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Posted in: Bullies- Right Or Wrong?
02-14-2003, 10:09 AM
I don't think bullying is all about physical violence. If someone kicks your ass on a consistent basis, and you do nothing, or can't do anything, about it, you are someones bitch. In which case any intervention by an adult or friends will only put of...  [Read More]
Posted in: Bullies- Right Or Wrong?
02-12-2003, 9:34 PM
Yeah it's wrong, but it won't happen if you don't let it happen. This is a unique thing. People bully others because other people let them bully them. If you didn't let someone bully you, then you wouldn't be bullied. Simple as that. It's a mutual th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Interracial couples/marriages
02-12-2003, 2:48 PM
Where did God tell anyone to abandon those ways? If he had to pick and choose which ways to abandon and which ways to keep, they'd have to add another whole book to the Bible for that purpose alone....  [Read More]
Posted in: Sex vs. The Bible
02-11-2003, 6:43 PM
Originally posted by ImmolatedYoda ::walks out from underneath rock:: this the wrong place to ask what "S&M" is? Good question to ask, as you can't really infer the meaning from context. Sadism & Masochism. It's sort of li...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sex vs. The Bible
02-11-2003, 3:24 PM
How do they know it is better if they have no other experience to compare it to?...  [Read More]
Posted in: "The Murder Felony Rule"
02-11-2003, 2:13 AM
I dunno. If you think they aren't, then I'm probaly wrong. I knew that they are good enough to be believed as correct, like what you said about jobs and investigations as such. I just figured that if they were believed to be correct then, then the re...  [Read More]
Posted in: "The Murder Felony Rule"
02-11-2003, 1:09 AM
I live in the US. In New York, where there is capital punishment.Originally posted by SupremePain cuase the felony murder rule is only in the US as far i know (the law has been around for aslong there had been a actual law book in the US).... The w...  [Read More]
Posted in: "The Murder Felony Rule"
02-10-2003, 1:30 PM
There is no such thing as the "Felony Murder Rule". Both crimes you described don't mean that everyone gets the same punishment because one person murdered. It all depends on the circumstances of each case, and in both cases you described e...  [Read More]
Posted in: "The Murder Felony Rule"
02-09-2003, 8:24 PM
If you kill someone while you are committing a felony it becomes a capital crime. The person who actually killed would definately be guilty, as for the others it's up to the jury and the DA. Maybe accessories to the crime, depending on involvement. D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Does Race Matter?
02-10-2003, 2:15 PM
In taxonomic classification system, the smallest classification is species, and all that requires is for animals in the same genus to be able to mate and produce offspring. All humans are in the sapien species, and any differences after that aren't...  [Read More]
Posted in: Homosexuality
02-11-2003, 12:35 AM
You get all riled up pretty easy. Makes me smile on the inside that someone actually got upset by an offhand remark in one of my posts. All my hardwork has finally paid off! I think you're wound a little too tight, though. Now, because of the post...  [Read More]
Posted in: Homosexuality
02-10-2003, 2:20 PM
Just 'cause my post came after yours, doesn't mean it was all directed at you. The covet part, yes, but after that, no. Do I really need to tell you this? Did any of my post oppose the opinion in yours and lead you to believe it was directed at you...  [Read More]
Posted in: Homosexuality
02-10-2003, 1:40 PM
You should look up what "covet" means. There are things about homosexuals in the bible, but nothing in there directly, or indirectly, states that God says homosexuality is a bad thing. It's all crap when someone says the bible is against...  [Read More]
Posted in: Homosexuality
02-08-2003, 1:26 AM
So what's wrong with homosexuality? A question posed to those who believe that. Is being enamoured with someone who is of the same sex a bad thing? Or is it the sex part that is bad? If dipping your wick in another guys brown eye is bad, wouldn't i...  [Read More]
Posted in: Manners
02-12-2003, 3:39 PM
I don't see to many young children (12-17yrs) but I do see many, many adults at my job. Customers. And I see a lot of filthy, rude, scum of the earth adults. It's not just children who have no manners, or are arrogant. Adults are as well. You just as...  [Read More]
Posted in: Schoolgirl raped... what do you think
02-06-2003, 11:34 PM
Funclown, he was arrested one week ago. If his trial is already done with, I'd be suprised. I'd be suprised if it has even started. I can't find much info on this, just what InsaneSith posts, and that's pretty much incoherent. But you're right, if h...  [Read More]
Posted in: Would you legalize HEMP if you knew it does...
02-06-2003, 7:41 PM
Don't get this dude started on drugs, it's wasted effort. There's already a dead end thread about drugs, don't hijack this one....  [Read More]
Posted in: Would you legalize HEMP if you knew it does...
02-05-2003, 12:01 AM
If the growing of hemp was restricted, say to someone with a permit, or even government farms, it wouldn't be that big a deal. Everyone who is growing pot right now will still be growing pot later, and the yield from a hemp crop at a licensed farm co...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jack Chick...
02-06-2003, 11:49 PM
I think he confused your post. No big deal. Satanic means of Satan, right? And Satan is the name for the fallen angel that reigns in Hell, according to the Bible, right? Soooooo, maybe you could show us any D&D or rpg game that has Christianity...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jack Chick...
02-05-2003, 12:40 AM
Can I ask a simple question: With the nativity, why is this scene usually one of Jesus as a very young baby, not as that of a 2 year old, as he is by the time the 3 Magi arrive? Who's version of his birth is being used, since neither seem to explain...  [Read More]
Posted in: sex before marriage
02-06-2003, 8:05 PM
Nothing wrong with a little scrogging. Quick comparision: A person who denies their hunger and refuses to eat because they believe they are fat, when in fact they are under wieght, is said to have anorexia nervosa. They believe one thing, which to...  [Read More]
Posted in: Time to run the gamut: Drugs.
01-21-2003, 10:09 PM
First, medical insurance isn't free. I gave the cheaper of the two. If all you need is one prescription drug a few times a year, it would be cheaper to pay out of pocket. Being that you work in a doctors office, I would assume that you would know $60...  [Read More]
Posted in: Time to run the gamut: Drugs.
01-21-2003, 4:52 PM
That article claims marijuana to be a narcotic, which I disagree with. Marijuana is the main topic of it, with claims of equal proportions to the propoganda of the early 20th century in the U.S. "Reefer Madness" and the like were all instit...  [Read More]
Posted in: Time to run the gamut: Drugs.
01-21-2003, 1:20 PM
My information about "drugs not being bad" is my opinion. I give some examples from my personal experience to reinforce this. I try and explain my opinion as well. I assumed that this discussion allowed opinions, correct me if I am wrong....  [Read More]
Posted in: Time to run the gamut: Drugs.
01-20-2003, 11:17 PM
What drug exactly are you talking about? You're making broad, sweeping generalizations that might only apply to one or two drugs. ET and Reborn, do you two work for the D.A.R.E. program? 'Cause those are some of the lamest, most untrue scare tactic...  [Read More]
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