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okay i see your new in the forums and welcome, but this isent the right place to post a thread for this kind of thing. :) this is a 'showcase forum' made for showing of skins (in the skinning section) , models (in this section) and then maps (mapping... [Read More]
wow sweet! the links work now, its looking very very very nice, im lovin it,can we get some smouth shaded pics of her?... um thats great, that the model is done, i assume your going to do the skinning work yourself too, am i correct?... [Read More]
oh my god! Mars you made THAT!? all by yourself? my freaking god your just of good a modeller as you are a skinner! :D thats amazing for a guy that hasent realy done modelling before! coming along very nicely....... [Read More]
um... i just found out that i REALY could use some ref pics, please send an email to giving me some links, pics or something ... :)... [Read More]
um ksk h2o, a friend of mine told me you was looking for a skinner for Grey fox so he asked if i wanted to do it for you ill start on it first thing tomorow... is it good news?:) ill give it my best shot, making him good i mean.... ill even put up... [Read More]
lol im completely agreeing with that! :( (school SUCKS) well, yes this map realy look awesome, are you going to release it as a MP map also? becuase i dont know about all ya'll but i play MP waaaaaaaaay more then SP i only play SP when im bored... [Read More]
:eek: is the model out already? by the way i forgot to mention before other then that feet skin it realy is looking totaly sweet as far i can judge... [Read More]
as far i can judge, the skin on the feet of the orc in game are to blurry, the colers look weird, now i dont know if its just the guy thats taken those pictures that has a bad video card... [Read More]
howdy guys heres the newest shots of Ponda Baba.... (the newest ones are number 2,3 and 4) copy and paste the link if it dosent work, or drag it into your internet browser.... [Read More]
Psyk0Sith ive tested it ingame the dismemberment works fine, ive sendt you a mail showing stuff on the model ive found here and there. Here are some shots of him ingame..... [Read More]