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Posted in: XBox Version
12-05-2002, 1:52 PM
I thought I read somewhere it would be on XBox. I dunno....  [Read More]
Posted in: Ideas for FTII
10-03-2002, 2:09 PM
We don't even know what FT2 is about, much less FT3! When will they tell us!!!! p.s. No gorillas....  [Read More]
Posted in: Ideas for FTII
09-26-2002, 1:00 PM
I really don't like that idea. Monkeys could not ride motorcycles, mainly because their legs are too short to reach the pedals-- and that would mean the bikes would have to be redesigned. So, since the bikes are great the way they are, we can't have...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ideas for FTII
09-25-2002, 1:13 PM
-sigh-...  [Read More]
Posted in: Ideas for FTII
09-23-2002, 3:54 PM
Naw, I'm fresh out of ideas. What's yours?...  [Read More]
Posted in: About the latest screenshot....
09-23-2002, 3:56 PM
DOOM? QUAKE? Damn, they must be using old technology to build this game. :)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Alternative Ship-Mission Match
05-10-2000, 4:40 PM
Is the TIE Int good for anything other than getting nailed and going down in flames? Anyone ever beaten a mission with it?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Favorite Alternative Ship-Mission Match
05-09-2000, 3:44 PM
What's your favorite ship in what mission? I'm a sucker for using the Falcon over Taloraan, and pretending I'm at Bespin. But I have a hard time believing Han would have ever lent the ship to Luke......  [Read More]
Posted in: Level 4 is impossible to beat!!!!
05-10-2000, 4:42 PM
That guy was a SPY??? Dam, now I gotta go back and kill all the rebels I see. Stupid level, always tricking you......  [Read More]
Posted in: Level 4 is impossible to beat!!!!
05-09-2000, 4:17 PM
I was asleep in my bean-bag chair by the time I finished that Bore-ellia level. HA! It took me about a week to finish it. I nearly starved! I don't want to save Crix Madine anymore. He's just gonna die by getting killed by Gurga the Hutt later on, an...  [Read More]
Posted in: Level 4 is impossible to beat!!!!
05-09-2000, 3:52 PM
Yeah, that level is way too hard. The guy who made it must be some kind of eveel SITH LORD. One time I blew up a building and a rebell pilot ran out. WHASSUP with DAT?...  [Read More]
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