Originally posted by Admiral Zaarin:
It is possible. I believe it was DarkSaber (or someone beginning with D anyway
http://www.xwingalliance.com/forums/smile.gif) ) who originally discovered a workaround. I have no idea how to do it though.
You might find it amongst what is left of <a href="
http://datamaster.gamesnet.net">Datamaster's</a>), which was shut down over a year ago. Alternatively, you could ask on the forums at <a href="">X-Wing) Legacy</a>. The majority of the X-Wing editing community has moved there, and I'm sure someone knows.....
Since I actually helped test this flag, I will assure that it was certainly NOT Darksaber that found it.
It was Draconious who did.(He's since left the community over some petty squabble)