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Dark Lord Maul

Latest Activity

Posted in: SW RC sequal
 Dark Lord Maul
07-11-2006, 6:25 AM
does any one know if they have started or a going to start a sequal to this game because if they dont :smash: :fire2: :blaze6: :dev7: :duel: just wondering thanx....  [Read More]
lucas arts sucks for not making that game man...  [Read More]
Posted in: Views on Jedi
 Dark Lord Maul
05-31-2006, 10:06 AM
The jedi like the sith are both a means of existance for each other without jedi there can be no sith and vise versor. so if you ask me the jedi fuel the hatred of the sith through there existance, and they fear the sith for tapping into a side of th...  [Read More]
Posted in: PC For KotOR III?
 Dark Lord Maul
05-27-2006, 6:58 PM
I think it should be a new character like a padawan who survived the destruction of the danttoine academy and goes in search of revan,bastila, and exile. or master vandar sensed something was wrong and sent the padawan away for preperation. i also t...  [Read More]