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Posted in: Covenat Elite Finished:D
08-01-2002, 2:45 PM
You know i like it, its really awesome, i want to make a skin for it would be cool, hope i get some time soon. Nice job. You should have the different skins like in halo....  [Read More]
Posted in: Qui-gon Jinn model
06-11-2002, 10:57 PM
we dont know yet, depends on lots of things, but we'll work hard when we have time....  [Read More]
Posted in: Qui-gon Jinn model
06-10-2002, 4:51 PM
Thank you everyone for your comments. About the hilts, each model will have its own, jigsaw, a modeller friend of ours is helping us out with those, i think he has mace's hilt done already. Ill ask him for pics....  [Read More]
Posted in: Qui-gon Jinn model
06-09-2002, 11:42 PM
Ok, here's another model for the Light Jedi pack. Hope you guys like it, Mace Windu comes next....  [Read More]
Posted in: Klorel's Mace Windu in progress
06-27-2002, 1:19 AM
altmira, he can still change the model... its not like when you start to skin you cant cahgne teh model at all....  [Read More]
Posted in: Klorel's Mace Windu in progress
06-26-2002, 6:51 AM
hey, that skin is amazing, are you placing the photo on the model or is it by hand? if its by hand, you're a very good skinner man... i dont like the eyes though, they look all black, i dotn know what color samuel l jackson's eyeґs are though. very...  [Read More]
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