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Darth NeoVenom

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Page: 13 of 22
True, Count Dooku was a Jedi Master. He was able to get into the Jedi Academy system files and erased Kamino's data. Count Dooku probably knew who was Sifo Dyas and told Darth Sidious about him. Then, most likely, him or Count Dooku went to Kamino an...  [Read More]
That was my suggestion too, boinga1. That Palpatine took Sifo Dyas' name and used it. He probably killed Sifo Dyas himself. Who know... :saberr: :dmaul3: :sprobe: :sithm: :holosid:...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Clonetrooper has a new look!
 Darth NeoVenom
04-01-2003, 6:18 PM
How's the progress on this model? :D :saberr: :dmaul3: :sprobe: :sithm: :holosid:...  [Read More]
Zofire takes out a stun baton and strikes Wra'fo with it. Only enough to knock out Wra'fo. "Sorry buddy." Zofire says as she drags Wra'fo out of the restaurant and onto the Y-Wing. R9 quickly goes on board. Zofire then heads back towards...  [Read More]
"Thank you." Zofire says to Jan. Zofire and R9 arrive at docking bay 76-A and both board the modified Y-Wing and head out to where the traffic on Coruscant. Zofire then thinks on which bars or restaurants she has been too. "Can he be...  [Read More]
Zofire asks Jan, "Can I burrow a ship? I have no ship."...  [Read More]
Zofire hands the NRI analysist the bag. Her and R9 then walk around the lobby....  [Read More]
Zofire says to Wra'fo before he leaves, "I have a bag of the drug."...  [Read More]
Zofire then grabs Wra'fo and says to Ding, "Come. R9 and I can grab both of you and land on one of those buildings over there." With that said, Zofire turns on her jetpack and R9's booster come out of it'z leg. "Hang on tight Ding.&...  [Read More]
Zofire cleans her blade. She then looks at Wra'fo and says, "There are so many questions that have to be answered. You think it would be wise if I visit my real mother?" Zofire remains silent and looks out at the traffic. She then takes of...  [Read More]
Zofire quickly turns on her jetpack and flies towards Wra'fo and Darkman. Zofire activates one of her wrist blade and stabs Darkman in the stomach making him let go of Wra'fo and slashes at his arm making Darkman let go of Wra'fo. She then grabs Wra'...  [Read More]
"Make sure that this cargo hauler is not being traced Wra'fo. Also check if there are any tracer bugs on R9. Last thing we want is for them to know that we are heading over there." Zofire says to Wra'fo while looking ahead for traffic. Sh...  [Read More]
Zofire whispers to Wra'fo, "What now?"...  [Read More]
Zofire speeds off to some where far away from the warehouse. She stops to take a break and looks around. She is not far from a city, so she decides to head towards the busy city....  [Read More]
Zofire looks around and spots a speeder. She has to make sure that Darkman doesn't follow her. Zofire quickly says to herself, "Damn it, I didn't want to do this to my ship." She activates the ships engine through a small computer device...  [Read More]
Zofire quickly throws two thermal detonators down the stairs from which she came up and quickly runs up the flight of stairs. As she running, she quickly contacts R9, "R9 prepare the ship. R9...R9..." Zofire sees a crate full of bags of wh...  [Read More]
Zofire quickly takes out her modified disruptor rifle. She looks carefully were they all are. She then takes aim and five shots are fired quickly to each Rodian....  [Read More]
Zofire quickly run up behind one Rodian and stabs him with both blades right on the spin. Then she quickly stabs the other Rodian in the chest with one blade and stabs the other blade in the Rodians throat preventing him from screaming. Zofire then d...  [Read More]
Zofire cautiously heads out of the room that Wra'fo is in and goes quickly in the shadows. She then walks very silently towards stairs and wait patiently in the shadows to see if anyone is coming up or is heading down. She presses a switch and her wr...  [Read More]
Zofire cautiously enters the warehouse and takes out her modified E-11 blaster rifle. She whispers through clenched teeth, "They are going to die for what they have commited. All of them." She quickly hides out of view from anyone and mot...  [Read More]
Zofire quickly takes cover from her ship. She then says to Wra'fo, "Quickly, take cover." Zofire then takes out her modified Disruptor rifle, and peeks around the corner. She quickly takes cover again as shots barely missed her head. (Out...  [Read More]
Zofire sends a message to Brad Mereel. It reads as the following: I think it would be great to have extra help. After we're done rescuing Katarn07, I will go with you to Concord Dawn to meet up with my mother. My real mother.... Zofire then says...  [Read More]
Zofire lowers the Slave II on the hanger and opens the ship's ramp door. She then walks out and spots Wra'fo not far from where she is. R9 goes to where Zofire is standing....  [Read More]
After R9 fixed the electrical circuits, Zofire takes a deep breath and says to R9 "Thankz R9. For a moment there I almost lost my life. I wonder what happened. Did you did something R9?" R9 whistles and beeps in response. Zofire then think...  [Read More]
It'z been fun being in this RPG :D. Everyone was great. :saberr: :dmaul3: :sprobe: :sithm: :holosid:...  [Read More]
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