Note: LucasForums Archive Project
The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

This project is meant for research purposes only.


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12-03-2001, 8:29 PM
how come i can't change my rank? is it cause i'm a mod? (i'm guessing that's it) I moderate the passcode forum at rogue squadron. If it's ok, could my rank be changed to 'Force Commander'?

p.s. congratulations on getting so many forums up at once!
12-03-2001, 8:37 PM
You should be able to edit your user name. I'll look into it.
12-03-2001, 8:40 PM
ok, thank you. wait, i want my rank title changed, not my username.
 Boba Rhett
12-03-2001, 8:42 PM
While your at it. Could you look into why the super mods can't edit user info anymore? Pretty please? :)

I'll give you a gift basket if you do! :D
12-03-2001, 8:49 PM
Rogue15 - I believe the current problem has to do with some hacks that we installed. Hopefully when our PHP guy gets a chance that problem will be fixed, along with a few others we've come across.
12-03-2001, 8:51 PM
thanks for your time. :)
12-03-2001, 9:05 PM
Odd, my profile changes aren't showing.
12-03-2001, 9:51 PM
only thing that's not changing for me is the rank. i'm stuck with Jedi Master.
12-03-2001, 10:06 PM
WHERE ARE MY 998 POSTS FOR RSN???? I DO NOT WANT 58 POSTS!!!! I WANT MY OWN RANK, and to egt it it NEED My 998 post count! (plus 2)

[Redwing says can someone please delete TK's extra accounts except for the RSN one. Thank you. :rolleyes: @ TK]
12-03-2001, 10:09 PM
I hate to be a whiner, but can I have the posts I made w.other accounts added to my big account, here? Thanks in advance! :D
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