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The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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Wraith 8

Latest Posts

Page: 10 of 91
Posted in: T3 International Trailer!
 Wraith 8
05-09-2003, 6:37 PM
Wow.. looked cool.. i always was a fan of Terminator.... cool....  [Read More]
Posted in:
 Wraith 8
05-09-2003, 6:43 PM
Ill give you the link i have in my favorites... try and do that :D This is the link i have in my Favs.....  [Read More]
Posted in: Formula 1
 Wraith 8
05-09-2003, 12:53 PM
JOS VERSTAPPEN! er.... sorry about that.. i have been a fan since 1994. and yeah the past year was bloomin boring.. and the first 3 races were AWESOME.... man.. that crash on brazil with Alonso... MAN! but the last 2 races were some more boring i t...  [Read More]
Posted in: No jedi -Force adept restrictions?
 Wraith 8
05-07-2003, 2:19 PM
Edit button was invented for reasons........  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Rogue Squadron Pilot
 Wraith 8
05-07-2003, 2:17 PM
Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak Rogue Squadron? pff Wraith Squadron all the way! Face and Phanan rule HELL YEAH!...  [Read More]
Posted in: New subforums! Dont post here!
 Wraith 8
05-06-2003, 8:49 PM
Hey there Associates people. As you can see we are now the first people who have our own subforums. Please post in the right forums. And dont post here. please -Wraith 8-...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Setup
 Wraith 8
05-07-2003, 7:43 PM
Originally posted by Ashmaster How about making one of those sections just for STUCK stuff. If it's important enough to STICK it, then is should be important enough to have it's own section i think the PA stuff is enough... RP will be florishing.. a...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Setup
 Wraith 8
05-07-2003, 2:30 PM
lol thanx :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Setup
 Wraith 8
05-06-2003, 8:24 PM
ill leave it up for some people to comment.. before they all start making threads :p...  [Read More]
Posted in: New Setup
 Wraith 8
05-06-2003, 8:21 PM
Well im not done.. i have to move all the threads to the right subforums :(... busy busy busy :( ;) but hey.. we are the first and only PA right now with Subforums :D YEEEEHAAAW...  [Read More]
Posted in: =A= Slogan?
 Wraith 8
05-07-2003, 7:26 PM
hmmm might work... :D i think we will have a slogan poll soon :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: =A= Slogan?
 Wraith 8
05-06-2003, 8:08 PM
thats my thought exactly Jack... i think that is a good one indeed :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: =A= Slogan?
 Wraith 8
05-06-2003, 7:52 PM
OMG helmet.. those are great??????/ NOT! :p...  [Read More]
Posted in: =A= Slogan?
 Wraith 8
05-05-2003, 4:24 PM
well come up with a good one :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: =A= Slogan?
 Wraith 8
05-05-2003, 9:21 AM
Do we need a slogan or something? :D i have this in my sig: =A= - The Associates Are ready for it its also in the flash banner on our site. what do you guys think? any suggestions will do :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Apology
 Wraith 8
05-05-2003, 7:01 PM
Originally posted by Jackrabbit Yeah, I like meetings. It's good to talk about PA issues, and it gives everybody a chance to have a say. The problem is the scheduling; Sweden, UK, East Coast, Central, West Coast, Australia. There really is no good t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Apology
 Wraith 8
05-05-2003, 4:29 PM
well the sunday night meeting is a leader meeting to discuss leadership points... but do you guy want a PA meeting? we could arrange that :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Apology
 Wraith 8
05-05-2003, 8:53 AM
Thats ok Set. me and jan took just one point. but i think next week we need to start an hour sooner cause i have LOADS of points to discuss now :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: Hotels?
 Wraith 8
05-06-2003, 7:15 PM
see who i got to help you out :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: If you had your way, who would you kill off?
 Wraith 8
05-05-2003, 4:24 PM
Originally posted by Lynk Former And this winner for nog of the year is..... *drumrolls* WRAITH 8!! *takes deep bows* Thank you thank you. performances every hour on the hour. crazzy supermod a specialty :p...  [Read More]
Posted in: If you had your way, who would you kill off?
 Wraith 8
05-05-2003, 8:12 AM
uhm..... uhmm...... the emperor? *runs*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Adventures of The Associates: Naboo
 Wraith 8
05-05-2003, 9:12 AM
Originally posted by Thew Rydur Thew threw his equipment onto his bed. Thew: They deducted 50 for using lethal force... Where are you heading this early anyway? I thought you'd be asleep. *Corzip laughed aloud* Corzip: Your far to temperred to s...  [Read More]
Posted in: What are the best books.......
 Wraith 8
05-05-2003, 8:23 AM
Originally posted by Lynk Former That's it i'm going back and reading the X-Wing series!! LOL you do that lynk.. need to brush up on your expanded universe for the modship :p...  [Read More]
uhmm the answer was already given more then once :D why did you have to dig up a month old thread :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Site Admin Help
 Wraith 8
05-05-2003, 6:31 AM
Originally posted by Leemu Taos Resurrecting a thread that is over a year old is not a good idea. testing out your powers ey? :p...  [Read More]
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