'s a pleasure to see you again as well.

As to Kittykitty - I haven't seen or heard from her for some little time now - I can only assume she has another website - as it seems that she hasn't worked on her website in some time...and all her mods, ramblings, work, etc are no longer posted...nada!!

On another note - Achilles - I had thought about posting a newsbit re Fred Tetra's plight...but I don't believe that my readers, nor my fellow editor/reporters would consider that kind of a "solicitation" newsbit as being appropriate to that as it may, I have taken a measure of my own to try and help alleviate Fred's situation.
07-26-2004, 3:32 PM
Originally posted by CDRSeadog
On another note - Achilles - I had thought about posting a newsbit re Fred Tetra's plight...but I don't believe that my readers, nor my fellow editor/reporters would consider that kind of a "solicitation" newsbit as being appropriate to that as it may, I have taken a measure of my own to try and help alleviate Fred's situation.

I understand. Thanks for the follow up.
07-26-2004, 4:44 PM
Originally posted by CDRSeadog

As to Kittykitty - I haven't seen or heard from her for some little time now - I can only assume she has another website - as it seems that she hasn't worked on her website in some time...and all her mods, ramblings, work, etc are no longer posted...nada!!

I think Kitty Kitty is registered over at, I've seen someone over there with the exact same name and signature picture. :p I assume it's the same person, but you never know. ;)

I could drop her a PM on HF and ask.

After some detective work(clicking on her profile button:p ) I can safely say it's the same person.
Kitty's profile on HF (
07-26-2004, 11:55 PM
its only going to last EIGHT ( 8 ) days is there any point?

I'm sorry Matt. I'm not sure what you mean by this question, although I will make a guess at your intention:

"Is there a reason you're limiting it to 8 days?"

The purpose behind August 1st is three-fold

1) it gives people time to mail the money.

2) you have to have some time limit or else people won't feel a sense of urgency.

3) People get paid at the beginning/end of the month. If they mail a post dated check, they know the money will be there to cover it soon.

It can get him rich if ppl send him too much money :p either improve his life or do a complete upgrade on his computer :p

I don't think people are going to send him $100 bills. I could be wrong but I think the largest contribution to this point has been $20. I imagine that most people are going to give $5 or $10 if they are going to give at all. The thing about helping people out when they need it is that usually you don't worry too much about helping them too much. I've never given money to a charitable cause and thought "geez, I don't want to help the less fourtunate TOO much". I give what I can with the realization that if everybody helped just a little bit, it can make a big difference.

I realize that Fred needs "help" rather than "charity" and that this is attempt to raise money for a computer component, not end world hunger. The principle is the same though: give what you can if you want to help.
 Colma Adawin
07-27-2004, 3:02 AM
Originally posted by Achillies
I'm sorry Matt. I'm not sure what you mean by this question, although I will make a guess at your intention:

"Is there a reason you're limiting it to 8 days?"

The purpose behind August 1st is three-fold

1) it gives people time to mail the money.

2) you have to have some time limit or else people won't feel a sense of urgency.

3) People get paid at the beginning/end of the month. If they mail a post dated check, they know the money will be there to cover it soon.

I don't think people are going to send him $100 bills. I could be wrong but I think the largest contribution to this point has been $20. I imagine that most people are going to give $5 or $10 if they are going to give at all. The thing about helping people out when they need it is that usually you don't worry too much about helping them too much. I've never given money to a charitable cause and thought "geez, I don't want to help the less fourtunate TOO much". I give what I can with the realization that if everybody helped just a little bit, it can make a big difference.

I realize that Fred needs "help" rather than "charity" and that this is attempt to raise money for a computer component, not end world hunger. The principle is the same though: give what you can if you want to help.

Thank you Achillies, i didnt mean any offence when i posted, i was really just asking, and trying to add a joke :p good luck with the 'Fund Raiser'

07-30-2004, 10:42 AM
This thread seems to be more than sufficient for my informing you all about my latest newsbits:-)

(1) Today I posted a newsbit mentioning the latest Reign of the Sith mod by Gsccc - I also added a bit about the IE website - complete with links.

(2) I reiterated the thread about Installing Mods/Using Mod Tools by Darth333 - as well as adding a bit on the thread started by Glamador entitled "How to alter KotOR models" - both items I hope will entice the budding KotOR modder amongst RPGDot readers.

(3) RedHawke - I put in a short newsbit about your latest mod - the recruitable NPC RedHawke.

(4) Just to note - Meatloaf Cat - I didn't put in a newsbit about your Ajunta Pall skin - as I noticed that, while you have it hosted over at PCGameMods - the Holowan threads for today seem to indicate there is a problem with it. Keep me advised as to when your mod is "bug-free" and I'll add it to my lineup of items for future newsbits.

Lastly - just so you all know - I'll be on vacation (visiting my Mom down in FLorida) for the next few days - so you won't see any new news about the Holowan Laboratories over at RPGDot until (at the very least) August 5th.

