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Posted in: Hey everybody! let's start a bar fight!
04-27-2004, 7:59 PM
OCC: Ooops srry marta sounds like a girls name... oops again lol IC: Slapshot steps on Gengis Kahn's tow, but it's big so it knocks them both down for one post....  [Read More]
Posted in: Hey everybody! let's start a bar fight!
04-26-2004, 2:01 AM
Slapshot jumps up and unloads his mac-11's on beefyboy. It hits him in the eye. he is down for 2 posts...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hey everybody! let's start a bar fight!
04-25-2004, 11:33 PM
3) A person is considered down until they post again. After they repost, they are fair game. OCC:He has to repost before he is considered up again. (Srry doomgiver for that break in the action.)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hey everybody! let's start a bar fight!
04-25-2004, 11:28 PM
OCC: Lol an OCC in a bar fight but LukeKatarn Marta has not gotten up from her two post shot so you cannot hit him...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hey everybody! let's start a bar fight!
04-25-2004, 9:08 PM
Slapshot pulls out a pair of mac 11's and readies himself for action!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hey everybody! let's start a bar fight!
04-25-2004, 7:48 PM
Slapshot comes up and throws a grenade, knocking doomgiver down for 2 posts....  [Read More]
Posted in: A mercenary's tale.
04-25-2004, 8:34 PM
keep it comin doomgiver. i like it so far....  [Read More]
IC: Rash and Orn both heard blaster fire. "Dang it! Stormtroopers..." Rash's mind went into high-gear. "Okay, both of you go kill some stormtroopers. I wish I could join you, but I'm going to have to pilot this ship outta here. Ras...  [Read More]
OCC: Sorry guys, I get cranky when I don't get enough sleep. They need to make school at like one so I can sleep in. IC: "The Thing," whatever it was, jump out of the air duct as soon as it heard blaster fire. Rash heard it too. Rash flu...  [Read More]
OCC: OKay guys I know this is totally OCC but could you please wait until some other people post to post again. Like F-Bomb can only post once a day and it's kind of really his story. So I know we want to get the post count up, but it'll go up eventu...  [Read More]
OCC: YAY!!! IT'S here! Oh and another thing F-Bomb forgot to mention, copy and paste your posts into a word processor and check spelling. It adds to the experience. IC: "Let go of me you rancor-stinking, nerf-herding, core-slimes! You can't kee...  [Read More]
Posted in: Realism
04-24-2004, 2:07 AM
Originally posted by joesdomain I have seen some bad realism in games like Galactic Battlegrounds where a solider, bounty hunter, etc. can shoot a pistol at a AT-ST Walker or AT-AT Walker and they are destroyed. That is fake and doesn't happen in th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle for Hoth
04-24-2004, 3:53 PM
OCC:Galvii loosened his grip. Vandar breathed in great gulps of air. He stood up and dusted himself off. "Now, I must get back to my mission. I bid you goodbye." Vandar ran down the hallway, thankful to get away from Galvii. "Dang it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle for Hoth
04-23-2004, 1:47 AM
Vandar choked and gagged. "Dang it! Gonna hafta go with the flow next time..." ... "Okay okay! What do you want" Galvii's grip loosened somewhat. He had hoped that TK-423 would help him but it seemed as if he wasn't going to......  [Read More]
Posted in: Swrpg?
04-26-2004, 2:05 AM
lol yeah we are about to hyperspace so F-Bomb you better hurry up....  [Read More]
Posted in: Swrpg?
04-25-2004, 7:49 PM
Srry 2day was bro's b-day. We went out for lunch. sorry I couldn't make it. And F_bomb could have been arrested and we bust him out....  [Read More]
Posted in: Swrpg?
04-25-2004, 2:15 PM
I ususally stay on MSN all day, but I leave it and check it every once and a while. So if i'm on and don't respond, just wait cuz I'll be there soon. Oh and F-Bomb could be in the tower. ya know that Me and the co-pilot just went in....  [Read More]
Posted in: Swrpg?
04-25-2004, 12:27 AM
So is it weekends at 12:00 est?...  [Read More]
Posted in: All Purpose OOC Thread
04-29-2004, 9:39 PM
Okay... Well LOTR died in like a day. Doomgiver you wanna do just us to? Or should we just forget about it....  [Read More]
Posted in: All Purpose OOC Thread
04-25-2004, 11:03 PM
Lol no vamps but the book does go alot further. Like at the end the shire gets taken over by people and the hobbits take it back. It is my favorite part. Also if you need an elf name you can go to here ( Also if you need...  [Read More]
Posted in: All Purpose OOC Thread
04-25-2004, 7:44 PM
No doomgiver, but there are ringwraiths, The Nine, Servants of Sauron, Corrupted men. Call them what you want but they dress in black robes and wear black horses. And they have the black breath whitch lets them do bad things (I forget) And if we are...  [Read More]
Posted in: All Purpose OOC Thread
04-25-2004, 2:32 PM
I have a question for a mod or admin. Do the RPGs in here have to be star wars? Could we make a Lord of the Rings one?...  [Read More]
IC: Javil did as the Mandalorian commanded him. "Umm... I'm looking for Van Lingo. I must speak with him. I must know where he is. (and seriously, VanLingo where are you?) And who knows? Maybe I can help you out." The Mandalorian didn't an...  [Read More]
IC: Javil's Z-95 pulled in next to The Grim Fandango. He landed and went to the door. "I wonder what kind of greeting I'm gonna get..," he thought. The door panel turned green and whizzed open. What he saw made him want to run away. Far aw...  [Read More]
IC: Javil's Z-95 pulled out of hyperspace. The ship drifted idley until it flew into orbit. There, he waited. Half-way around the planet, Javil saw what he was looking for. The Grim Fandango was floating in space, unmoving. He quickly scrambled to g...  [Read More]
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