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Posted in: TSL Restored Content Mod "FINAL" 1.5 version IS HERE!
07-25-2010, 7:41 PM
So by destroying both HK50 and HK51 productseries I am damned to follow Revan? I am sorry but i really need to know this because i am clearly not in the mood to play the game again (especially HK factory really pisses me off with the low dmg you can...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL Restored Content Mod "FINAL" 1.5 version IS HERE!
07-22-2010, 5:19 PM
Well yes, don't install incompatible mods. I mentioned in my last posts which ones were not compatible ;) It all depends on how you play the HK Factory, and then how cutscene between Goto, HK-47 and Remote plays out. If Goto is NOT destroyed, Malac...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL Restored Content Mod "FINAL" 1.5 version IS HERE!
07-21-2010, 8:58 AM
Hi, I have a question to Malachor. In the original game you destroy Malachor but in TSLRCM you don't. Is there a way to tell Kreia that you won't follow Revan and just destroy Malachor and live your life with Visas for example? I tried several times...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL Restored Content Mod "FINAL" 1.5 version IS HERE!
07-15-2010, 8:08 AM
Hello all, I'm new here and I just need some help. I've been playing through Kotor2 again with TSLRCM installed. Everything was going excellently until now. I just finished nar shaddaa and was going to leave but when I entered the ebon hawk it loaded...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL Restored Content Mod "FINAL" 1.5 version IS HERE!
07-13-2010, 12:25 PM
Knowing how to read solves x_x. Thank you :) Btw would be pretty awesome if one could find all the fixes in the first post :) But here is the way i fixed it: I simply didn't want to play whole NarShaddaa again. 1) Wait till the (first) Trigger of t...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL Restored Content Mod "FINAL" 1.5 version IS HERE!
07-13-2010, 7:45 AM
Hello, i use TSL 1.6 (installed all Patches etc. correctly) and have the following problem. When the RedEcplise enters the ship everything works fine. I defeat them and it seems to be ok. But after a while the sequence comes up again that the RedEc...  [Read More]
Hi, I have a Problem on NarShadaa. The Red Ecplise enter my ship again after i fought them. But when i enter the ship there is no captain i can fight against. I just have changed the 1st Savegame by editing the Credits. I wanted to ask whether anyo...  [Read More]
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