Take care, everyone...and May the Force be with You All!!

On - and BTW - great news - and you're welcomed Fred:-)
07-30-2004, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by CDRSeadog
This thread seems to be more than sufficient for my informing you all about my latest newsbits:-)

(3) RedHawke - I put in a short newsbit about your latest mod - the recruitable NPC RedHawke.

Thanks for the spreading the evil... er'... I mean spreading the word CDRSeadog! :D
07-31-2004, 12:27 PM
NP, RedHawke...and you are welcomed:-)
08-06-2004, 10:29 AM
Well - I'm back from Florida - the gators didn't have me for supper (though Mom made some fantastic meals - as always)...

First of all - you are very welcomed, Fred Tetra (though I would have prefered also to be "anonymous" - cest La vie)..

Now - for today's (05 AUG 2004) News:

(1) News re RedHawke's latest mod update.

(2) I also let my readers know that Gsccc's ROTS mod is now released as version 1.0 vice being a BETA release.

(3) X8C4 - I also did a short newsbit re your French/English tutorials for Fred's incomparable KotOR Tool.

(4) Wampire's "Revan's Items & Saber" mod was featured.

(5) I also mentioned Achilles' "Worrroznor's Warblade" mod.

(6) DannyGast - I made small mention of your reskin of the male #4 head.

(7) Lastly - I mentioned the Holowan's "Three Musketeers" (svosh/t7nowhere/Darth333) colloborated efforts in producing "Revan's Redemption Robes".

And now I have to head on out of the house and see about getting a replacecment for my own, freshly burned-out motherboard *chuckles*

May the Force be with you all:-)
08-06-2004, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by CDRSeadog
(5) I also mentioned Achilles' "Worrroznor's Warblade" mod.

Thanks for the press. Ironic that this is probably the lowest-budget mod I've made *LOL*

Glad to see you're back!
08-20-2004, 9:43 AM
It has been some little while since I was able to do any reporting over at RPGDot...first off, my mobo really did go, ummm bad *chuckles* I replaced that mobo with a new mobo that was also defective (second time was a charm and I now have a new, working mobo). Then I discovered my power supply also went, ummm, bad - so I went out and bought a new power supply.

This month has really proven to be a bad luck month for me...having replaced my mobo and P/s - then I began having internet connections problems (like virtually little - if any - connection for 2 weeks)...partially due to hurricane activity...then a problem with my modem not registering with my ISP...and now they've discovered a very high "signal to noise ratio" problem that my ISP will fix in a week or so (my area ISP is totally backlogged with trouble calls) my connectivity online is still shaky at best.

Nevertheless - I did a very full Holowan Laboratories report over at RPGDot - mentioning mods/reskins by Darth333 & tk102, RedHawke, Hulas, Jackel, Bobo, Cerasumat, Amezaroth, DarthDex, En Liten Mus, Helter, The_Munchkin_Lord, Messkell, and Jedi Gabe *whew - that's a list*.
08-20-2004, 10:15 AM
I want to thank you for the work you do CDRSeadog :) It is very nice of you to do this and we all appreciate it :)

However, concerning KSE, I don't deserve that much credit: KSE is tk102's baby and I just wrote the last update (v.2.0.8) which is adds the possibility to change the soundset associated with the characters, which is useful when the npcs undergo heavy plastic surgery or sex change (you don't want a Rancor with Mission's voice, do you? :D )

Tk102 has just been too kind to put my name there: I just added some lines to the code and that by simply copying and tweaking the original code he made . The whole job took no longer than 1/2 hour :rolleyes:.
08-20-2004, 5:04 PM
Indeed, lady Darth333 - nevertheless, you are as modest as the real lady I suspect you are re your efforts and accomplishments for the Holowan Laboratories - even if your icon has that huge blaster pointed directly at everyone's face *chuckles*

As to tk102 - I am also well aware he is quite the gallant gentleman - so, should he wish your name included with his KotOR SaveGame Editor - then I shall honor him by reporting likewise.

As to the work being done here at the Holowan - well, I've always respected those who give so much to better another's gaming I just try to give credit where credit should be due:-)

May the Force continue to be with You All!!
08-21-2004, 12:06 AM
Cheers and thanks to you too, CDRSeadog.
08-21-2004, 1:03 AM
Once again, CDRSeadog thanks for spreading the evil... er' word! :D
08-21-2004, 3:57 PM
BTW - tomorrow (Saturday) I am reporting again - so if I miss anything - or if anyone feels I should look into something - send an e-mail...again - I normally do my reporting on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday AM...I'm also busy in the meantime researching articles/editorials I have plans for:-)
08-21-2004, 4:12 PM
Wow! Very cool CDR. This should get some more modders over here.
08-21-2004, 4:50 PM
Originally posted by CDRSeadog
BTW - tomorrow (Saturday) I am reporting again - so if I miss anything - or if anyone feels I should look into something - send an e-mail...again - I normally do my reporting on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday AM...I'm also busy in the meantime researching articles/editorials I have plans for:-)
Would you mind referencing my website? I created it when you were "out" and I have a lot of tutorials, etc that I think will help new people get started (not that Holowan doesn't do the same :D).
08-22-2004, 9:19 AM
Check out my Holowan Laboratories report over at RPGDot (or at our KotOR sister-site) for today...I did a small newsbit for your "Default Clothes" mod, Achilles - and I also did a note advising my readers to check out your other mods whilst they were perusing your modsite:-)

Other modders mentioned in my Saturday Holowan report:

Gsccc for his upgraded ROTS mod.

