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Darth Cryptic

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Posted in: KSE: Global Question
 Darth Cryptic
10-05-2009, 1:56 PM
I'm looking through the KSE features, trying to figure out how to cheat in Maiden, as I have the RCM in place and Maiden hack isn't compatible, go with my female Exile and not have ehr get booted when the Dantooine Idiot bows to me. What should i tr...  [Read More]
As I said to a friend of mine when I showed him this mod: What would Bastila's Mother say? Now, me, I like it....  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Fashion II
 Darth Cryptic
10-05-2009, 10:35 PM
Hmmm, curious error - you have any other mods installed? Chain's Darksword is the only other one, that I can remember, that uses Upcrystals and I installed FF2 after i installed that....  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Fashion II
 Darth Cryptic
10-05-2009, 10:09 PM
Slight glitch with Kreia's saber: No color crystal....  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL_Restored_Content_mod vers1.4
 Darth Cryptic
09-27-2009, 11:20 PM
Disturbed: Some of those are vanilla game errors...  [Read More]
Posted in: TSL_Restored_Content_mod vers1.4
 Darth Cryptic
09-24-2009, 9:44 AM
Sweet! how soon are we likely to see an USM patch? Edit: -Gleeful dance- You guys are amazing! The game is playing the smoothest as it's ever played. Just a tad disappointed Maiden Hack isn't compatable....  [Read More]
Posted in: New Hanharr
 Darth Cryptic
09-12-2009, 8:26 PM
I like that you're giving Hanharr some new toys. I do have a question: Do you need to cheat them in, or does he come with them when you recruit him?...  [Read More]
Posted in: DC's Mando gear
 Darth Cryptic
09-09-2009, 11:35 AM
This mod started out as just a tweak that had Mandalor come with a wrist launcher and the ability to use it. it kind of snowballed a little. There's more I'd love to do with it, but that will be for v2.0 no screen shots as I just used the standard r...  [Read More]
Posted in: Sith Swords
 Darth Cryptic
09-05-2009, 7:33 PM
Models look good, I like the double sword. Stats though... instant death? little Godly don't you think?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Yinchorr Dueling Sword
 Darth Cryptic
08-31-2009, 4:32 PM
Does the model and animation work in TSl or just K1? -knows nothing about how the animation works- Any chance, if it doesn't import nice, that 2.0 could be for TSL?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Exile's "Mystic" Sword
 Darth Cryptic
08-22-2009, 9:39 PM
Ooo, I like the looks. -downloads-...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Maiden's Blade
 Darth Cryptic
09-08-2009, 11:12 PM
Ok, updates to this mod: 1: added screen captures 2: Version 2.0 fixes the lack of the handmaiden staff issue and bri now comes with a few extra goodies; Dueling shield, and some kind of Echani armor I forget which...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Maiden's Blade
 Darth Cryptic
08-08-2009, 4:28 PM
Go easy on me, this is my first uploaded mod. It's a rather basic one, a uti and utc change, but I like it. Version 1.0 Download here: Maiden blade.rar ( blade.rar) Version 2.0 Downloads from here: M...  [Read More]
Posted in: Dance Outfit Underwear for Handmaiden
 Darth Cryptic
07-23-2009, 10:06 AM
I think you need to try matching up the skin tones a little better. There is a very noticeable line around the neck....  [Read More]
Posted in: Dance Outfit as Underwear
 Darth Cryptic
07-23-2009, 1:01 PM
Um, what is up with the Asian underwear? She wearing a black body stocking under it?...  [Read More]
WRFan, I get the feeling when i get to that point in the game, I'll be cursing your name. Despite that, great bit of restored. Edit: -head shake- Well my prediction was right, two run-throughs against the sisters, and while I can get three out of th...  [Read More]
Posted in: Patriotic bastila undies (America)
 Darth Cryptic
07-05-2009, 8:53 AM
-bursts out laughing- Love it. Makes me thing of Wonder woman. One little quibble; the bra straps look a little sloppy....  [Read More]
Posted in: Missions Dancer outfit [WIP]
 Darth Cryptic
07-04-2009, 11:34 PM
-head shake and laugh- I am already so going to hell for the stuff that goes through my mind about my Lady Revan(s) and Missy. this is so not gonna help....  [Read More]
Posted in: Visas new Face and Reskin
 Darth Cryptic
07-01-2009, 8:13 AM
Not real sure day glow green is her color. Maybe if it was a little more somber it would fit her better....  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Disguise, a Revan transformation
 Darth Cryptic
06-27-2009, 10:10 AM
Dang... nice idea. I've been meaning to do something similar, only to do gender changes. Carth: Lexie... I know you like Bastila over me, but did you really have to make me a Bastila clone?"...  [Read More]
Posted in: Twin Sun Underwear for Females
 Darth Cryptic
06-25-2009, 10:22 AM
Visas looks pretty darn good in red leather....  [Read More]
Posted in: Handmaiden's White Leathers
 Darth Cryptic
09-19-2009, 2:19 PM
I don't see why not. I'm getting all hot an bothered just thinking about it! Just imagine...stretch marks and sagging! ;) Hey, you never know, she might have a nice body under that burlap sack. ... And my sick little Muse is just begging me to try...  [Read More]
I've got the same combo, and haven't had any issues. What order did you install them?...  [Read More]
Any one have Ice Armor for the Handmaidens by The_Maker?...  [Read More]
This is probably going to sound redundant, but I'm looking for the "Evil Temple", "Shores of Death", and "Fish Fest" mods, if they're anywhere on the internets Could I get CCed on the "Evil Temple" and "S...  [Read More]
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