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Posted in: Demo's Different Ending
08-18-2008, 5:01 PM
Actually, the idea of us fighting an anonymous sith warrior is a valid possibility...I'm starting to wonder if the gametrailers videos showed the entire demo though. If they did, then the end is merely an AT-ST... I'm hoping they give us something el...  [Read More]
Posted in: Actual date for demo release!!
08-16-2008, 6:14 AM
And there was much rejoicing :3...  [Read More]
Posted in: All the Force Powers
08-20-2008, 8:53 AM
How about Force Choke? A classic. I don't really know if it's included but if so, boss! Isn't Force Choke = Force Grip? Naah, Grip in this game is lifting people around. Choke just kinda chokes them, Darth Vader style xD...  [Read More]
Posted in: All the Force Powers
08-20-2008, 4:11 AM
How about Force Choke? A classic. I don't really know if it's included but if so, boss! Only Darth Vader has Force Choke. The Apprentice has Force Lightning instead ^^...  [Read More]
Posted in: G4 The Force Unleashed Specail
08-15-2008, 4:58 AM
Most of the content was put online right away. =D...  [Read More]
Posted in: G4 The Force Unleashed Specail
08-13-2008, 6:15 PM
It's a shame I can't watch G4 tv. They usually put up the stuff they show in the show online though, right?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Best Platform?
08-14-2008, 5:57 AM
The thing about PS3 for multiplatform games is that it requires more work to make it run as smooth as on 360. PS3 development is, without a doubt, harder than 360 development. Blame the Cell CPU for that one xP Assassin's Creed just has a lower fram...  [Read More]
Posted in: Cast of The Force Unleashed
08-16-2008, 5:09 AM
Based on the US version of the novel, his name IS Galen Marek. I've read deep enough into it by now to run into his name. Jacob Nion is indeed just the german localized version. I have no idea why, but that's how it is O.o...  [Read More]
Posted in: Interesting Info On Jacob Nion Possiable Spoliers
08-13-2008, 12:59 PM
What page is that picture showing the real name on anyway? The reason people in Sweden already can get this (I bought it just today and love it, three chapters in) is because a certain store here in Stockholm put it up on their shelves right after t...  [Read More]
Posted in: The current look on the Lightsaber Combat, my thoughts.
08-15-2008, 7:09 PM
Judging by what is written in the novel, I'd rather say that Starkiller is a master of lightsaber combat. The real reason is obviously because the devs realized how very cool it looks. If you really want to imagine the character himself had a good...  [Read More]
Posted in: TFU for Wii: Is it worth?
08-16-2008, 5:14 AM
How does it do that, if it's attached to the bottom of the Wiimote? Or did I miss something and it straps to your arm? Like I said, it has a gyro sensor. The two-axis thing for determining how it is rotated? They had that in the original Wiimote. Tw...  [Read More]
Posted in: TFU for Wii: Is it worth?
08-15-2008, 8:13 PM
The Wiimotionplus has a gyro-sensor. Makes you wonder why they didn't just give the original wiimote one. It won't be used for any games that currently are in development though, because Nintendo thought keeping everyone in the dark was a good idea....  [Read More]
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