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Darth NeoVenom

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Zofire nods and says, 'Yeah, I'm feeling a bit tired. I'm going to head to Kostar's place. See you tomorrow." With that said, Zofire and R9 board the Slave II and head's to Kostar's home....  [Read More]
Zofire spots the Sable Dove and lands the Slave II next to it. The ramp of the Slave II opens and Zofire walks out. R9 quickly follows Zofire. She then says to Katarn07 and Wra'fo, "There is someone with me that is on my ship." With tha...  [Read More]
"Oh. I am sorry Waylander. You can follow me and the others." After that said, Zofire recieves the message from Wra'fo. Zofire spots the Sable Dove and the X-wing in the distance and follows them....  [Read More]
Zofire looks at Waylander with a worried look on her face. "What's wrong?" she says to Waylander....  [Read More]
Zofire shakes Waylander's hand. "Why do you wish to travel with me? You have any information on this Luka guy?" Zofire says to Waylander. R9 beeps, whistles, and then approaches Zofire. "This is R9 by the way." She says to Wayl...  [Read More]
Zofire quickly turns around and pulls out her modified DE-11 blaster rifle. She can not clearly see who the person. She quickly says to the person, "Who are you?"...  [Read More]
After hearing Katarn07, Zofire boards her ship and takes off towards the traffic. Zofire contacts everyone and says, "I'll search around and let you know if anything comes up."...  [Read More]
Looking through the disruptor's scope. Zofire sees one of the Rodians is stunned. She quickly fires 3 shots at the Rodian knocking him of the building. She then contacts Katarn07 and Wra'fo, "I got one of them."...  [Read More]
Zofire runs towards her ship, dodging the shoot fired by the Rodians. She then gets her modified desruptor rifle and stands near the ramp of the Slave II. She then contacts Katarn07, "Gunny, Jokemaster and I are under fire outside on the hange...  [Read More]
"Yeah." She says to Jokemaster. She then says to R9, "R9, hand me my datapad." R9 whistles and beats and a little hand comes out and hands Zofire the datapad. "You wrote this report on Teraytiro." she says to Jokemast...  [Read More]
(Out of Character: Zofire is on her ship Topshot) Zofire walks out and notices Jokemaster. She didn't realize him at first but then approaches him. "Hey Jokemaster. Do you remember me?" she says to Jokemaster. R9 quickly follows Zofire...  [Read More]
(Out of Character: Sorry for the wait. It'z just that I'm going through a lot at the moment. I have good news. Things are improving little by little. Thank you for your patience.) After seeing Katarn07 and Wra'fo leaving. Zofire thinks about the wh...  [Read More]
Zofire replies, 'I'm not so sure I'm going right now. I am still alittle bit shock to all this new information. I will see later on when I get a better analysis."...  [Read More]
"He is a relative of mine. I just found out. Also he says that he can take me to see my other." Zofire says to Katarn07 and Wra'fo. She puts the datapad away....  [Read More]
"I don't know. This has came to me a little too fast. I'll contact you when I come up with a decision. It is glad to know that my mother is still alive and that I have relatives like you still around." Zofire says to Brad....  [Read More]
Shocked by the news, Zofire hardly could speak. She then says, "Who are my parents?" She then looks at Brad Mereel and his Rodian companion in search of an answer....  [Read More]
"So what is the plan now?" Zan-Cool says to EJ....  [Read More]
Zan-Cool follows Topshot and Havoc....  [Read More]
Zan-Cool says to ej, "Thank you for the rescue." With that said, Zan-Cool stands in a defense position waiting for one of the soldiers to attack. He then says, "You will suffer the consequences for your actions Luminaro."...  [Read More]
Seeing that he has no where to go, Zan-Cool decides to meditate....  [Read More]
Zan-Cool says to Luminaro, "You know they will rescue me Luminaro. Just give up now." Zan-Cool struggles to try and free himself....  [Read More]
Waking up, Zan-Cool head starts to hurt. "Where am I? Last time I was doing was fighting the sith soilders." Zan-Cool says. He then notices that he is tied up. "Just great."...  [Read More]
Zan-Cool contacts Longo 2 Guns, "All of the enemies' transport are taken down by the New Republic. What is the situation over there?"...  [Read More]
Soon after, Zan-Cool and the New Republic land on the battlefield and the New Repulbic star firing at the Sith army....  [Read More]
After recieving the message from Long 2 Guns. Zan-Cool contacts Longo and say, "That seems like an exellent idea Longo. When will we start the attack?"...  [Read More]
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