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Posted in: Pod Racer and win2k
02-17-2002, 2:55 PM
Are you sure it isn't a hardware problem or something other than the OS?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite games...
02-17-2002, 2:58 PM
I like TIE Fighter, it's classic....  [Read More]
Posted in: 'Shipping & Handling
02-17-2002, 1:48 PM
Hello all....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cant you...?
02-17-2002, 2:57 PM
Maybe he changed his mind......  [Read More]
Posted in: Obi-Wan: Special moves
02-17-2002, 2:59 PM
The xBox is basically a PIII Computer in console's clothing. Its still cool though, can't wait till Thief 3 comes out for it. :)...  [Read More]
Originally posted by GUNNER You guys are heartless. Intel makes a great chip, you just happen to prefer AMD.:cool: True, True. Intel DOES make a great chip, but AMDs are better at the same speed AND cheaper, so with my budget, I go with AMD....  [Read More]
Baccy- It sounds like you'll come up with a good setup, so I'll leave that to you, but I suggest you get a pretty high speed processor, thats the hardest to upgrade, its much easier to add more ram or a better video card later. And don't get a pentiu...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Zargon DUDE, are you saying that you work THERE?! Yeah, why?...  [Read More]
That'd be great, but too bad it would cost $700+ and you still wouldn't have a motherboard that would work with it. :) Durons aren't as good as the Athlon XPs, but they are still good if you're on a budget, which RedWing seems to be on....  [Read More]
Okay, heres a budget system that will still slap your old system around: 1. ABIT KT7A Mainboard $109.00 2. AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1333 MHZ 266 MHZ FSB $124.00 2. PC133 256MB $69.00 Total: $302 You could also add your old ram into this system fo...  [Read More]
Sorry I didn't reply sooner, sounds like Baccy took care of things though. I suggested a top of the line system, there are still some great deals for a lot cheaper, I'll look around....  [Read More]
There is nothing wrong with ATX cases, its just a standard for what motherboards will fit in it. Granted there are some poor ATX cases though, but plenty of good ones. I'd go for a custom built machine, or you could add the following 3 parts to your...  [Read More]
Posted in: Woohoo
03-01-2002, 8:55 PM
Are there some good mapping programs out there for Q3A, as well as tutorials?...  [Read More]
Is Quake III Radiant a good program to practice with for JO?...  [Read More]
02-01-2002, 10:29 PM
Jedi Outcast better be editable, but I'm fairly sure it will be, so I'm not worried....  [Read More]
Posted in: One question on Milkshape3D
01-26-2002, 5:47 PM
I would suggest downloading gmax first, its freeware so you don't have to pay anything. Just go to and run a search for 'gmax' and it'll come right up. If you like GMax you might as well use that instead of spending $20. If you like Milk...  [Read More]
Posted in: The New Jedi Order TC
01-26-2002, 11:43 PM
I'm interested, what positions do you have?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ultimate Feature List!
01-24-2002, 5:50 PM
Originally posted by Desslock My Jawa is cooler than your Jawa Max! :D :jawa Didn't realize someone else had the same Avatar, changed mine so there wouldn't be any confusion, even if mine was better. ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ultimate Feature List!
01-23-2002, 6:13 PM
Wow, looks like you've been keeping track. I'd rather not see the repeater or the Rail Detonator again, as they are not in any other Star Wars documentation....  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Outcast Modeling
01-26-2002, 6:04 PM
Once you have a model where do you go from there to incorporate it into a game?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Outcast Modeling
01-21-2002, 7:54 PM
What tools do I need, and how hard is it to model new weapons for Quake III. I'd like to work on some custom blasters and weapons for Jedi Outcast when it comes out....  [Read More]
Feb 1 and March 24-25 have been thrown around. As StormHammer said, only LEC and Raven know....  [Read More]
Posted in: Radiant Editor Resources and Links
02-01-2002, 10:35 PM
Can you create custom weapons with gmax?...  [Read More]
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