do you know why XWA gets laggy when is enabled the 3D sound?
i thinnk is my pc
128 RAm
Celeron 433
The Lone Wing
which version of XWA you use?
I think the lastest version of XWA fixes the problems with 3D sound.
download it at:
"Control unruly portions of the Galaxy through a fear of force, rahter than actual force itself."
i have the 2.02 version
already downloaded the patch
The Lone Wing
Then i don't know, could be the soundcard isn't a 3d card or i dunno.
"Control unruly portions of the Galaxy through a fear of force, rahter than actual force itself."
What sound card do you have?
"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"
Rogue 6
3D sound uses up a lot of processor time, especially if you've got an A3D card. If you turn it on while playing it means your processor has to do a lot more work and that could contribute to your problems. Try playing with it switched off and see if it helps.