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the weiner dog!

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Posted in: The Return of Kick (among other things)
 the weiner dog!
09-23-2003, 5:39 AM
Ouch, Al just got slapped with a large trout. Serious though, this guy does make very valid (and well written) points. I'm glad people do understand where all this is coming from and it's nice to see that some people are actually reading what is b...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Return of Kick (among other things)
 the weiner dog!
09-23-2003, 4:51 AM
oh and /kill was in every quake based engine since well, quake 1. (not sure if it was in doom). for an "official" answer you would need to go to someone other than Raven, like John Carmack from id software. in a nutshell it is there if y...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Return of Kick (among other things)
 the weiner dog!
09-23-2003, 4:45 AM
heh To each their own I guess. I guess it can be "abused" to some degree. I've been kicked a couple of times and banned a while back but in all fairness to the server I was on, I abused the hell out of it and played like a bastard so I p...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Return of Kick (among other things)
 the weiner dog!
09-23-2003, 4:26 AM
screed I think that whole suicide rant was a joke. At least I hope it was since /kill has been used in every single game of CTF going all the way back to quake 1... Then again this is the world of star wars people, lots of weird things happen when...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Return of Kick (among other things)
 the weiner dog!
09-22-2003, 5:51 PM
Then don't play NG CTF Al. And stop commenting on it please, it's no different than me telling people how to play Star Wars Galaxies when I don't even have the game. I'm serious Al; do you even realize that is what you are doing? How can a person...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Return of Kick (among other things)
 the weiner dog!
09-22-2003, 5:26 PM
Al do me a favor please, either come sign up for some competition play with the best clans in this game or simply shut the hell up. You have 0 knowledge on the topic we are discussing so why are you even here other than to troll? I'm serious Al;...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Return of Kick (among other things)
 the weiner dog!
09-22-2003, 5:17 AM
heh Khier Serakk relax dude. we may not get anything in the form of official help but it looks like =X= mod is going to put the "game" back in the release so to speak. right now =X= and div3rse both have servers up or are soon to be u...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Return of Kick (among other things)
 the weiner dog!
09-22-2003, 4:50 AM
enable cheats first dood. actually to be honest I have not tried it in my retail sp. I did it in the demo thing but have not messed with it since I got the cd's. I remember it was funny how you could "super mario" jump off the tops of th...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Return of Kick (among other things)
 the weiner dog!
09-22-2003, 4:32 AM
I like weiner dogs. I had one for 18 years. it died. :( oh yeah, just a side note about kicks to Hex: you may want to tweak the knock back a little (sometimes the kicker flys back farther than the kicked person) and watch out for a nasty "...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Return of Kick (among other things)
 the weiner dog!
09-22-2003, 4:17 AM
Answer my question AL. Do you have the Game? You don't live in North America, so I'm going to guess no (I admit I could be wrong though but most euro's including the ones in our clan say it's not out over there). Am I correct? Then how the hell c...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Return of Kick (among other things)
 the weiner dog!
09-22-2003, 3:55 AM
Good point side. Here you go "omg learn the game and give it some time" people: tell us how to do it since you all are so wise and were the best in the previous game and since this game is 80% the same content tell us how... oh wait, you...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Return of Kick (among other things)
 the weiner dog!
09-22-2003, 1:39 AM
The thing is guys, it's ALL THERE. We don’t need new animations or anything. We just need things unlocked. I can double tap kick off walls in sp, side kick off them too. Unlock it. I want to use a saber, trust me I do. But when my basic swing...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Return of Kick (among other things)
 the weiner dog!
09-22-2003, 12:31 AM
Al no offense but you really need to stay out of this unless it directly concerns you. I know you like to pick apart peoples posts and dissect every little detail of them for the sake of the argument but this is really a topic that you both know lit...  [Read More]
Originally posted by =X=Master HeX First off... The only way to satisfy all parties is to give them each settings that can be changed the way THEY like it. This will draw competitive players to servers where there are not 20min standoffs between tea...  [Read More]
Like I said before, I'm not happy about a software company dumping the job of fixing their games on the shoulders of the mod community but if this is what it takes then so be it. But I will say it's nice to actually have people who are willing to de...  [Read More]
Originally posted by noide 1 question: why do the casual gamers care if kick and the moves we need are put back into the game. why do they care if the force restrictions are taken out of the game so that s/o ctf is playable again. casual gamers shou...  [Read More]
Originally posted by Re\/aN I'm sorry if I come across as trite or condescending.. but being a casual gamer I'd like to voice my opinion on any kind of MP changes that people are wanting. Full Force Saber only is the #1 game type in competitive pla...  [Read More]
Originally posted by AxVegetA You know what? ill leave this thread, cause people like you be the most useless players ever, and you make me sick. CTF in jedimaster level just sucked, because of all you have said. Change the regen time to slow, and...  [Read More]
Side it's ok we all know you Frenchy’s talk funny. ;) But he's (and myth) right. You guys have to keep in mind that the goal is to kill a 90 mph moving target that can leap 100 feet into the air and will be constantly healed and energized by hi...  [Read More]
Again vegeta, I *asked if you played 1.04. Ask is something people use when they are not sure. In this case I though you may have played it by now. But as I said and now stand corrected, you do not play 1.03, you do not play 1.04 and you DO NOT E...  [Read More]
AXVegeta or whatever your in game name is, let's do this: You don't play Jedi Outcast 1.03. You don't play Jedi Outcast 1.04. You don't EVEN HAVE Jedi Academy. How about you shut the hell up when until you can actually contribute to what people a...  [Read More]
/ignore fan boy rant mode on Ok back on topic, prime like screed said it is very limited. Trust me we have been trying to find ways to "exploit" or "spam" them to some level of effectiveness against skilled players but it is...  [Read More]
heh, yeah the sniper scope delay is a very big gripe from all of the twl gunners as well. it's another example of a nerf that was not needed but put it and screwed some thing up....  [Read More]
Try this g_saberDamageScale 10 Problem solved. IF the FC so much as gets touched by a saber he's dead. Try reading what I just posted. Not to mention most ladders require you to play with friendly fire on (almost all competitive games are like...  [Read More]
Prime to understanding kicking in Jedi Outcast you need to understand this: It goes a hell of a lot deeper than the double tap to cause 20 hp of damage or a knock down when playing in competitive communities. The best kick user in the history of Je...  [Read More]
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