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Page: 41 of 41
Posted in: The Cantina 4
11-25-2001, 7:27 PM
Yeah, I've got 2XW, 2YW, 2EW and a Home One Cal in orbit, can't we just blow the place up? ------------------ Fly Fast, Shoot Straight, Live Long!...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 4
11-21-2001, 7:30 PM
*Produces a comlink* Red squad, we have a depot to hit, loadout and meet me at the cantina! ------------------ Fly Fast, Shoot Straight, Live Long!...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 4
11-18-2001, 9:30 PM
*BattleDog enters, he is humman carring his blaster, wearing full flight gear and his X-Wing is outside.* ------------------ Fly Fast, Shoot Straight, Live Long!...  [Read More]
Posted in: You Have Received Your Letter
11-21-2001, 7:37 PM
*Dashes in still in flight gear, hits door lock* Guys, I got Imps after me, *Looks at girl in black* Hay who are you? Nevermind, My squad had to run cause they had a wing of GUNS after them. The Imps are going to cut though the door any minuite! ---...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Newbie Handbook
09-19-2001, 6:32 PM
Leave us In peace, we kill if cornered. ------------------...  [Read More]
Posted in: Multple region hack
08-23-2001, 8:48 PM
Err, it does, it was done a long time ago it has to do with "Flags", but I don't know how to activate the "Flag". Sorry ------------------...  [Read More]
Posted in: Modified Strike Cruiser
08-26-2001, 8:56 PM
No....  [Read More]
Posted in: Modified Strike Cruiser
08-23-2001, 8:46 PM
Ace Antillies has the Mod Strike on his site, all set up....  [Read More]
Posted in: READ THIS
11-17-2001, 12:22 PM
Right, I am getting a bit fed up with people coming in here and asking about Prologe missions, apart from the last one this is an easy ride. If your having touble do this fist: 1. Read the manual from cover to cover, it tells you most of what we are...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why won't Aeron get on the Otana?
10-03-2001, 7:45 PM
Go to LA's web site. Oh, and the gunner's accuracy depends on how high your skill rating is e.g. Ace 1st=Ace gunner ------------------...  [Read More]
Posted in: Finished the game...and now?
09-05-2001, 8:35 PM
Remember when in X-Wing you had to realy do perfect in a mission to get the Cresant. I got the Diamond eyes long before I finished TOD III, hell I still haven't finished TOD III. ------------------...  [Read More]
Posted in: Chicken
08-28-2001, 7:08 PM
Depends how good you are, if your real good and you got missiles target him, line up then turn the computor off (Ctrl+C) then dumb fire if your head to head and you got it right you can hit a Tie at two klicks, then play chicken the way K told you to...  [Read More]
Posted in: DS 2 tunnel run
08-26-2001, 8:53 PM
you just call for renforcements. No offence mate but its all in the hints section. Oh, and in the DS mission make sure you target the Reactor and not Energy Gen...  [Read More]
*Sigh* I tried a hint but i'm serios now, it makes you sound like a 5 year old! They are talking about you on another forum. Stop it if you don't want people s******ing behind your back....  [Read More]
That was the only time I used unlimited Ammo the first time I played the game. Oh, by the way Luke, less of the force be with you, just MHO ------------------...  [Read More]
Posted in: death star tunnel run
08-21-2001, 6:51 PM
I flew through 100MGLT and still got caught!?...  [Read More]
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