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Page: 21 of 34
Posted in: Appearance.2da
08-08-2008, 9:47 AM
Relevant row? Sorry, I don't know anything about modding. Essentially you answered your own question at the start. Basically by relevant row I mean this; Say a mod changes row number 123 - then you copy across row 123 and paste it over the same ro...  [Read More]
Posted in: Appearance.2da
08-08-2008, 9:00 AM
Hi. I want to download Darth Xanders Avarage exila walking pace. But how to I merge it with my other appearence.2da file? Is it just to copy the new rows into it? Copy the .2da's into their relevant row. Or if either of the mods use the TSL patcher...  [Read More]
Posted in: The House Apologizes for Slavery
08-05-2008, 4:32 PM
Lets chill a bit here peeps, Americans and Politics are a bad idea :xp:  [Read More]
Posted in: [TSL] Head Pack
08-02-2008, 9:20 PM
Anakin Head (not updated by LR) ( Obi Wan Ep 1 ( Serious work is needed on Anakin; the skin tone isn't at all...  [Read More]
Posted in: graphics program for making Custom portraits
08-05-2008, 2:54 PM
Elements isn't bad, but if for instance it comes pre-installed on your computer (as it did on one of mine) it's a decent alternative. However unless they've changed something, GIMP actually has more features so I'd go with GIMP over Elements. If its...  [Read More]
Posted in: graphics program for making Custom portraits
08-05-2008, 2:46 PM
graphics program for making Custom portraits Nooby question: All I've got is paint, so before I go out and buy Paint Shop Pro Photo X2, or what have you, I'd like to just ask: what do y'all use for your custom head mods? If your looking for somethi...  [Read More]
Posted in: V, E, D, E, A spells Devon
08-07-2008, 8:27 AM
I'm asking you all to sign this thread as a push towards forum tolerance. It’s okay to have an opinion. All excerpts from the same thread started by an illegitima ingrata. Good times. Look at this thread. Not a single moderator has come in to acc...  [Read More]
Posted in: V, E, D, E, A spells Devon
08-06-2008, 8:57 PM
Instead of playing the blame game, or causing more forum-bashing, I'm asking you all to sign this thread as a push towards forum tolerance. It’s okay to have an opinion. Even though the individual may get the facts wrong, they should not be attacke...  [Read More]
Posted in: V, E, D, E, A spells Devon
08-06-2008, 4:35 PM
Samuel Dravis. Yes I am related. I had good intentions for this thread, but it has moved into another dimension. Before anyone says something that may become hateful, I would like to ask for this thread to be closed. This is not a bashing thread....  [Read More]
Posted in: V, E, D, E, A spells Devon
08-03-2008, 10:48 AM
And only a special cliche of members get it :D <3 _EW_ Actually, I think we are having a serious and tame debate. Lol... Since this thread is about ED, I think the topic is open to both supporters with critisim and just plain diehard supporters...  [Read More]
Many people believed that the rapture would occur in 1988 (1988 being forty years, or "one generation" in some interpretations, after the return of "god's chosen" to Israel). In 1988, George H.W. Bush became President of the U.S...  [Read More]
Nah, I don't drink Jonathan. I get a little carried away sometimes, sorry man. And I didn't think you were preaching to me. No worries, wires crossed; I'd presumed the comment was specifically for me as you had quoted me above. If I did, my respons...  [Read More]
You've been drinking haven't you? As that is the only way I can possible see how, not knowing me, you would think I was 'preaching at you'. Why do you feel it is your obligation to preach Jesus to others? If others care, they'll convert their own. I...  [Read More]
<snip> From my perspective, I am saved by Jesus grace, and because of the love has shown me, I try to show that to others. From my perspective there is the 'freedom of love' Christians should apply, and then there is religious law many use i...  [Read More]
Hmmm...wouldn't that be impossible considering that new people are born every second? Seems like logistics alone would make that one difficult. Plus the fact that the influence of islam is growing, etc. Well, depends how things go, right now the Chu...  [Read More]
Web Rider--anyone who says they know when Christ is coming back for sure is wrong. Christ himself said only God knows when He's coming back. In the meantime, those of us who are part of the Christian faith need to be more busy helping feed the poor,...  [Read More]
Many problems of the world basically boil down to people trying to force their views onto others via force. The kind of people who do this are not the kind of people who will re-evaluate what they think to see if they are wrong. I've quoted it a few...  [Read More]
I thought the Antichrist was already in office. Nah, he's out now....  [Read More]
Posted in: What order do you do the planets in and why?
08-06-2008, 1:56 PM
What's your favorite order to do the planets in in KotOR I? Why? Also, I'm looking to gain LS mastery ASAP. Is there a particular place I should look first? My team is ready to leave Dantooine, and I'd love for my Guardian to get +3 to his STR! 1st...  [Read More]
Posted in: A little help with extraction please?
07-22-2008, 2:43 PM
<snip> As a warning you need to make sure the locker you put the items in is unique, as if it is not all over the Harbinger (and perhaps Peragus) you will get the items you put in that locker. As such you may find this thread helpful; http:/...  [Read More]
Posted in: KOTOR tool problems
07-21-2008, 3:49 PM
Interesting. Don't currently have TSL on my machine, but when I use KT, I get a +sign (boxed) next to KOTOR and underneath that in faded gray is KOTOR II. Does this mean that if K1 isn't on your machine, that you would HAVE to reset the paths manuall...  [Read More]
i usualy do everything on the some layer That's a big mistake, layers makes everything so easy - much easier to experiment - indeed I don't see how it is possible to re-texture without using layers :confused:...  [Read More]
Posted in: K1 Enhancement Pack
08-05-2008, 10:21 AM
Absolutely awesome SA; very impressive work :) I hope its out soon! I'm delaying my next play through of KotOR for it :xp: Any plans for a K2 version?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Blank KT Window
07-23-2008, 10:04 AM
ive re-installed both programs. ill try KT again EDIT: still nothing. KT wont stop trying to find the K1 chitin file that i dont have What's your OS? Vista per chance?...  [Read More]
Posted in: Brotherhood of Shadow - Expansion Pack
08-07-2008, 8:11 PM
Can anyone help? The textures of the robes from this mod are messed up. I got rid of all of the mods in my override folder that modify the robes and the robe textures. Help! That's because 90SK's K1 robe mod changes the models round of the robes - w...  [Read More]
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