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Daft Adidas

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Page: 6 of 25
Posted in: Journey Into Darkness
 Daft Adidas
07-17-2007, 1:44 PM
Haha thanks. He knows some transfiguration too....  [Read More]
Posted in: Journey Into Darkness
 Daft Adidas
07-17-2007, 1:38 PM
Ok seeing you changed all o' that I'll join. :) Name: Clickny' Evore Age: 31 Species: Hammerhead Human History: Clickny is a man who's 30 going on 300. When he was a youngster he dreamed of being a wizard. Now he is and knows some amazing spells an...  [Read More]
Posted in: Journey Into Darkness
 Daft Adidas
07-15-2007, 4:02 PM
I would join but something to point out i think "controling the weather" is godmodding. If someone attacks you can just make meteors fall from the sky to hit them. There's no escape. I would change that....  [Read More]
Posted in: [RP] The Adventures of Shindalar
 Daft Adidas
07-17-2007, 1:41 PM
((Joe you can't suddenly defend her after the attack has happened)) "Ahh I'll never talk!" He gave everyone staring a fierce look and tryed to kick Natalia. "Get off me stupid girl!"...  [Read More]
Posted in: [RP] The Adventures of Shindalar
 Daft Adidas
07-17-2007, 1:30 PM
"Um Torsh" he replied getting up of the floor and smiling at the woman. "Sorry for the mess, I'm on a Quest and it's been twice I've attacked today, the world is so dangerous now with the Kingdom overthrown. He quickly turned to Audre...  [Read More]
Posted in: [RP] The Adventures of Shindalar
 Daft Adidas
07-17-2007, 1:21 PM
Torsh finished up the last parts of the tent and followed her into the bar. He looked at the bartender suspiciously and saw he was holding something in his hand unseen by sitters from the bar. He stood on his tiptoes and saw that the man was holding...  [Read More]
Posted in: [RP] The Adventures of Shindalar
 Daft Adidas
07-17-2007, 11:49 AM
Torsh looked at this Nero dismissivly. His left lip perched and eyebrows raised and he lauhghed at the lame man. "Uh, I'll see you around" he laughed and walked to a large grassy patch where he could see up a tent for the night. It was alr...  [Read More]
Posted in: [RP] The Adventures of Shindalar
 Daft Adidas
07-17-2007, 5:39 AM
Torsh was looking in a different direction then turned round to see the man. He put his arm out for a handshake smiling at the man. "So what's your name?"...  [Read More]
Posted in: [RP] The Adventures of Shindalar
 Daft Adidas
07-16-2007, 6:04 PM
"Quickly Audrey! We have no time to lose. If you really want to come with me handing bags of gold over to beggars in the street will not get us anywhere!" They soon galloped off into the distance....  [Read More]
Posted in: [RP] The Adventures of Shindalar
 Daft Adidas
07-16-2007, 5:32 PM
The horse stopped and took a sniff at the basket of fruit. The horse turned his nose up at the basket and then headbutted it to it spilled oout on the floor. "Oh I'm so sorry" Torsh said embarrased. "Oh yes and we have to get going, i...  [Read More]
Posted in: [RP] The Adventures of Shindalar
 Daft Adidas
07-16-2007, 5:10 PM
Torsh raised his eyebrows from the comment. With anticipation he climbed on to the back patting the horses back. "Nice horse you got here" he said with a hearty smile. He looked over to the horse and cart where Torsh ahd been in peril les...  [Read More]
Posted in: [RP] The Adventures of Shindalar
 Daft Adidas
07-16-2007, 4:46 PM
"Blimey" he breathed heavily. "I am next in throne" he said. "Infact I should but the castle is under occupation of the evil." "I don't want to be the next in line, they say I will meet the right person to be king....  [Read More]
Posted in: [RP] The Adventures of Shindalar
 Daft Adidas
07-16-2007, 4:53 AM
Torsh turned to look at this woman in a curios manner. "Yes I am Torsh" he replied firmly. "What's so important?"...  [Read More]
Posted in: [RP] The Adventures of Shindalar
 Daft Adidas
07-15-2007, 6:50 PM
Just as Torsh noticed the man get distracted he flipped backwards out of the cart into an attack stance. He then jumped forward onto the cart snatching the cutlass from his hand and turning around pointing it has neck horizontilly. Torsh looked over...  [Read More]
Posted in: [RP] The Adventures of Shindalar
 Daft Adidas
07-15-2007, 6:29 PM
It's not often Torsh leaves the Scrublands. As he watched the old and poor people continue on with their miserable lives they looked up at him in envy. He then looked forward and had an iffy feeling about the cartman, the one taking him to the Metr...  [Read More]
Posted in: [RP] The Adventures of Shindalar
 Daft Adidas
07-15-2007, 9:29 AM
Let's try this! Torsh stepped out of his house. Unarmed, afraid. His only weapon was knowledge. He had stepped out of his house before but this time if felt different. The world seemed so big and open. He knew where he was going. It was thirty mile...  [Read More]
Posted in: Teh thread of Randomness
 Daft Adidas
07-17-2007, 5:31 AM
Uh ugh uh! This is so fun! UH!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Teh thread of Randomness
 Daft Adidas
07-16-2007, 6:49 AM
*mission impossible music turns on* Spears come flying through the air towards me and the case in bed. I stick a foot out and wkack it away!...  [Read More]
Posted in: Teh thread of Randomness
 Daft Adidas
07-15-2007, 6:31 PM
The case? Looks at the case. "Hmm the case looks alot more fun to take to bed!" There no case on the case so there is no instructions for the case! Which means you can take them to bed! Can I bottoe one of your hot women CAD?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Teh thread of Randomness
 Daft Adidas
07-15-2007, 4:17 PM
What do I do with it? Take it to bed?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Teh thread of Randomness
 Daft Adidas
07-15-2007, 12:31 PM
Yeh the Zune Gadget drives me nuts. The only good thing about it is that it gives you Free Drinks! *drinks soda*...  [Read More]
Posted in: Teh thread of Randomness
 Daft Adidas
07-15-2007, 9:32 AM
*looks down at handy gadget* Pie Incoming! Pie Incoming! Duck! Duck1 A Duck? *splat* Oh I get it. Hmm Raspberry....  [Read More]
Posted in: Adventures of Shindalar
 Daft Adidas
07-15-2007, 9:23 AM
Oh what the hey. Oh and note to othersthis RP is still open and I'd be really happy if you could join in. :)...  [Read More]
Joe wkaing up after only a mere fifteen minutes had full strenght back. He then went into the main hall of the temple and called out aloud. "Is anyone here?" his voice echoing around the temple. A small man poked his head out from behind t...  [Read More]
As Joe lay their breathless and in pain he gasped a sentence to himself. "Uh where's the jedi when you need em?" He looked around him and the whole room was empty. It seemed no one was coming even though the alert system rang out through t...  [Read More]
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