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-_- Interviews will be conducted sometime this or next week with JK2 clans and players. We want to put an imprint on this game. - Clans are the basis for our community. We want you to have the voice that represents our community. Get your people in #...  [Read More]
I noticed your familiar name tag "mIRC". Which reminds me, we have a big nexus of gaming clans on mIRC - - #UseTheForce . Our site is as . This is the place where All clans, gaming organizatio...  [Read More]
Posted in: The transistion to irc.
03-21-2002, 7:39 AM
the largest one is #nar but others: #botbleague #cwt #cwn #usetheforce #teamwarfare #jediknight That chat transcript reminds me of the main Nar Shaddaa chat room on the zone. A bunch of fools sitting around acting like 12-year-olds whose idea...  [Read More]
Posted in: The transistion to irc.
03-20-2002, 8:15 PM
Let me know who's charging for mIRC. I'll go into business with him selling swamp land in Florida. dev-logan *cough* I mean g3netix. We are here to contribute to the JK2 community and help it become a more exciting and fun place for everybody. I su...  [Read More]
Posted in: The transistion to irc.
03-20-2002, 5:57 PM
lol , bart you're making me laugh in a library, now people are looking at my like i'm weird lol Ok, now to talk about the real IRC community. and don't forget to join #JCS :) #UseTheForce ( ) Honorably affiliated and...  [Read More]
Posted in: The transistion to irc.
03-20-2002, 5:41 PM
A little exerpt from #Deviant Chodass> shut up fag dev-dex> :) saberist> like who? you dex? saberist> ****ing fagit dev-dex> YES dev-dex> IM WEARING THE DADDY PANTS NOW ***** saberist> i really feel the need to insult you Chodass...  [Read More]
Posted in: nEW lEAGUE IN tOWN!
03-24-2002, 3:31 AM
Sounds like a lot of fun :P You can count me and the rest of my squad in. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:...  [Read More]
Posted in: Thank you Kaiser
03-19-2002, 3:45 PM
Instructions to download and use mIRC. 1.) Download mIRC at 2.) Install mIRC 3.) Click the 'file' drop down menu at the top of the mIRC chat box 4.) Click 'options' 5.) A box should pop up on your computer screen named 'mIRC...  [Read More]
Posted in: IRC JK2 Club Hosting
03-13-2002, 4:45 AM
Quest, IJM, and TSM in conjunction with (JK2 ladder) are hosting an IRC chat room on: Server: channel: #UseTheForce Website: The purpose of this...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Outcast ladder/clan brotherhood
03-16-2002, 9:05 PM
Does this chat log have people in it that posted on this forum? Legacy_QuEsT> nice info.txt. I wonder where you got the idea to create a website for your IRC channel. mikestg> shut the **** up dev-zach> lol Legacy_QuEsT> smile, your ab...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Outcast ladder/clan brotherhood
03-16-2002, 5:28 PM
Hey, it's been a while. What brings your kind back to the zone? :D Thanks for the comments....  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Outcast ladder/clan brotherhood
03-15-2002, 3:00 AM
Next year I’ll be going for my BA in political science at a prestigious college. What do you have to offer except… hmm legacy no one in that chat log has posted here on the forums... A sentence fragment. An amateurishly stiffly constructed sen...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Outcast ladder/clan brotherhood
03-14-2002, 1:31 AM
#Dev IRC channel Legacy_QuEsT> I thought you might want to say something since you've been doing some mad responding to all my messages on the lucas arts forum. :) <Legacy_QuEsT> whatsup? <[BoC]NiGhTmArE> who are you <dev-nighthaw...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Outcast ladder/clan brotherhood
03-13-2002, 3:36 AM
You have outlined your viewpoint. You sound like you have some intelligible advise, and you should post it on the #UseTheForce forum where it belongs. In the meantime we will continue to gain members and pursue our purpose. If and at any time you are...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Outcast ladder/clan brotherhood
03-13-2002, 3:27 AM
what does this have to do with #UseTheForce...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Outcast ladder/clan brotherhood
03-13-2002, 3:14 AM
If you martch right over to the use the force website you will find a few rules. We are copyrited under law and expect to portray a professional image that coincides with our members expectations. If you take a moment to reflect on what you just wrot...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Outcast ladder/clan brotherhood
03-13-2002, 1:20 AM
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOG|Wraith> so what exactly do you mean by host FOG|Wraith> as in, you're hosting fog Legacy_QuEsT> Host the channel - Co-host is a better explenation. #UseThe...  [Read More]
Posted in: Jedi Outcast ladder/clan brotherhood
03-13-2002, 12:08 AM
But you will soon find out that the close cramped server that we know as the zone puts everybody in close proximety. The real deciding factor of status in clans for JK2 is going to be personality more than skill. I guess i'm a little bias on this poi...  [Read More]
Posted in: Some things don't change
04-06-2002, 10:06 PM
::bump::...  [Read More]
Posted in: Some things don't change
03-23-2002, 8:54 PM
It's been a long time :) Come by #UseTheForce sometime. Things are better than ever. I know what you mean about wasting time online. I've been doing too much of it lately. Are you coming back for JK2 or just popping by to critisize me as usual lol. I...  [Read More]
Posted in: Some things don't change
03-14-2002, 9:03 AM
It is therefore for the sake of good actions, and not for the sake of social life, that political associations must be considered to exist. Those who contribute most to an association of the character of good action, have a greater share in the polis...  [Read More]
Posted in: Some things don't change
03-14-2002, 12:40 AM
lol...  [Read More]
Posted in: Some things don't change
03-14-2002, 12:22 AM
You're right about everything except: - You own me - #UseTheForce is a "giant alliance thing" (One can simply read my message before posting to understand this) - I've become spineless - Clans are going to need help (explain?) - We shoul...  [Read More]
Posted in: Some things don't change
03-12-2002, 11:30 PM
Thank you. I felt that the general overall view of JK'ers (00 - 02) players for JK2 is alarming, unprecedented, insulting to new JK2 players, and wrong. It disgusts me that a few scattered clubs who continued playing after 00 are looking at the new J...  [Read More]
Posted in: Future Clan Leaders...
03-14-2002, 1:34 AM
This is good advice for anybody who wants to start a new clan - Kaiser I think there are no better people that know what it takes to build a successful clan/club than successful clan leaders who have done it in the past and succeeded. You have to...  [Read More]
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