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Darth NeoVenom

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Page: 7 of 22
Posted in: The Matrix RPG
 Darth NeoVenom
10-10-2003, 2:55 PM
(Out of Character: Also, no one can hit Agents with bullets. Except if you catch them by surprise, obviously. Only Neo can kill an Agent.)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Matrix RPG
 Darth NeoVenom
10-10-2003, 2:42 PM
(Out of character: Yeah, restart it and this time...everyone's character is on board the same ship....I guess.)...  [Read More]
(Out of character: I forgot where the story left off. Anyways, it isn't my decision to continue the story. I would like to continue, but I don't know.)...  [Read More]
(Out of character: I don't know. It seem to have died.)...  [Read More]
Posted in: The plans of death
 Darth NeoVenom
10-10-2003, 4:49 PM
"I have my own ship. Thanks for the offer though." Zofire says to Shade. Zofire heads to her ship as R9 follows her. On board the ship, she checks the coordinates. "Hmm. Interesting." She says to R9....  [Read More]
Posted in: The plans of death
 Darth NeoVenom
10-10-2003, 4:28 PM
"I've met many Twi'leks, but I'm not familiar to that name." Zofire says. She then says, "Do you know that person?"...  [Read More]
Posted in: The plans of death
 Darth NeoVenom
10-10-2003, 3:46 PM
"So in that case, we have to do this successfully." Zofire replies. "Sure as hell don't wanna die." R9 beeps and whistles. "I didn't catch your names." Zofire says to Shade and Tepe....  [Read More]
Posted in: The plans of death
 Darth NeoVenom
10-10-2003, 2:49 PM
Zofire takes the info that Shade gave her. She looks at it and says, "A Star Destroyer? We are expected to destroy a Star Destroyer? Is this thing incomplete,? Because I highly doubt we can destroyer a complete Star Destroyer. Maybe if we put ex...  [Read More]
Posted in: The plans of death
 Darth NeoVenom
10-10-2003, 10:42 AM
"Yeah. I'm here for that. Why you're running away from guards?" She pauses for a second and says, "Let me guess, you have a problem with the New Republic?" R9 whistles and beeps when Zofire finished talking. "Anyways, my na...  [Read More]
Posted in: The plans of death
 Darth NeoVenom
10-10-2003, 2:39 AM
(Out of character: I'm using my character Zofire Fett. She's a bounty hunter. Her info is on the Character Data Bank, the third page. :D) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unboarding her ship, Zofire looks...  [Read More]
Posted in: Half Life: Unlikely Alliance
 Darth NeoVenom
10-10-2003, 4:25 PM
"Did you know that this whole operation was going down?" Zero questions Friday....  [Read More]
Posted in: Half Life: Unlikely Alliance
 Darth NeoVenom
10-08-2003, 10:43 PM
"Great, stupid goggles don't work. Oh well. I suggest we move out before we waste time." Zero helps up Friday. He then says to everyone, "My crew and I are fully stocked up on weapons. Are you all stocked up?"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Half Life: Unlikely Alliance
 Darth NeoVenom
10-07-2003, 3:55 PM
(Out of character: Sorry I couldn't reply quickly enough.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zero aims his MP-5 at Snake. " You better retreat or I'll fill you up with lead." His soldiers do th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Half Life: Unlikely Alliance
 Darth NeoVenom
10-05-2003, 10:25 PM
Zero stares at Snake. "I wanna take him out. And I wanna take him out now." he says to Conner....  [Read More]
Posted in: Half Life: Unlikely Alliance
 Darth NeoVenom
09-30-2003, 11:26 PM
(Out of Character: My Zero is right next to you. Haha :D ) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Zero troops go where Zero is. "What you think is coming?" He questions the others....  [Read More]
Posted in: Half Life: Unlikely Alliance
 Darth NeoVenom
09-30-2003, 2:49 AM
Zero waits for what Friday is going to say. "My crew and I can take him out right now, Friday! Just move aside." He grabs some gernades specifically for MP-5s. His loads up about 4 and toses 4 to teach of his crew. Zero then points his gun...  [Read More]
Posted in: Half Life: Unlikely Alliance
 Darth NeoVenom
09-29-2003, 11:04 PM
Zero grabs the magazines and tosses them towards his crew. "Catch!" He says. Zero's crew members catch the magazines. Quickly, Zero then goes where Conner is at and point his gun towards the hallway. He starts fire at anything that is no...  [Read More]
Posted in: Half Life: Unlikely Alliance
 Darth NeoVenom
09-28-2003, 11:18 PM
Zero says, "Oh SH**!" he then jumps to the side, avoiding the machine gun bullets. He then starts sliding on the floor. While sliding, he takes out the empty clip and loads up a new one. He then opens fire at Snake. His crew then dodges th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Half Life: Unlikely Alliance
 Darth NeoVenom
09-28-2003, 8:41 PM
Zero looks back to see if he sees the cloaked. A bullet nearly hits his head. "That was close." He mutters under his breath. He then sees Snake running towards Friday, "LOOK OUT FRIDAY!" he screams to Friday. Zero then points the...  [Read More]
Posted in: Half Life: Unlikely Alliance
 Darth NeoVenom
09-26-2003, 4:47 PM
"We're leaving no one behind." Zero says to Friday. "You made it this far, just to give up!?" He then faces Conner, "How long till we find this place?"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Half Life: Unlikely Alliance
 Darth NeoVenom
09-26-2003, 11:02 AM
Zero chucks another gernade towards the headcrabs. His group does the same. "This will give us enough time to escape from them." As he was chucking the gernade, he notices bullets are being fired. "I think that is our little invisible...  [Read More]
Posted in: Half Life: Unlikely Alliance
 Darth NeoVenom
09-25-2003, 10:20 PM
As Zero and his troops are running away from the headcrabs, they chuck gernades towards them. "Hopefully that will take care of them." Zero says as he chucks his gernade....  [Read More]
Posted in: Half Life: Unlikely Alliance
 Darth NeoVenom
09-25-2003, 11:11 AM
Zero makes sure his 9mm pistol and his MP-5 are fully loaded. "I have about 5 clips of each gun left. Are there any places that have ammo?" Zero asks Conner....  [Read More]
Posted in: Half Life: Unlikely Alliance
 Darth NeoVenom
09-25-2003, 2:41 AM
Zero questions Friday, "What exactly are you talking about?" Zero whispers to Conner as they are walking, "Is it me, or do I have a feeling we're being followed." Zero then hears what seem to be a noise which he recognizes. The...  [Read More]
Posted in: Half Life: Unlikely Alliance
 Darth NeoVenom
09-24-2003, 1:17 PM
Zero shakes his head in disappointment. "Just great. Who knows what else is out there. Anyways, I suggest we move out. We have no time to waste. Conner, you take the lead. After all, you work here and know where you're going. Some of my troops w...  [Read More]
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