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Posted in: bsp compiling prob
04-25-2002, 9:24 PM
when i try to compile it does nothing command prompt comes up and says completed 0hr 0min 0secs and no .bsp is there another program to compile this or another way someone plz help. I made really cool map but i cant compile it. :mad:...  [Read More]
Posted in: no worldspawn !?!
04-25-2002, 2:56 PM
you add a worldspawn right click and at bottom there should be worldspawn click it and drag it so it's not in yout map...  [Read More]
Posted in: Rotating entities
04-25-2002, 2:59 PM
there is like 6 buttons on top tool bar that have x y z written all over them click on them to flip your doors around or go to view and there is button for raotate i think....  [Read More]
Posted in: can't compile? please help !
04-25-2002, 3:05 PM
did you add textures and entities with jk2radiant cause if you used gtk radiants textures and entities it wont work diff texture resolution. and if entities dont work in jk2radiant try this fix for the entities path C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wa...  [Read More]
Posted in: @"#Јз&й!!!
04-24-2002, 2:19 PM
For people who want to map just go download q3radiant after install copy your assets0.pk3 file from jk2 base dir and throw it in quake base dir rename it pak0.pk3 and delete all existing pk3 files in quake3 dir after making a backup of quake3 (be sur...  [Read More]
Posted in: @"#Јз&й!!!
04-24-2002, 1:55 PM
Whoever made this needs to pull his head out of his A$$. A ton of problems entities are a pain in the a$$. And when i load my map its f*cking completly dark when i put lights in and everything....  [Read More]
Posted in: Need help JK2radiant
04-23-2002, 2:24 PM
what program do i use to convert .map to .bsp when editing with jk2radiant? would i still use q3map?...  [Read More]
Posted in: JKRadiant Question!
04-25-2002, 12:07 AM
pitched_black lol, did you try putting lights in it? i got bsp to work, but I had to set virtual memory to over a gig. I'm not sure if this is such a good thing but it works... i filled entire map up with lights at least 20 of them...  [Read More]
Posted in: JKRadiant Question!
04-24-2002, 2:02 PM
Once you load your map you aren't going to see anything so have fun making an awesome map that is all black. And as far as adding a player start i'd rather shoot myself q3radiant was much better than this one but it had texture problems cause jk text...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mapping questions plz help
04-22-2002, 3:22 AM
I just recently started making maps for jk2 with q3radient basically the same as gtkradiant but i've run into a few difficulties one is when i loaded jk2 textures into q3radiant it makes them much bigger in perspective then in the game and it makes t...  [Read More]
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