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Page: 27 of 34
Posted in: "Enter the B-Wing"
12-03-2000, 11:52 PM
no prob i may even be able to make the page a little more attractive if i get some spare time ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: "Enter the B-Wing"
12-02-2000, 12:43 AM
I have some extra server space if you want to host it off of me. ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Pizza is the staple of any college student's diet. And beer. ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
sounds like typical Zarg to me ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Where did you order it from Keyan? The best pizza place is the pizza hut next to the bowling alley on route one, right up from the main campus (sorry to those of you who have no idea what i'm talking about) ------------------ You were expecting a c...  [Read More]
Posted in: the old Lucas Art games were much better...
12-03-2000, 11:45 PM
It's The Empire Strikes Back. You're flying in a snowspeeder shooting down AT-ATs. You can't win the game, it's impossible. ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: the old Lucas Art games were much better...
12-03-2000, 11:37 PM
I still have an Atari 2600 with the first SW game ever made. It's still one of the funnest games I have. ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle of the Stars!
12-06-2000, 7:57 PM
Terrans ruled in StarCraft. Period. We got the guns, we got the nukes. ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle of the Stars!
12-05-2000, 11:11 PM
But Stargate is still a good show Another ID4 would be cool, but i'm getting sick of them turning everything into a trilogy. Just because SW and Indy did it, doesn't mean everybody else can. ----------...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle of the Stars!
12-04-2000, 11:22 PM
I completely forgot Stargate. I love the show, and the movie was good too! ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle of the Stars!
12-03-2000, 11:33 PM
um, well Star Wars! it's proven itelf by hanging around for twentysome odd years it's a classic story ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: picture...
12-06-2000, 10:57 PM
five whole girls here? wow! Zargs always the problem! ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: picture...
12-05-2000, 10:57 PM
eep! *runs away until he is a dot on the horizon* ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: 1st Snow
12-05-2000, 11:03 PM
That actually made sense to me ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: 1st Snow
12-03-2000, 11:26 PM
of course not silly! it has to be bought from the store to work! ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: happy birthday me
12-01-2000, 10:23 PM
because, it's not your b-day, it's ours! ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: the old Lucas Art games were much better...
12-03-2000, 11:45 PM
It's The Empire Strikes Back. You're flying in a snowspeeder shooting down AT-ATs. You can't win the game, it's impossible. ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: the old Lucas Art games were much better...
12-03-2000, 11:37 PM
I still have an Atari 2600 with the first SW game ever made. It's still one of the funnest games I have. ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle of the Stars!
12-06-2000, 7:57 PM
Terrans ruled in StarCraft. Period. We got the guns, we got the nukes. ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle of the Stars!
12-05-2000, 11:11 PM
But Stargate is still a good show Another ID4 would be cool, but i'm getting sick of them turning everything into a trilogy. Just because SW and Indy did it, doesn't mean everybody else can. ----------...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle of the Stars!
12-04-2000, 11:22 PM
I completely forgot Stargate. I love the show, and the movie was good too! ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle of the Stars!
12-03-2000, 11:33 PM
um, well Star Wars! it's proven itelf by hanging around for twentysome odd years it's a classic story ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: picture...
12-06-2000, 10:57 PM
five whole girls here? wow! Zargs always the problem! ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: picture...
12-05-2000, 10:57 PM
eep! *runs away until he is a dot on the horizon* ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Posted in: happy birthday me
12-01-2000, 10:23 PM
because, it's not your b-day, it's ours! ------------------ You were expecting a creative sig? ThRaWn90,RAL_Thrawn,SOB_Thrawn Rogue 6...  [Read More]
Page: 27 of 34