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Samuel Dravis

Latest Posts

Page: 15 of 56
I think they're fine as they are. Kavar's was meant to be different from the Senate from the beginning, so them being separate is good. Besides, trying to merge the moderating styles of both forums into a single consistent requirement might get under...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help me name my kitty!
 Samuel Dravis
07-15-2007, 10:58 PM
What, no Velvet/VV? :DWell I for one would find it slightly odd to have cats named after virtual, er, entertainers. But okay, we can add her too. ^_^...  [Read More]
Posted in: Help me name my kitty!
 Samuel Dravis
07-15-2007, 1:52 AM
I have a few suggestions: Kitty (I have used this one so back off) Darth Hairball Fluffy Damsel (yay troika) Higglesby Darthmouth Flufflebottom IV Elanora Candace Gladys von Felanine...  [Read More]
Posted in: A Toast to RD -- Our Final Memorandum
 Samuel Dravis
07-15-2007, 1:45 AM
So do we get free stuff, like t-shirts? T-shirts would be awesome. Still, I wouldn't give up on snarky posts entirely. snarky snarky snarky snarky snarky snarky snarky snarky snarky snarky snarky snarky snarky snarky snarky snarky snarky snarky sna...  [Read More]
At this time, the sources who have read the interim report say that objectives have not been met yet, correct? Fine, they haven't been met. Disappointing but hardly unexpected. I don't think that news sources should simply shut up about it until Sept...  [Read More]
I don't see a significant bias in saying that they failed to meet their objectives on schedule. Unless you want something like Putin's '50% of news must be positive' crap, there's little to find fault with in factual reporting. At least it's useful t...  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL} invulerabilty?
 Samuel Dravis
07-12-2007, 9:13 AM
Is the 'minimum 1 hp' option in KSE the same as the ingame invulnerability effect? If so, you could turn it off from there....  [Read More]
Posted in: Bring Me Up To Speed Thread.
 Samuel Dravis
07-07-2007, 1:18 PM
6 - shhsh! Quiet. 3 - I have no idea. Perhaps you are a secret agent of the admins and you are too busy to spend your time lurking. I admire your forthrightness in asking so directly!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Homeschooling--pros and cons
 Samuel Dravis
06-28-2007, 8:23 AM
WB Reclaimer! I remember you too. :p I'd never want to be home schooled, it would be awful not be able to see my friends at school, drool after the girls there etc. No social contact with other students whatsoever. Meh.HS isn't the sole avenue for s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Marijuana: Should it be legalized?
 Samuel Dravis
07-01-2007, 11:08 PM
I say legalize it. It's relatively harmless and it would give the police and prison system a break. It would also crash the market for it completely, which would be entertaining. I have no intention of ever using such drugs, legal or not, but I don't...  [Read More]
Posted in: Smoking Banned in England
 Samuel Dravis
07-02-2007, 8:37 AM
How about this: Should parents who are smokers be allowed to smoke in their house when children are present?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Caffiene-The Legal Recreational Drug?
 Samuel Dravis
06-29-2007, 4:44 PM
Water is poisonous in large enough quantities; a lot of things are, so why is it such a terrible revelation that caffeine is too? Its addictive qualities are easily overcome if you wish, and, well, what's your point....  [Read More]
The last musician I supported I just payed $12 dollars for a CD directly from them. I think that was a fair price, because I really love that band and I listen to their music all the time. Their 50 minute CD was worth the half hour it took me to make...  [Read More]
Well, apparently that amount - and more - has been decided as their worth, hasn't it?...  [Read More]
That being said, some of the salaries are just beyond ridiculous.Why are they ridiculous? Is this just a gut reaction or is there a reason they shouldn't be paid what market value dictates?...  [Read More]
People are payed what others are willing to pay them. If a performer makes 50 million, well, I don't care because what other people do with their money is their business. I wouldn't have seen any of it anyway; I don't provide the service that the per...  [Read More]
Posted in: hairy topic
 Samuel Dravis
06-29-2007, 3:55 AM
You know, itchy, that's what I thought it was at first, but now that you mention it I'm not so sure anymore... :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: hairy topic
 Samuel Dravis
06-29-2007, 2:59 AM
I AM NOT ASKING WHAT PLAN E IS. Yes, Itchy, I have had the same softness compliment. It is because I use quality conditioner! :D...  [Read More]
Posted in: hairy topic
 Samuel Dravis
06-29-2007, 12:41 AM
So. What type of hair is best looking. I have have fairly long, and very curly (naturally), brown type hair. I believe this is the best because I am super hawt, and also some hot chicks have told me they are envious. Anyway, so try to top that with...  [Read More]
Posted in: Do you think the world will end in 2012?
 Samuel Dravis
06-28-2007, 8:11 AM
No, it won't end. There's been lots of people claiming it would end at X date for a long time now. No one has been right so far, and as far as I can tell the claims you mention aren't any different evidence-wise....  [Read More]
Posted in: We goin to the MOVIES
 Samuel Dravis
06-27-2007, 3:45 AM
Um, I watched The Godfather monday, but IRL. With my friends. Does that count or do I have to use spinnaz. spinnaz!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Think about it...
 Samuel Dravis
06-26-2007, 9:00 AM
I second spinnaz....  [Read More]
Posted in: Chavez has lost his mind
 Samuel Dravis
06-26-2007, 1:05 AM
Somehow I think it's unlikely that anyone in the US legislature will support another declaration of war again anytime soon without an extremely good reason. If Chavez wishes to posture, he can. He will look silly when we fail to invade, however - but...  [Read More]
Posted in: Saber Realism?
 Samuel Dravis
07-11-2007, 8:44 AM
The server has to enable it with g_dismember, and then the client has to enable it as well with cg_dismember. At least, that's what I remember. :p...  [Read More]
Posted in: Very good things! *keep it clean* (big images)
 Samuel Dravis
07-11-2007, 9:10 AM
#2435 http://img20.imag...  [Read More]
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