I made my first level... but how do you add startplayers and lights? anyone know how? please any help would be great~
right click
something like that
i've decided to learn to map also, this is the tuturial i found that seems to be the best
i right clicked in the middle of my room... and there is no info thingy... i dont know what i'm doing wrong or they changed it for JKradiant...
try going to file>load project and then load starwars.qe4 or starwarsmp.qe4 then trying it again.
I'm having a problem with the bsp. Whenever I try to compile it, it says "(Output buffer full: clearing it)" Anyone know what's going on here? I have 256 megs of ram, a p3 800 and winxp.
When you are compiling, are you going to BSG FullVis and selecting that then waiting until it finishes?
I'm having the same problems, I don't get the "info" menu when I right click in the editor, I didn't have this problem with q3 radiant...
I was trying the fastvis and novis because I just wanted a quick job to ceck out the sizes
Well as far as I know I think that you have to use the FullVis though I'm still learning JKRadiant, so I'm also mostly a n00b;)
Once you load your map you aren't going to see anything so have fun making an awesome map that is all black. And as far as adding a player start i'd rather shoot myself q3radiant was much better than this one but it had texture problems cause jk textures were to big and it would shrink them down and your map would look like crap. As far as player starts what i did is open a second jk2radiant and copy an existing info_player_start entitie and pasting it in my map. But when i compiled it and threw her in base dir loaded it in Jk2 map was completly black.
lol, did you try putting lights in it?
i got bsp to work, but I had to set virtual memory to over a gig. I'm not sure if this is such a good thing but it works...
pitched_black lol, did you try putting lights in it?
i got bsp to work, but I had to set virtual memory to over a gig. I'm not sure if this is such a good thing but it works...
i filled entire map up with lights at least 20 of them
I had only 7, and my map was pretty bright...