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Page: 18 of 102
no, i was actually serious. obiwan anyone?...  [Read More]
The title says it all. Will it?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Interpreting The Trailer and the storyline
01-02-2010, 6:13 PM
he already died once and was brought back....  [Read More]
Posted in: Of all the planets announced...
02-02-2010, 4:14 PM
dromund kaas. it was in my favorite oldschool star wars game expansion: Mysteries of the Sith. I'd like to see the temples before they became ruins. :) and vornskr!...  [Read More]
((Two things... 1) Sorry for the lack of being here. That's gonna continue for at least a short while longer. Have had a very rough year and it ain't over yet. 2) You kinda ignored the entire ongoing Cantina plot in favor of a plot centered complet...  [Read More]
Posted in: SWG : Starsiders
12-01-2009, 10:07 PM
Heya, dont know if you remember me. Im Tebra from Starsider. I remmeber you and Leemu :D Im comming back! Hopefully we can play together again :) OMFG!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Best Video game hero/heroines
05-30-2009, 12:12 AM
Sam Fisher...  [Read More]
Posted in: In the spirit of true ranomness...
07-01-2009, 8:51 PM
oh i see what it is now. didn't see the entire picture the first time. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: In the spirit of true ranomness...
06-30-2009, 11:25 PM
i'm still trying to figure out wtf it is....  [Read More]
Posted in: Cantina 15: Apocalypse
01-27-2010, 6:29 PM
shenanigans...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
04-24-2010, 10:50 PM
Well, now I don't have a 360 that sounds like a belt sander when it's running. So that's good. I've got a fresh new controller. And I made a contract with my sister for her to help me pay for some of it (she plays it a few days a week). :P I've go...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
02-11-2010, 10:22 AM
awesome!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
01-27-2010, 1:07 PM
that dummy looks more like a coat rack than anything tbh...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
01-17-2010, 9:47 AM
#6110 bought this last week used for $10. put over 20 hours into it already. I should have bought it sooner, it's better than I expected....  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
12-04-2009, 10:30 AM
#6041 they accidentally sent me 2. unfortunately i have to send the one back cause i don't want to pay for an extra line. so far i'm having fun w...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
12-03-2009, 9:48 PM
haha nice camera is that the w220?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
12-02-2009, 8:24 PM
finally decided to get a contract cellphone after dealing with gophone bs. my mom informed me of a great deal on at&t's site last night. i ended up getting a sony ericcson c905 for free with 2 year contract, activation-fee waived, and free over...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
11-16-2009, 12:02 AM
I do that with every game. I don't initially want a challenge, I want fun. The next night I beat it on Veteran, it only took me around 6-7 hours though. ah, damn i must suck...took me 16 hours to beat it on veteran. i kept getting checkpointed in t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
11-14-2009, 3:57 AM
Congrats on the study abroad thing man :) And yes, it probably was, however I don't give a f*** because it got me MW2 :D Also, MW2: Campaign: Extremely short (took me about 4 hours on easy), they pull a Halo 2 ending (AKA No resolution BUT WE'LL BE...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
10-15-2009, 8:28 AM
#5948 November 3rd (day before my b-day) Atlanta, GA :D im considering going since it's at wilkes barre, pa later in november...need to get ticket info...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
07-24-2009, 12:43 PM
#5756  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
06-22-2009, 3:31 AM
i didn't get selected for jury duty! had to report in over the phone for a month. glad that didnt ruin my vacation this week!!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
06-21-2009, 12:47 AM
eh i did fail the written thing once, that's cause it gave 2 trick questions in a row. i wasn't as pissed as when i hit the barrel though. just read the book they give you to study TWICE and you should be good to go....  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
06-20-2009, 10:21 PM
I finally got my driver's license, after failing twice. Awesome. Don't worry man, I failed mine twice as well. I really hate parallel much so that i smashed into the barrel barricade thing on the test. *whistles innocently*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
06-15-2009, 1:49 PM
It was drunk/stoned yoda wearing a toupee. Also, I just got another 60GB 360 Pro with COD4 and GTA4 AND a copy of Texas Chainsaw Massacre that was left in the drive. All for only $120. damn good deal!...  [Read More]
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