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Posted in: ForceMod II - Final beta feedback
06-08-2003, 9:27 PM
A few things I've noticed: Enabling client-side size controls causes all of my characters to start at the minimum size, not their tck defaults. Mod_timescale no longer works at all for me, and this feature was VERY important for playing JKII with m...  [Read More]
Posted in: ForceMod II - Final beta feedback
06-07-2003, 9:50 PM
Hey, been lurking here for a while. All I ever play with is the original ForceMod. Just thought some would like to know that it's up at PCGameMods....  [Read More]
Posted in: Kyle - are you gonna miss him?
04-05-2003, 6:42 PM
I gotta admit, Kyle has been one of my least favorite characters ever in a video game. He's just so bland, that same outfit/beard/haircut...nothing really exciting about his character [he's like Han with a lightsaber!]. I think Dark Forces had a go...  [Read More]
Posted in: Official Ledge-Grabbing into JK3 Petition!!!!
04-09-2003, 1:25 AM
I love how just because the game has been publically announced, everyone insists that "the time for implementing new elements is over." Don't sing that song till it goes gold, my friends. Fall '03 [which invariably means Winter] is a long...  [Read More]
Posted in: Official Ledge-Grabbing into JK3 Petition!!!!
04-05-2003, 12:21 AM
Actually I could really go for this. And I think ways to balance it are numerous and apparent: When grabbing, all regular actions should be paused, including mana recharge. Thus, people couldn't just hang out [bad pun] until they're back up to Force...  [Read More]
Posted in: The RichDiesel University Tutorial Questions Thread.
12-31-2002, 8:26 AM
Doy, my fault for not reading up a few posts. Okay, so what if I made my double doors a couple of triggerable func_trains? That would conceivably work, wouldn't it? Also, can the "facing" option of a trigger brush be used in MP? I can't s...  [Read More]
Posted in: The RichDiesel University Tutorial Questions Thread.
12-29-2002, 2:04 PM
Hey all. So I'm working on a Saga map, and I've added a large gate controlled by a switch. The gate is a set of double doors, and I know all the basics are in order. My only problem with the door is that I need the "toggle" flag selected,...  [Read More]
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