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Darth NeoVenom

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Page: 12 of 22
Posted in: UPDATE : Luke Skywalker - Hoth Gear
 Darth NeoVenom
04-12-2003, 1:53 PM
Thankz for the link Scouttrooper :saberr: :dmaul3: :sprobe: :sithm: :holosid:...  [Read More]
Posted in: UPDATE : Luke Skywalker - Hoth Gear
 Darth NeoVenom
04-12-2003, 10:26 AM
This model looks awesome. I didn't even know he was making: Princess Leia Imperial Officers Skin Pack Hoth Rebel Troopers AT-AT Driver General Veers Hoth Battle Gear Imperial Snow Trooper Imperial Navy Trooper Dengar IG-88 Asassin Droid The...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Vegito from DBZ
 Darth NeoVenom
05-07-2003, 3:26 PM
Can Vegito have Japanese taunts, cuz I think the english version makes him sound corny....heck...majority of the DBZ characters sound corny in the english version. Not to mention that they censor a lot of things as well. If it'z possible,can u just l...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Vegito from DBZ
 Darth NeoVenom
04-20-2003, 12:18 AM
You know what would be awesome....if someone made a DBZ mod for Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. Like when other DBZ models come out...obviously. They made one for Half-Life and another one...but I'm not sure which is the other one. Anyways, I think it...  [Read More]
Posted in: WIP: Vegito from DBZ
 Darth NeoVenom
04-11-2003, 8:12 AM
I'm a fan of Dragonball Z and I think this model looks outstanding. It looks exactly like Vegito. After you're done with this Model, are you going ton make other DBZ models? :saberr: :dmaul3: :sprobe: :sithm: :holosid:...  [Read More]
As the speeder that Zofire is on gets closer and closer to the vehicle that Jokemaster is on, Zofire turns on her jetpack and flies towards the vehicle. She then lands on top on of where Jokemaster is sitting and takes out her pistol and sets it on s...  [Read More]
"Well I can't catch him by Jetpack now. Maybe if you get close enough to his vehicle, I can board it and stun him. Then I can bring him back here." Zofire replies. --------------------- Teraytiro says to Con Nochar, "Also let of have...  [Read More]
Zofire quickly throws a tracking device on the vehicle that Jokemaster went on. She then waits for the speeder to arrive....  [Read More]
Zofire says, "I'm not sure if I can do it...I'll try my best." As the speeder draws near Jokemaster, Zofire quickly turns on her jetpack and flies towards Jokemaster. --------------------- Teraytiro wants into the building and is quickly...  [Read More]
"Ok, I'll try." Zofire replies. Zofire then takes out her modified disruptor rifle and aims the rifle at the engine of the speeder that Jokemaster is on. As soon as she sees an opening, Zofire quickly fires a shot at the speeder....  [Read More]
Zofire takes off her helmet, turns to Katarn07 and says, "Where do you think Jokemaster is heading to?"...  [Read More]
"Fine. As long as I deal with Zofire Fett. You take care of Katarn and Zofire's Droid." Rodiar replies and then grabs the rusted datapad....  [Read More]
Zofire says to Katarn07, "Good to see you Gunny." She then faces everyone and says, "I can't believe Rodiar is alive." --------------------- "Head to these coordinates." Rodiar hands a disc to Darkman containing the co...  [Read More]
Rodiar quickly recovers and shots Jokemaster on the right leg. Rodiar then picks up Jokemaster by his shirt, throws him up in the air and punches Jokemaster, sending him ramming towards the door. (Out of Character: Ok. It is done. Rodiar is almost a...  [Read More]
"I'm...I'm..." She then shakes her head to get her thoughts head cleared out. "So far I passed through store rooms that contain more of that drug. I'm gonna move in and try to seeif I can plant a detonator on one of the crates. I'll co...  [Read More]
"I don't want you to get caught Ding." Zofire replied. Zofire stayed frozen on her spot. She couldn't believe that Teraytiro is alive. She was for sure that he died in the explosion. "How? How?" are the only words coming out of Z...  [Read More]
Zofire couldn't believe what Ding said. She had to ask again. "What happen?"...  [Read More]
Zofire replies back, "Gunny or Jokemaster?" ------------- Teraytiro says to Jokemaster, "We've met before. It is of no importance of who I am."...  [Read More]
Teraytiro then walks into the room where Luka and Ryan are at. ----------------- "Ok" Zofire replies. Zofire then whispers to R9, "R9 scan the room for possible life forms. Last thing we want to do is get caught."...  [Read More]
"I think R9 could unscrew that grate." Zofire says. R9 then goes over to the grate and a little mechanical arm comes out with a screwdriver comes out. R9 quickly unscrews the grate.Zofire measures the height of the grate. Zofire then says...  [Read More]
Zofire asks Jan, "R9 will take care of the ships. I'll carry you to that window that is right above us. We can sneek in undetected. If I remember the map, that room is a store room."...  [Read More]
"I'll handle that girl myself. You can have your way with her companions." Teraytiro said. He then punches the steel table in front of him and dents it completely. He then says, "As you can see....I have some modifications." ---...  [Read More]
Zofire lands the Y-Wing and get's out of the ship, followed by R9. --------------- A mechanical hand grabs Luka and tosses him across the room. A massive figure appears in a light. A Rodian covered almost completely in machanical parts is seen clear...  [Read More]
Zofire could see Luka's base in the distance. She then contacts Jan, "We have the base in our site. You want to land thirty meters away from the base and then there by speeders?" ------------------ In Luka's base: Luka could feel someone...  [Read More]
Zofire nods in agreement. "I'll meet you on the docking bay." She says to Jan. "Come R9" gestering R9 to follow her. R9 does and both Zofire and R9 head towards the docking bay....  [Read More]
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