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Posted in: What's your Wallpaper? (56k ouchies)
12-24-2008, 1:10 PM
Thank you. :) There's something eerily beautiful in something so dangerous. Beautiful yes; great for photographs; not good to be in the middle of, nor should I imagine quite so beautiful either ;)...  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Fashion 2
12-29-2008, 8:00 PM
That robe is beautiful! I love how it sorta looks like her jacket. I'm not to sure about the mando thing on her belt just doesn't look like something she would wear Well; Mira was Mandalorian, right? Shouldn't there be a Mythosaur or s...  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Fashion 2
12-29-2008, 7:53 PM
Thanks for the comments guys :) Here's Mira's custom robe started from scratch...  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Fashion 2
12-29-2008, 1:40 PM
Having taken Space Alex's thoughts, here is the latest Qui-Gon screen;  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Fashion 2
12-29-2008, 8:20 AM
I'm not particularly enthusiastic about Mira's robe. The colors look sort of out of place... like something my grandma would wear. :p The background pattern that you used doesn't help either. Perhaps try to do something like this. (http://img.photobu...  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Fashion 2
12-28-2008, 7:34 PM
Ok, here are a couple more. I was considering giving Atton his own Maul version with a twist (his belt buckle + collar, and its a little less dark), seen here; Mical/Disciple's...  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Fashion 2
12-28-2008, 5:48 PM
Been playing with Qui-Gon's tunic, what do people think??  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Fashion 2
12-28-2008, 4:15 PM
Ok, been tinkering; Malak with a new cape thing, and Luke's tunic has been turned black - dunno how well the screenshot will come out for some of you, looks good in my game though :xp:  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Fashion 2
12-28-2008, 10:19 AM
mmm, wasn't Luke's RotJ outfit black? And i think the Obi-Wan tPM outfit is a bit too white, i'm pretty sure it was more of a cream colour in the filmz. Well, Luke's robe is made of Star Wars Exhibition, high def photo's of Luke's actually garb (tho...  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Fashion 2
12-27-2008, 11:18 PM
Man, that looks awesome. :thmbup1: Hats off to you for excellent texturing. I was hoping you'd do a version 2. So, when is going to be done? :xp: Thanks :) Lemme see some criticisms. For Mira, maybe it's my monitor, but it is difficult to see the t...  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Fashion 2
12-27-2008, 10:56 PM
Looks very good quality overall. (I especially like your new Malak's robe.) :) Although, your Luke RotJ robe looks a little blue on the inner robe. I could be mistaken, though. Thanks :) Can, make Luke's darker, problem I think is sued exhibition ph...  [Read More]
Posted in: Force Fashion 2
12-27-2008, 10:27 PM
Ugh, I officially hate WIP threads, however I need criticism, thoughts especially on what I was considering for Mira. No set date for release (so don't ask), some elements of the mod are top secret. I'm delighted to announce that; I've tempted one of...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mod of the Year 2008: Nominations
12-27-2008, 10:49 AM
[K1] Four Force Powers by Darth Insidious ( [TSL] TSL Music Improvement Mod by PastramiX (  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Fight Training
12-29-2008, 12:22 PM
Sorry it took so long to get up -;96785...  [Read More]
Posted in: Is the Invisible Pink Unicorn really pink?
12-24-2008, 9:52 PM
The IPU looks like this; Explanation of the logo;  [Read More]
Posted in: Mass Media's pathological hatred of Bush
12-22-2008, 8:31 PM
jonathan7, if you were alive during 1861-1865 you would say the same thing about Abraham Lincoln. I took a course concerning Constitutional History and my liberal professor pointed out the similarities. And Lincoln restricted rights more than Preside...  [Read More]
Posted in: Mass Media's pathological hatred of Bush
12-22-2008, 7:54 PM
<snipped for brevity> Bush, goes down in history as the worst president in history, even if the media has been biased, etc etc. That cannot change the above fact. Is America better or worse off due to Bush's Presidency? I don't see how anyone...  [Read More]
...therefore there is no free will. If you hold with a latin way of thinking which means if one thing is true, something contrary to it must be false (opposed to an eastern, 'holistic' way of thinking). Personally I'd hold that both God being all kn...  [Read More]
God has to be all knowing, if as in the Christian conception he is outside of time, as he already know everything that will come to pass.... By extension this would be true for Judaism; and Islam....  [Read More]
Posted in: The Ayers thread
12-22-2008, 8:34 PM
jonathan7 I must respectfully disagree, I have yet to see one conservative news source saying that Ayers is being repentent. I can find plenty of left wing news sources that show Ayers bragging. Which is quite frankly why I'm asking for one. You can...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Ayers thread
12-22-2008, 8:02 PM
And I have provided proof several times over, but people have simply chosen to ignore the articles I've posted, and it doesn't matter if they included videos, transcripts from the Illinois State Senate, Financial Ties, etc. Nobody bothers to read the...  [Read More]
Posted in: The Ayers thread
12-21-2008, 10:31 PM
*Warning, some may consider this controversial* On Bush's 2000 election? You really don't want to push this; How is America a democracy, when the popular vote, i.e. the Person with the most votes wasn't president; George W. Bush Republican Texas 5...  [Read More]
The notion that only real Christians would be saved and anyone else form other religions would be damned to Hell is rather prejudiced. Hmmm, what is a Christian? Which isn't perhaps the easiest question to answer. I think perhaps we need to decide t...  [Read More]
Posted in: why are clones so dumn
12-22-2008, 10:45 AM
They all aren't dumb, I mean come on, later they destroyed almost all of the Jedi... They have to be somewhat smart... Accepting orders without question is not the sign of an intelligent individual, plus the fact that Storm Troopers in most of the O...  [Read More]
I know this has been asked in the past, but I simply CANNOT find it anywhere. I would be ever so greatfull if one of you could get me the Veridian Echo Mod. Please? And thank you in advance. Think I have it, currently looking, though the next proble...  [Read More]
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