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king yoda

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Posted in: Finished The Game... *SPOILERS!*
 king yoda
09-19-2003, 3:57 PM
can say hho see final enemy is?...  [Read More]
new jedi npcґs jedi_rm1 jedi_rm2 dual saber jedi_kdm1 saberstaff jedi_kdm2 jedi_hm1 jedi_hm2 jedi_zf1 dual saber jedi_zf2 jedi_tf1 saberstaff jedi_tf2 jedi_hf1 jedi_hf2 enjoy....  [Read More]
Posted in: All jedi npc from every race
 king yoda
09-16-2003, 3:11 PM
Thank you i have writen it to the thread and i will follow it to see the reactions of the others. bye...  [Read More]
Posted in: All jedi npc from every race
 king yoda
09-16-2003, 1:36 PM
I too. But i have spawned the jedi_random npc 10 times, then i write the command npc kill all. And when you kill all the npc you must open the console then you can see that there stand jedi_hm1, jedi_tf2,.... and not jedi_random. Try it your self typ...  [Read More]
Posted in: All jedi npc from every race
 king yoda
09-16-2003, 1:27 PM
Here are all jedi npcґs: male rodian: npc spawn jedi_rm1 jedi_rm2 male human: npc spawn jedi_hm1 jedi_hm2 male keldor: npc spawn jedi_kdm1 he has a double bladed saber jedi_kdm2 female human: npc spawn jedi_hf1 jedi_hf2 female zabrak: npc spawn...  [Read More]
Posted in: Neo model
 king yoda
08-01-2003, 7:35 PM
this is the best neo model out there. and i think the first one looks better. keep up the good work....  [Read More]
Posted in: Plo Koon model released
 king yoda
07-13-2003, 5:23 PM
a great model aaron . have you other projects then this plo koon and eeth koth....  [Read More]
no problem. thank you...  [Read More]
sorry for wrong posting i wanted to reply. and please dont be so angry to me im new here . it will never happen again....  [Read More]
sorry please remove this thread i have make a mistake.. ignore the other thread i have posted this in the wrong forum...  [Read More]
ps: it is possible that you release coleman this month...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP Coleman Trebor
 king yoda
07-19-2003, 3:05 PM
that`s are good news. can`t wait....  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP Coleman Trebor
 king yoda
07-18-2003, 9:59 AM
any updates?...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP Coleman Trebor
 king yoda
07-09-2003, 2:05 PM
the sith skin looks very cool. i cant wait till its released. p.s:do you continue seasee tiin when coleman is finished or will you start a new model?...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP Coleman Trebor
 king yoda
07-06-2003, 6:07 PM
you make the best models psyko. it looks perfect.i hope you will make models for jedi knight 3 too....  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP Coleman Trebor
 king yoda
07-04-2003, 5:19 PM
please post some new shots from this awesome model....  [Read More]
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