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Daft Adidas

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Page: 11 of 25
Posted in: Has anyone played/got The Ship [pc]
 Daft Adidas
02-22-2007, 1:14 PM
really? wow. dam. Well i have not personally tried it either I just have it but can't play it on my old comp. :(...  [Read More]
Posted in: Has anyone played/got The Ship [pc]
 Daft Adidas
02-21-2007, 11:19 AM
I've got the ship the game on pc it's really good. mainly multiplay game. Have any of you guys got it?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Movie Mocking
 Daft Adidas
02-23-2007, 10:26 AM
^ The sixth sense? Florest Bump (classical movie, i love it)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Movie Mocking
 Daft Adidas
02-23-2007, 3:03 AM
^ No idea. The Yellow Tile...  [Read More]
Posted in: Movie Mocking
 Daft Adidas
02-22-2007, 11:05 AM
My dog named Hip....  [Read More]
Posted in: Movie Mocking
 Daft Adidas
02-22-2007, 3:23 AM
First one not sure. Keeping Mum? Casino Royale?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Movie Mocking
 Daft Adidas
02-22-2007, 3:14 AM
Jasper the host...  [Read More]
Posted in: Movie Mocking
 Daft Adidas
02-21-2007, 4:05 PM
^ No idea! A Easy Night's Days...  [Read More]
Posted in: Movie Mocking
 Daft Adidas
02-21-2007, 11:10 AM
^ Not sure. Tick (new film not seen it though)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Movie Mocking
 Daft Adidas
02-21-2007, 3:07 AM
Car Doors is Star Wars!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Movie Mocking
 Daft Adidas
02-20-2007, 3:27 PM
Car Doors...  [Read More]
Posted in: Movie Mocking
 Daft Adidas
02-20-2007, 2:01 PM
^ Not sure it's somewhere in my head. *looking inside head for it* The Loonies...  [Read More]
Posted in: Movie Mocking
 Daft Adidas
02-19-2007, 4:48 PM
^ Terminator? Two swam under the birdy's nest....  [Read More]
Posted in: Movie Mocking
 Daft Adidas
02-19-2007, 3:33 PM
why does it say you have zero posts and why did you say tasty? check the rules....  [Read More]
Posted in: Movie Mocking
 Daft Adidas
02-19-2007, 1:33 PM
^ Vannila Sky and er you was wrong! It was Eight feet Under!...  [Read More]
"Where is he now then or when will he be back?" Joe said. He had been so worried he had thought this man was Hethra!...  [Read More]
Joe made a quick escape from the guild as he knew this thing was near him. Very soon he was back at the temple and found Master Hethra. "I'm sorry, really sorry" and he handed over the papers........  [Read More]
Joe looked at the papers and looked for the name of Chief State of Rasa. "Oh dear" he muttered as he found a bounty on her. From the sith though? Nobody in the guild planted this, wait who was meant to kill her? Joe looked and found it was...  [Read More]
"Ok i'm gonna be have to be quick because i'm worried about this guy, i've met him once before, he was with the sith who sent me here." Joe jumped in his ship and was back at Tatooine in no time but he felt like he was being followed....  [Read More]
"Listen he was there and a put a knife thingy to my neck told me to come back to the temple in three days and tell them there was nothing he says his master needs to something important and now I know he's out to get me and I'm afraid to go home...  [Read More]
((don't call us gays... please. jou? hei? nead? cnow? what base? in this RP? or on KOTOR? if it's nothing to do with the rp then ask somewhere else))...  [Read More]
(( so i'm not the assasian? sorry bout that)) Joe stopped in his tracks as a blade scraped his neck. "I'm not a killer" he whsipered back. "I will tell them the truth!" Joe ran as the assasian threw a blade at him Joe ducked...  [Read More]
((me? is that not char controlling? plus i am just a normal person trying to make amends))...  [Read More]
"Even though the rest of the bountys are dead I'll check, expect me back in a few hours." Joe departed from Coruscant....  [Read More]
Maybe some CP's can have a little well er i dunno but a sort of a big building where tanks can spawn from so if the enemy catches that they will have double the amount of tanks on their side. Which would be neat. I mean also on Geonosis (SP) destroyi...  [Read More]
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