Note: LucasForums Archive Project
The content here was reconstructed by scraping the Wayback Machine in an effort to restore some of what was lost when LF went down. The LucasForums Archive Project claims no ownership over the content or assets that were archived on

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Posted in: Conditional script please
01-25-2010, 8:50 AM
Hit dice is actually a remnant from the D20 system that both Knights of the Old Republic and Dungeons and Dragons based games, like Neverwinter Nights, which of course shares the same basic game engine, use. When a character is created in D&D you...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL_Restored_Content_mod vers1.4
01-21-2010, 9:54 PM
Indeed, I always disliked this game compared to it's predecessor due to how incomplete it felt, so many loose ends, so many bugs. But with all this restored content it feels like a whole game at last. "Conclusion: You have just shown me your sof...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL_Restored_Content_mod vers1.4
01-20-2010, 6:02 PM
Did you try saving before the cutscene, exiting the game completely, and relaunching it, LME? Even with vanilla KotOR 2 I've always had issues with some of the cutscenes being muted, especially the one where you arrive at the Telos polar region, and...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL_Restored_Content_mod vers1.4
01-16-2010, 9:21 PM
I would just like to say, that when I saw this I practically got up and did a happy little Sith lord dance and squeeled like a little fangirl. I had honestly given up hope of ever seeing a public release for any TSL restoration mods and had resigned...  [Read More]
Does anyone know of a mod that fixes some of the weird sounds in KotOR? By weird I mean droids that sound like rancors, insane selkath that sound like droids, etc. I could have sworn I remembered seeing a mod like this somewhere, but I can't seem to...  [Read More]
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