SWEET!!!! it worked!!!!! ahahahahah!!!!
*pees pants*
OH MY GOSH!!! That looks just like the movie! (And that cutscene wasn't even done yet!) I'd seen it once before but...
At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
well I've only watched that a billion times now.
is that a movie or something. I can never get the embedded ones to work.
"We will crush the Rebellion in one swift stroke."
ok... uh... Looks like a rogue squadron game. I still say wait till its ported to PC... like we all know it will. Just play it on your freinds GC, why buy one when you can just borrow thiers?
Saber One
I have no friends with game-cube
"You killed my father!! Oh. Wait, I don't have a father. Well, Your Ugly!!! So die!!"