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Page: 31 of 34
Posted in: What is the Best SW Book/Author? Worst? Hardest Read?
07-22-2000, 2:53 AM
Han and Anakin went to a planet on an errand for Lando only to find that the moon was going to crash into the planet and destroy it. As they tried to evacuate the planet, the moon inched closer and closer, Han and Chewie got onboard the Falcon with A...  [Read More]
Posted in: What is the Best SW Book/Author? Worst? Hardest Read?
06-26-2000, 9:08 PM
It wasn't just the death of Chewie, Vector Prime just didn't have a Star Wars feeling at all. The others have, and anyone new to the series should start with Dark Tide. I don't care for the prequel books that much. They don't have a SW feel to me. -...  [Read More]
Posted in: Episode II Pic
07-17-2000, 4:23 AM
Thanx man ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Episode II Pic
07-14-2000, 2:48 PM
Hey Tek, yeah I saw it. It looks to me like they made it unclear to hide something. Hey Tek, what's your AIM SN, cause with my new computer my buddy list is dead. ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn9...  [Read More]
Posted in: Defense of ESB
07-07-2000, 1:54 PM
My point exactly Newty Boy The new X-wing fly by wasn't that special. It had only a few different shots in it. The others really had a lot more story to them. ------------------ "Have no fear, your...  [Read More]
Posted in: Defense of ESB
07-06-2000, 5:50 PM
my ratings 1.ESB 2.ROTJ 3.TPM 4.ANH 1.Han and Leia got together in ESB if you remember, not ROTJ. ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Defense of ESB
07-05-2000, 3:39 AM
I didn't like the Ewoks or Droids cartoons either. They confused me as a small child. ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Defense of ESB
06-26-2000, 9:12 PM
I used to like ROTJ the best as well. ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Anybody wonder if?
07-06-2000, 5:44 PM
I knew those aliens were real! ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Anybody wonder if?
07-05-2000, 3:36 AM
And it's all throughout the movie. I think a big D'UH is in order here! ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why?
06-26-2000, 9:04 PM
Hey! Who invited the Anti-JarJarists? ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Why?
06-24-2000, 8:35 PM
Possibly. ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Episode II novelization
06-26-2000, 9:14 PM
Now that's an intelligent opinion! Every now and then, I am surprised here ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Smilies!
07-06-2000, 12:19 AM
You mean you really don't look like that? ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
07-07-2000, 2:49 PM
here ya go Corran, I'll make a link for ya. <A HREF="">RAF HQ</A> ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Clan! Be one of first to join.....
07-07-2000, 2:43 PM
maybe this clan will last. but if i can help to get another clan going strong for the rebels then if it fails i'll always have the RAL. ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Join the Rebel Guardians!
07-07-2000, 2:39 PM
I don't appreciate you questioning the honesty of one of my best officers RL. I agree with him. You should have a web site just to attract more people. ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thraw...  [Read More]
Posted in: (OT) Re: Star Trek game (as in TC)
07-22-2000, 2:46 AM
I've played hidden evil and didn't like it, but i played Elite Force and it rocks! ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: (OT) Re: Star Trek game (as in TC)
07-19-2000, 1:05 AM
I haven't heard anything about Elite Force lately? When is it due out? Starfighters are not meant to be in the ST universe. Elite Force will probobly be the only good game in the ST gamming world. ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Gr...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ship Editor?
07-19-2000, 1:01 AM
oh yeah, i forgot! there are lots of editors, but if u want more realistic ships, wait for the XWA Upgrade. ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ship Editor?
07-19-2000, 1:00 AM
Another Thrawn, here? oh my... ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: How Many?
07-14-2000, 2:41 PM
You can call for back up more than once a mission? ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Saving the Venix
07-14-2000, 2:36 PM
lol ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cutscenes out of sync
07-18-2000, 4:04 AM
It could be that your computer is a little slow, or the vid and sound cards aren't cooperating. ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: 3D SOUND
07-14-2000, 2:46 PM
What sound card do you have? ------------------ "Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!" ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
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