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Page: 57 of 102
Posted in: The Cantina 7.5- The Holiday Special!!!!!
12-01-2002, 2:16 AM
*10 years before my last post....* *Deep within the secret imperial facilities in tatooine core, a Falleen doctor, supervised by an Imperial Officer is hovering over 2 dead bodies, over 4000 years old, kept preserved in carbonite, but never awoken,...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Cantina 7.5- The Holiday Special!!!!!
12-01-2002, 12:56 AM
*Drey sits in a corner of a cantina, drinking some caf* *all of a sudden a few Grans run into the cantina and start throwing thermal detonators* Drey: WHAT THE HELL?!!?!?!? *Drey force jumps out of his chair, and uses speed and activates his tea...  [Read More]
Posted in: Escape From Fest
11-24-2002, 11:51 AM
Glad to see more people playing Rogue Squadron. :) try this thread (, the advice i offered seemed to work there. hehe...  [Read More]
Posted in: This looks familiar....
11-22-2002, 4:23 AM
hey i remember you. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Democracy?
11-25-2002, 9:58 PM
umm can you please give me back my 3000 posts that WEREN'T SPAM!!!!! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: MotS MP level released!
11-22-2002, 12:05 AM
thanks you! lmao, but angelfire doesn't like direct-linking to dloads through non-angelfire sites, might want to upload it to database or have someone do that. lol o wait! nm! haha cool i see you've linked to the page! thanks!! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: MotS MP level released!
11-21-2002, 2:54 PM
#1 enjoy now, post comments later! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Aresenian Rebellion!
11-21-2002, 1:09 PM
ya, you helped. :) go check out the site now, dload the newest level called Ikhnaton. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Aresenian Rebellion!
11-20-2002, 11:33 AM
Shameless Plug ( I'm making a site that is going to feature all the Multiplayer levels I've made for Mysteries of the Sith. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle above Tolaraan
11-19-2002, 3:07 PM
heh. you gotta be super-accurate and fast...i hope you're destroying all the turrets and any tie you see (you can let a few ties get by). that level was my least favorite getting gold on....  [Read More]
Posted in: Hottest Mojo Staffer!!! Vote Vote!!!!
11-30-2002, 11:27 PM
I voted for you metallus, hair is for insecure people!!! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle of Naboo HELP!!
11-20-2002, 9:48 AM
ah, that sucks. :) Comm 4 is pretty cool, there's a very fast way to beat it though...head straight towards the moon until you see the satellite, destroy it, head away from the moon, the shield to comm 4 should be down, and you can destroy it. Pretty...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle of Naboo HELP!!
11-17-2002, 8:54 AM
you can actually destroy that door before the commandos get there. :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle of Naboo HELP!!
11-16-2002, 7:20 PM
oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now i remember that level!!! Isn't it the one where you star with like that Naboo Fighter, take out those turrets, save the farms, possibly take out a trade federation landing craft, then get into a Gian o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Battle of Naboo HELP!!
11-14-2002, 10:26 PM
ya ,bfn is a tought game...I haven't played it as much as RSN, so i can't really help, sorry. :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: Question about gamecodes
11-11-2002, 3:29 PM
the threads/topics there, you should post some there, that's where everybody who has beaten Rogue Squadron hangs out at. :) (some don't even own the game though)...  [Read More]
Posted in: I was an admin, I can do this
11-11-2002, 10:52 AM
I probably should, there's no previous history is there? (like is this a sequel to any others) if so, tell me what threads to read prior before joining it. It REALLY helped me understand what was happening in Cantina 8. :D ah..sorry, all my characte...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-14-2002, 12:34 AM
Kioet: How? I was invited for a ride....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-14-2002, 12:12 AM
*Kioet looks up* Kioet: "We were just having a little fun, stalking this guy named Chavos, and were wondering why he was taken here as a prisoner, and what is so important about him..." *Kioet begins to crack a smile*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-13-2002, 9:21 PM
((OOS: scar, that was mean :( but don't edit it. :) ))...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-13-2002, 11:41 AM
*Kioet walks slowly down the hall, with his head pointed towards the ground* Kioet: Why would they want to track us? Oh well, at the very least, I did get something out of this trip. I do wish I could at least get one of those awesome Vanguard suits...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 8
11-11-2002, 11:49 PM
*Kioet wakes up in a cell, binders are around his wrists and ankles, and he's strapped to the wall* Kioet: "Come out, come out whomever you are!!!!"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rogue Squadron Passcodes
11-28-2002, 6:55 PM
yes, i said that. but cheat all you like after you've gotten the satisfaction of completing the game with all gold medals without cheating first! :D I admit, i cheated to see the other levels...but i still did get the 'satisfaction' of beating it wit...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rogue Squadron Passcodes
11-24-2002, 12:53 PM
such a code doesn't exist...yet. try LuKa_YJK's site (, he's got some editors that you might want to look into. :) (RogueArm is pretty cool, as you can change your blaster power to torpedo/bomb power)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rogue Squadron Passcodes
11-22-2002, 12:43 AM
it's for the n64 version. It probably exists for PC, but nobody knows the code....  [Read More]
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