Anybody have thoughts on Salvatore being named as the author to do the novelization?
I think if he has to write in SW, that he should do it in the prequel time frame, when everything else is different, including the style of writing. We're used to certain rules and formats of the classic and expanded universe books.
"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"
Rogue 6
Let's see he killed off the wook in Vector Prime, is there any chance he will kill off Jar Jar in the Novel?
i wonder how many liberties he is going to take with the novel, going to really mess up the Canon universe
ok..any INTELLIGENT opinions? oh, never mind, i forgot where i was asking that
"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"
Rogue 6
Booooooo!!! I want Stackpole or Zahn!!
Now that's an intelligent opinion!
Every now and then, I am surprised here
"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"
Rogue 6