Colja for his "Jovar Face" mod.

RedHawke for his "Make Mission A Jedi" mod.

Cerasumat for the "Ceremonial Jedi Robes" mod.

May the Force Be with You All:-)
08-22-2004, 9:27 AM
Thanks :)
08-22-2004, 10:41 AM
BTW - this has NOTHING to do with KotOR...or the Holowan.

Every so often, as an online game editor/reporter - I come across something totally out of the ordinary that strikes me as worthwhile mentioning/sharing with others...

Today's amusing news report (which can also be read about over at RPGDot and/or the Neverwinter Vault) is as follows:

Sign up for the NWN2 Baita Test NOW!! (Official / Announcement)
Don't miss your chance to be a part of history!! Sign up for the NWN2 Baita Test today!!!

Interested Baita testers can fill our their application here:

I so love tongue-in-cheek reporting *chuckles*

Oh - and you are always welcomed, lady Darth333 (BTW - I'll have to do an addition to my next newsbit about you and add a link to your own KotOR Modsite).
08-22-2004, 11:59 AM
Hahaha, I learn a new word today " baita" :D (Isn't this a small country house in Italian? I could test this: I need vacations!)
*edit* this questionnaire is too funny :D

About my website, I would prefer if you wait a little before adding it to your list: I am currently in the process of updating all my mods (and my website - svosh made me a nice header) and everything should be ready in a week or two. And again, thanks for eveything :)
08-22-2004, 1:06 PM
NP, lady Darth333...I'm rather sure that I'll have something or another insofar as future newsbits in which you would be featured - just send me an e-mail when you'd like me to post your modsite:-)
08-22-2004, 1:38 PM
Originally posted by CDRSeadog
I did a small newsbit for your "Default Clothes" mod, Achilles - and I also did a note advising my readers to check out your other mods whilst they were perusing your modsite:-)

I appreciate the advertisement :D Thank you sir!
08-22-2004, 10:30 PM
Hey CDRSeadog sorry this is a bit late but I want to thank you for the bit on the Reven Redemption robes , Holowan's "Three Musketeers" I like it :D Anyways thanks again and Keep up the good work :thumbsup:

08-23-2004, 12:45 AM
Thanks for the press once again CDRSeadog! :D
08-23-2004, 8:22 AM
Never a problem, gentlemen...and you are all always welcomed...Svosh...RedHawke...and Achilles:-)

May the Force Be With You All!!
08-25-2004, 11:26 AM
Did another Holowan Laboratories report today - you can read it at either location below:

Today's report featured RedHawke, PrtyLizardJedi, JediGabe, Beancounter, and Jackel:-)
08-26-2004, 12:53 AM
Thanks once again CDRSeadog! :D
08-26-2004, 7:30 AM
Actually RedHawke - no need to thank me - I enjoy spreading the word around about all the great work modders do for PC games - so my reports are, in a way, my thanking you all for your outstanding efforts:-)
08-29-2004, 10:27 AM
I'm back:-)

Once again I have set my type into gear and featured the Holowan Laboratories in today's news - featured modders today were:

(1) Messkell
(2) JediKenobi
(3) RedHawke (BTW - I also gave a "plug" for your website)
(4) cchargin
(5) The_Munchkin_Lord
(6) Mono_Giganto
(7) Hulas
(8) T7nowhere for his "List of Downloads - Tools & Mods" thread
(9) Darth333 for her "Guide For The Newbie" thread
(10) Shosey for his "I Am Jedi" Mod (And a plug for his website as well).
08-29-2004, 2:12 PM
I had noticed that I seemed to have missed giving credit to Immortality for the Customization Packs and the other mods over at Forgotten Wars...I'll have to remedy that situation with next Tuesday morning's reporting (would be nice if Immortality sent me a reminder e-mail on Monday - just in case:-)
08-31-2004, 8:04 AM
Another Holowan Laboratories newsbit on both the RPGDot website

And Our KotOR website

Todays newbit featured the fgollowing modders:

(1) RedHawke
(2) Messkell
(3) Amezaroth
(4) DannyGast
(5) JediKenobi
(6) KnightFxr
(7) SouthernCroz
(8) T7nowhere (teamed with Svosh & Achilles)
(9) Darth333
08-31-2004, 8:14 AM
Thanks again! It's always refreshing to read your "chronicles" :)
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